It's not bullshit at all, it's what happens. In this instance by upbringing i meant coaching wise. He's a kid who is still learning about the game and his game is about having the ball and beating players with it, he is still very naive with that and often holds on to it too long. Cav is still guilty of that sometimes and he's played how many more games and had how much better coaching than Bright has?
If he's still doing it as much in a year/yer and a half then fair enough we can say he should not be doing that now but not right now. Amazing how fans think because players are professional that they shouldn't do things wrong and aren't naive etc and don't do things like less talented footballers just because they are pros. He's a pro because he's an extremely talented footballer with a less than average football brain that is now being helped by Nuno and his staff which means he's got a chance of reaching his potential.