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Wolves are for sale and Darlo wants some smooth thighs

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Wolves are for sale

Seems to be a lot of doom and gloom around. I'm not that concerned. I don't think Morgan is about to ruin his asset nor put any more money in. However, I don't think (from the accounts anyway) Wolves have had any external investment since we have been relegated from the Championship.

I would say the club is self-sustaining and so whilst not likely to fall through the floor, isn't likely to go anywhere. You could say this is a good position for a sale compared to the three others in the midlands who all have their problems, whether that be relegation threat, over priced or interesting accounts. Morgan isn't stupid and nor would he act in a fit of pique at a decision this large that impacts him personally. I think fans and in particular dickheads on the Internet are giving themselves way too much credit for seemingly influencing an owner to sell.

I also don't think Morgan would place anything up for sale unless he and his advisers (external not JM) had a plan as the longer anything is up for sale the less it is worth, as a rule. We don't know that he already hasn't got a buyer lined up and it's just legalese that the club have announced they are for sale.

It's very negative in the owner stakes, why do people assume we are going to get a bad owner? Who's to say Morgan hadn't been approached by a Markus Lliebher or Matthew Benham or Peter Coates type?

Personally I would like to see a Swansea style of ownership but that would mean Morgan selling for a lower price than he wants.

I hope he hasn't been approached by a Markus Liebherr.
It's very negative in the owner stakes, why do people assume we are going to get a bad owner? Who's to say Morgan hadn't been approached by a Markus Lliebher or Matthew Benham or Peter Coates type?

Personally I would like to see a Swansea style of ownership but that would mean Morgan selling for a lower price than he wants.

As its come out of the blue and with no direct ink to a potential buyer, it is an instant reaction to see the worst that could happen. especially after a lot of time on here has been spent saying "Morgan may not be perfect but at least he isn't the same as those at Leeds, Blackpool etc etc"
Uncertain times ahead, but this won't be quick sale far from it. Wouldn't be surprised if Morgan is still owner next year.
My concern is whilst we're for sale how will players coming in work?
May be a case of better the devil you know, dread to think of having Vincent Tan, Carson Yeung or the Venkys type characters owning the club.
I'm really hoping due diligence is carried out in the sale.
My concern is whilst we're for sale how will players coming in work?

Don't think much will change in that respect and next summer we will be cash happy with Afobe, Iorfa and co popping off to pastures new.
A bit shocked TBH didn't see this coming, It could go many ways but I don't think It will turn in to the fairy tale scenario that we all hope for.

We are going to be stuck here (The Championship) for a while I think.
Geographical location won't help us either, most investments seems to head to London or Manchester.
Geographical location won't help us either, most investments seems to head to London or Manchester.

HS2 will be linking us up with London soon. When I say "soon" I mean probably never!
Wolves are for sale

I kind of hope Morgan changes his mind, tbh. He'd get a world of shit flung at him from all angles but I'd say the likelihood of a better owner coming through is low.

In the meantime, if we could hire a new CEO, that'd be swell.
HS2 will be linking us up with London soon. When I say "soon" I mean probably never!

That will be Birmingham, not Wolverhampton, so not "us" at all.

HS2 is a net disbenefit for Wolverhampton and journey times will be no quicker as soon as you factor in waiting for trains and walking between New Street and Curzon Street.
That will be Birmingham, not Wolverhampton, so not "us" at all.

HS2 is a net disbenefit for Wolverhampton and journey times will be no quicker as soon as you factor in waiting for trains and walking between New Street and Curzon Street.

Sorry, I forgot to a a "sarcasm emoticon"...
Whilst there are far worse owners out there than Morgan, there are a number of factors about his time at the club that anger me:

- The failure to invest sufficiently to make us anything more than Premier League whipping boys once there
- Starting the stadium rebuild far too early resulting in a lop sided, silly Molineux that we're now seemingly stuck with when the old Molineux was fine as it was and just needed the proverbial lick of paint
- His handling/timing of the Mick McCarthy sacking
- The subsequent bodged hunt for a new manager culminating in the ridiculous appointment of Terry Connor
- The risky and ultimately poor hiring of Stale Solbakken
- The even more ridiculous appointment of Saunders
- A combination of the above seeing the club slip from the Premier League to League 1 in successive seasons
- During this period seeing a succession of so called lesser clubs leapfrog us and do what we should have done but have never been able/willing to do
- The amateur feel of the club
- Hot headed outbursts such as storming into the dressing room against Liverpool

