To stop a derailing of a thread, if the feeling on any matter on here is strong enough, pop into the Admin section and start a thread...and not a @Quirk lolz style one.
Think there is a problem, offer a solution.
If you think the Mod team should be changed, start a vote, if you think the Admins should be changed as above (bar Vis obvs, as this is his place). I will happily stop being part of that group if enough people think I shouldn't be part of it.
I don't disagree with anyone that says J75 will be missed from the forum but have to acknowledge that some won't. If there is a wider discussion, go for it...but please acknowledge the ban didn't come from 1 side of those annoying exchanges that go on for pages without actually getting anywhere. If there wasn't a filing cabinet full of previous bans/warnings/complaints he would still be here offering his insight and being a royal pain in the ass/arse.