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Liverpool (H) 21.12.18

Knowing I've come through hardship is what makes the luke warm Balti pie and over carbonated, expensive pint of Carling in the ground worthwhile...it is the quickest route from Derby/Burton though particularly afterwards

The Carling in the ground is really lively. I once belched a ball of froth into a guy's hood.
The Carling in the ground is really lively. I once belched a ball of froth into a guy's hood.

I did that a few weeks ago onto the bloke in front’s t-shirt. Next home game it was still there.
If you're going to knock about with me, can you not vomit on people please? That's three of you now.

Last time I vommed from drink I did it all down my own shirt as I was in the back of a car. That was about 20 years ago though.
I mean I really don't have that high standards. I'm not asking much.
Feel better being a total lightweight now, having read these posts...
Anyway, as fun as it is talking about vomit... back to the game.

No news on Jota yet. If he isn’t fit for Friday then I would start with Cav (not Costa) and keep the rest of the side the same. This is as close to a free hit as it gets for us this season and we have nothing to lose. If we can keep our shape at the back and prevent their front three from getting in behind us and down the channels, we have a fighting chance of doing them some harm on the counter.
I'd honestly think about moving MGW forward in Jota's place and playing Moutinho in front of Neves and Saiss. It will leave us a bit blunted in attack, comparatively, but it should help shore us up significantly and Moutinho can definitely play that role that MGW has been doing.
MGW has been playing as the central attacking player, then dropping off. You can't get further forward than that.

I agree with Jinks. Cav in for Jota and that's it.
Let's have it right, I belched some froth up I didn't vom. Was there a Sunday 12:30pm match earlier in the season? It was then so it was my only drink of the day.
If you're going to knock about with me, can you not vomit on people please? That's three of you now.


Sounds like a Christmas parlour game for Friday. Outside though, we're not animals.
Anyway, as fun as it is talking about vomit... back to the game.

No news on Jota yet. If he isn’t fit for Friday then I would start with Cav (not Costa) and keep the rest of the side the same. This is as close to a free hit as it gets for us this season and we have nothing to lose. If we can keep our shape at the back and prevent their front three from getting in behind us and down the channels, we have a fighting chance of doing them some harm on the counter.

No news on Jota might be good news....although saying that Nuno doesn't like revealing injury news (we only got the Jonny one because the Spanish FA let the world know)

Presume the Presser for this game is on Thursday, so that is when we will know. Cav would be in for me but Costa was impressive against Robertson on his Portugal debut so that may help him get the spot
I think everyone would pick Cav instead of Costa, except for the one person who matters
Someone froth sicked all over my back at Molineux hope it wasn't one of you lot