There are however plus points:

- We achieved promotion as Champions of our respective leagues in 2009 and 2014
- We have invested in the infrastructure of the club
- The club is in a relatively healthy financial position

As I said, there are a number of factors regarding Morgan's time at Wolves which anger me and some have been downright ridiculous but there are far worse football club owners around but the main thing for me is the club has not developed or progressed as it should have done and we find ourselves now, on the pitch at least, in a worse position than when he took over. Whether this is good or bad news, nobody knows as yet. It all depends on the level (if any) of interest and by whom in taking over Wolves and what their aims and ambitions for the club would be.

There are worse owners we could have. There are also better ones. Finding the latter is the key.
The more I think about it the more I feel convinced that Morgan would not have made this decision just because of abuse from some people. Successful businessmen do not walk away over derogatory remarks. Maybe he feels the time is right for someone else to take Wolves onto the next level.
This is where I see the current ownership state of the clubs in the top two divisions. Some of it almost certainly my bias for sure but as you can see there are a lot more "bad" owners around than "good".

Arsenal: Financially one of the richest clubs in the world. Kroenke unwilling to finance much/anything out of his own pocket. Frequent accusations of underinvestment.

Aston Villa: Initially tried to push for the Champions League. Fell short repeatedly under O'Neill at which point the taps were turned off after heavy spending on underwhelming players. Been very much spend what you bring in since 2011 and up for sale for years now with no takers.

Bournemouth: After initial forays into dressing room etc, potentially iffy Russian guy (Demin) seems to stay in the background and leave the running of the club to Mostyn. Shrewd business got them promoted rather than massive spending on the whole (Wilson was paid for by selling Grabban etc) although expenditure way exceeded turnover due to small ground etc.

Chelsea: Abramovich, everyone knows the story.

Everton: Kenwright has been trying (so he says) to sell the club for a decade, no takers. Goodison looking tatty, no prospect of fixing it or moving now, opportunity missed. Fans in open revolt at the board earlier this season.

Leicester: Bit of weird PR initially and fudged the Pearson issue a couple of times before he eventually went, on the whole have invested pretty strongly. Have definitely moved the club forward overall

Liverpool: Anyone was a step up from the previous owners who nearly sent them into admin, good handle on sports business overall but a sense they don't really "get" football. Have given Rodgers a lot of rope. Plenty spent but only really one good season so far.

Man City: Abu Dhabi, see Chelsea.

Man Utd: Glazers bought the club with borrowed money, never invested anything, taken over £100m out for themselves and many more times that frittered away on paying off debt caused by buying the club. As one of the biggest clubs in the world, they finance themselves anyway.

Newcastle: Ashley, Mr PR disaster. Doesn't even seem to like football. Presided over some absolute shambolic episodes. Club run on the cheap as Sports Direct vehicle, been on and off for sale for seven years, no takers.

Norwich: Seem pretty level headed owners. Get much more right than they get wrong.

Southampton: Liebherr Trust are a more distant presence now, model seems to be to sell the top players regularly and use the money to build the squad. Hard to argue with results but perhaps can't last forever. Will be interesting to see where the club's ceiling is. Definitely been good news for the club overall.

Stoke: Coates is minted, they've been bankrolled more than anyone outside the top six for years. Been a superb owner for them.

Sunderland: Short has put the money in but footballing judgement has been shocking. Yearly cycle of sacking managers and just about staying up. Squad always seems full of really poor players.

Swansea: Part fan-owned. Everyone's poster boys really. But probably not that easy to replicate.

Tottenham: Levy has moved them from a mid-table club to consistent top 6. Can't quite break that ceiling, might come when the new ground is done. Obviously largely good times in charge but fans always moaning about insufficient/wasted money. Maybe Spurs fans just like moaning.

Watford: Done some really good things (sorted out the 1920s side of the ground for a start), managerial approach haphazard, weird situation for a while with players flitting between clubs in the same ownership "group". Identity? Maybe they don't care for now.

West Brom: I get the feeling Moxey/Morgan have been forever trying to emulate Albion, but always at least one step behind. Where we perhaps dallied in sacking Mick, they binned RDM and got Hodgson. Similar profile of player purchases for a while in the PL, more of theirs came off. Fans have been banging on forever about him being tight. Nominally has the club up for sale but no-one will pay what he wants.

