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Liverpool (H) 21.12.18

I think we’ll really struggle against Liverpool’s relentless pressing but if we can overcome that we are capable of giving them a good game.
It was Watford's press that did for us against them. Hopefully the extra man in midfield(ish) which we now play will help us with that.
It would be a good game for Dendonker - in the little I've seen he is more mobile than Saiss
They're not pressing to the extent of last season and if anything it can suit them more as it can lure teams into a false sense of security and then they hit them on the counter.
If we don't pick up another point by Easter we could be in trouble so it's fair enough.
If you're going to knock about with me, can you not vomit on people please? That's three of you now.


am thinking of sitting on kennys lonely table, having re-read this thread. And not just for cake...
I have managed to get a ticket in NL4 for this, came up just now!
He was taking part in some training exercises yesterday so doesn't look like a long term one. Probably (hopefully) going down the no point risking it route with 3 games coming up quickly after this one