As requested...
Their first EP (The War Room) was based around music written by the band, plus samples from Churchill/other WW2 related footage. They take the script from the speeches etc, & put it to music.
This was extended with their first album, working with the BFI using a load of old/archived film from public service broadcasts, mainly from informational reels etc (eg on the speed limit, climbing everest, the development of a spitfire).
Go is taken from their latest album The Race For Space. As SLA states the album has 2 covers, & the theme for the album goes from Kennedys speech, through Sputnik, Gagarin, the first woman in space, to the effective reduction to the US & Russian space policies.
As well as decent tune-age, it is an interesting look at history. For example, I had no idea who the forst woman in space was. Moreso, I was amazed to learn that at the time, they over-dubbed all her words on interviews with a male voice, and no footage/recording of her actual voice exists! Tells us something about the 60's...