West Ham: Carpetbaggers, fair play to them I suppose. Picked up the club when the previous owners went bust and have engineered a move to an all but free new ground (although the funds from the sale of Upton Park are unlikely to go to WHU). Weird PR as we know from their time at Blues, they now have Sullivan's ratbag offspring Tweeting confidential stuff all over the place. Not my cup of tea but they've done ok, as they did at Blues, if you ignore how odious they can be.

Birmingham: Owner in clink. Been in stasis for years with no buyer, have survived at this level in spite of the board.

Blackburn: The Venkys have done some out and out mental things in their time in charge. Gone from a solid PL team to a basket case. Miles in debt, assets dwindling. Grim.

Bolton: Close to £100m in debt - not about to be called in any time soon but reality is biting. Debt millstone means finding a buyer is tough.

Brentford: Benham is a big Brentford fan and has a lot of positive traits. Massive gamble with the Warburton/Moneyball/stats stuff which already seems to be unravelling. Overall overwhelmingly positive though.

Brighton: Bloom is minted, he's been a superb owner for them. Their SJH.

Bristol City: As Brighton although Lansdown hasn't always got the footballing decisions right. First class though.

Burnley: Largely banked the PL money and "took" relegation. Fans seemed largely accepting of this. Club looks stronger now than it possibly has done since the 60s, so fair enough you may say.

Cardiff: Lunatic. Changed the colours, alienated the fans, terrible footballing decisions, about the only thing you can say he got right in hindsight was seeing Mackay for what he was before the rest of us knew. If he walks there's a massive debt hole.

Charlton: Very strange club. Seem to be being run for Standard Liege's benefit at times. Managerial situation has been odd for a while.

Derby: New man in charge, local man, stuck £20m+ in this summer which has all been spent. Seems another of the "SJH" breed (for now at least).

Fulham: Disastrous really. Like Blackburn, a solid PL team turned into a total mess in a matter of months. Magath one of the worst appointments I have ever seen, anyone familiar with him knew what a freak he was. Haphazard stuff ever since.

Huddersfield: Local guy, put a fair bit in after many years of financial issues. Appetite running out now by all accounts.

Hull: Spent absolutely tons (but loaded most of it in debt rather than investment/equity). Name change fiasco dominates affairs. Hit and miss.

Ipswich: Very rich and reclusive man. Hasn't really been spending at all since Roy Keane left. Got the right manager in the end though.

Leeds: Biggest nutcase out of the lot. A big step up on GFH (failed carpetbaggers) and Bates (scumbag) but ultimately a convicted fraud and he runs the club in an insane way. Impossible to know what's going to happen from one day to the next.

Middlesbrough: SJH Max if anything. Brilliant owner. Some footballing errors over time (inevitable I suppose).

MK Dons: Pains me to even acknowledge them, even now. Grudgingly I have to accept Winkelman has built a decent base there (this is probably a league too far for them at the moment). Still the lowest of the low though.

Nottm Forest: Another Grade A nutjob. Terrible, terrible managerial appointments. Laissez-faire attitude to paying bills. Embargos imposed more than once already. Runs the club through Twitter half the time.

PNE: Not too clued up on these. I know Hemmings wrote a lot of money off not so long ago but not sure what the current structure is.

QPR: Possibly the worst run club in the country on a financial level this decade. Really, really poor. Around £90m further in debt now than when Fernandes took over and worse off on the pitch. Another Twitter weirdo.

Reading: New Thai owners in town and have spent a fair bit. Previously club got hamstrung for 12-18 months (including while in PL) as Zingarevich investment never turned up.

Rotherham: Move to the new ground was everything. Punching well above their weight at the moment.

Sheff Wed: New owner, some spending but headline news is the new ticket prices, absolutely shocking. Went down from the PL in 2000 and have never even made the Champ playoffs since largely due to multiple ownership/financial issues.
As I said on another thread I fear it will only be when we get a new owner that some will realise he is not Satan! He’s made mistakes but has tried to grow the club from the bottom up. His biggest failure since promotion has been allowing Moxey to talk the club’s intentions up when there was clearly no intention to make a genuine push for promotion.

I’ve said in the past that running the club on a break-even basis is much preferable than spiralling into debt. It will be interesting to see if there is a queue of potential owners wanting to invest large sums - I somehow doubt it! I fear some of the over the top adverse comments about him will look rather silly if we don’t get lucky with a new owner!
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