It does wind me up when you have people who are nowhere to be seen when we win but are all over it when we lose (or not lose, like Saturday). And when it becomes a competition as to who can be the most righteously angry. Always people who never actually go to games (when we were allowed) too.
"The worst we've seen under Nuno" FFS. Hi, remember us losing 3-0 to double relegated Sunderland? I do. Not to mention losing twice to Huddersfield who won one other game all season.
It's ridiculous hyperbole, all the time. I hate those threads, I'd rather we didn't have them. Don't give me the "passion" and "heat of the moment" stuff, imagine some dickhead behind you at the game coming out with that crap for the entire 90 minutes.
I didn't personally agree with us being mentioned in talk of relegation, but I didn't feel the need to play the 'I'm outraged' card straight away either. I'd prefer to simply disagree, or ignore.
Some people see the positive in everything, some are more critical, some think everything's always about to go to shit. You've had all types on football forums since forever, and they can all be exasperating in their own way.
I personally have no problem with people engaging emotionally or critically with football, seems perfectly normal to me. I do find speaking out against sanctimony hard to resist though, I admit!
You can disagree with 'moaning' or find it annoying, but there's plenty of hyperbole from the other 'side' too. The wrong person criticises the wrong thing and they apparently want Nuno out or some other nonsense. There's little middle ground, and the response to 'moaners' is rarely constructive itself.
There are also people whose only contribution to the matchday thread seems to be coming on late and dramatically denouncing people, usually when the temperature is high anyway, and with little reference to the game or their own opinion on it. That's what usually starts the escalation, and I think most of the shitstorms come from posters being pissed off with each other rather than with Nuno or the team. It's goading, plain and simple. Then throwing your hands up when it all kicks off
I don't think it makes someone a superfan or otherwise whether they have a moan on here or not tbh. I wouldn't want a 'dickhead' behind me, but I wouldn't want a self-satisfied goader either!