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The Video Games Thread II - The Resurrection

I only downloaded it this morning, it's quite fun but I'm pretty sure it will wear off as soon as the hype dies down.

I am excited about the retro Nintendo console though, may well be tempted by it.
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Episode One of Life Is Strange now free across all platforms.
Had a go on a mate's PS4 over the weekend - he's just got No Man's Sky. And it's....... so incredibly dull it's untrue.

Amazing idea, the scale of the universe is mesmerising and it looks really pretty but it's probably the most boring game I've played in ages. There's pretty much nothing to do except collect stuff. There's no-one else around to interact with. Massive waste of what could have been a brilliant game.
Wowzers. It's looking pretty special! Going to be a day 1 purchase I reckon.
Had a go on a mate's PS4 over the weekend - he's just got No Man's Sky. And it's....... so incredibly dull it's untrue.

Amazing idea, the scale of the universe is mesmerising and it looks really pretty but it's probably the most boring game I've played in ages. There's pretty much nothing to do except collect stuff. There's no-one else around to interact with. Massive waste of what could have been a brilliant game.

I've played a few hours and really like it, beautiful settings and it's extremely relaxing and cool just wandering around, flying to planets and discovering things. I'm sure it will become tedious over time but I'm a fan
Same here. Bought it today and two hours just flew by. I fully expect some massive updates in the future.
It was never going to be anything more than Euro Truck Simulator in space. It is quite therapeutic.
Also, Sea of Thieves sounds absolutely amazing. A Pirate simulation game. What I like about it is that you can seemingly dick around and still really enjoy it. This is the review of someone who played a demo at Gamescom:

Sea of Thieves is the SHIT.
I played this game HARD at Gamescom, and it played me even HARDER. All my life I've lived by an important principle - try to recreate my real-life idiocy in games by going off the rails and doing stupid things you shouldn't be able to do. Things like drinking too much, attacking things you clearly shouldn't, and completely ignoring quests/missions/etc.
Sea of Thieves was such a mindfuck for me. I had absolutely no desire to abandon the storyline as there was none. I had no reason to search for inappropriate things to do, as my drunken dream gameplay unfolded right before my eyes as intended by Rare. I literally spawned in a pub, surrounded by 5 of my hideous looking shipmates(controlled by other players btw, not AI). My only goal, to get so fucked up I could barely stand and then try to board our ship completely shitfaced. We had several "man overboard" incidents before we were even on our fucking boat.
I was so thrilled. I didn't even need to go to the bar for my drink, since I apparently spawned with it. I also spawned with an accordion to sloppily play between drinks. And for a brief moment, I doubted things could get better. How could it get better? 2 minutes into the game I was in a drunken group of morons trying to stumble aboard a vessel that requires calculated teamwork to operate. Surely the game will get serious now...right?
WRONG. Now I should mention that one of the members of our shitfaced pirate squad was a Rare dev, leading us on our journey of inebriation. As we all finally boarded the ship he gave us some standard orders to man the crows nest, man the sails, and help him raise the anchor. We did so in a very disorderly fashion, and before I knew it we were out on the sea looking for other people to harm and places to pillage. As the crew was focused on trying to catch the wind in the sails, and steer us away from rocks, I decided to start firing our cannons for no reason. I fully expected the Rare dev to scold me, or tell me to do something else, but he didn't. He just stood there playing his accordion, staring at me while I blasted perfectly good cannonballs at the stupid ocean. It was in this moment that I knew this game was for me.
Shortly after that, we spotted another ship and decided to attack it. As we turned towards the enemy everyone started manning the cannons. Now at this point I was tired of firing the cannons, so I decided to move on to something else. Right behind me it said on the screen "hold x to drop anchor", so I did. Now I must say it was quite funny to me that raising the anchor was a task requiring several people but dropping it only took a split-second of my time. Upon screeching to a halt, the Rare dev who had been standing on the bow giving us directions was sent flying off the ship. And while the rest of the crew scrambled to raise the anchor back up so we could go rescue him, I took the opportunity to drink some more and make my way up to the ship's wheel.
Once we had raised the anchor, the Rare dev instructed whoever was at the wheel to steer us right towards him but I went left instead. I am a strong believer in "when it's your time to go, it's your time to go". And when I drunkenly pulled the ship's e-brake effectively sending him into the sea, it became his time to go. I was the captain now.
My first decision as captain of the vessel was to test the ship's durability. I aimed us at the nearest ship and told everyone to make their peace with God. As my team of scallywags braced for impact, the Rare dev respawned on the ship like a wizard hellbent on foiling my plans. At this point there was a mutiny against me, which I thought was bullshit given how much I had done for the crew. But ultimately it was too late and everyone knew it. We were the Titanic and the other ship was the iceberg. And despite their best efforts to undo what I had done, the ships crashed into each other perfectly and came to a complete stop alongside one another. Cannons fired, and point blank warfare exploded into action. A dozen people attacked each other and the ships began to sink while I played my accordion. I have never felt more alive.
At this point the demo was over, and I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. I can't wait for this game. It will literally allow me to play out my dreamlife as a drunken imbecile while simultaneously annoying real people. 2017 can't come soon enough.

Sounds ACE.
Forza Horizon 2 is a superb game, much fun. FH 3 looks even better!

Battlefield 1 open beta has gone live on all platforms this morning
Battlefield 1 open beta has gone live on all platforms this morning

Oooooh - better get my XBL sub sorted then!!

I've just discovered that Star Wars: KOTOR is FREE for the Amazon Fire tablet. So I've downloaded it and it plays beautifully. Oh boy. Mega excited. I fucking love this game.
Downloaded Battlefield 1 beta for PS4 last night and gave it a whirl. Love it - and it looks fucking sexy. However, it's completely mental - one element of Battlefield that frustrates me is the idiots who just sit in a tank, or armored jeep, flying around shooting you from all angles. It can be frustrating having to spawn a mile away from a target, legging it there for a couple of minutes, only to be smashed by a tank as soon as you arrive. Generally speaking on other Battlefield releases I have avoided the modes where players can hop in to vehicles like that - there is too much of a reliance on them and it's weighted heavily in their favour - it frustrates me.

HOWEVER, first game on the beta last night, I sprinted in to an opponent with my bayonet knife. Picked up his dropped sniper rifle, took up a position on a cliff edge above a base, sniped three of the opposition team before heading down and securing the flag. Very satisfying (until I ran from that base to another and got plowed over by a tank...). The graphics are absolutely top draw and as FPS' go, it's still way out ahead of COD IMO.
I must try this. How was the online performance? Much lag? I loved Star Wars Battlefront which is pretty much Battlefield with s Star Wars theme so I really want to give this a go.
I must try this. How was the online performance? Much lag? I loved Star Wars Battlefront which is pretty much Battlefield with s Star Wars theme so I really want to give this a go.

No lag what so ever. My internet is gash. Example - it won't run the open world in GTA so I basically can't play freemode because it's too laggy. This was smooth as a babies bum.