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What can Fosun do now?

your view counts less for the coming season cos you are no longer a Season Ticket holder.

(Just trying out how I will be responding to you from next, season...)

That was in reply to being told my view does not matter because I am not a super fan who goes to games.
By someone who no longer goes to games.
I don't give a. Flying fuck who does or does not go to games, if you supports Wolves you have a valid point
Spent the whole weekend off the internet and caught up with this gem of a thread today. Congratulations to all involved, it’s a work of art.
That was in reply to being told my view does not matter because I am not a super fan who goes to games.
Who said that to you, it wasn't me.

If you're going to write flippant stuff along the lines of "we've never had it as good" and "they're doing just fine by me" then you're going to get a response.

I've already on this thread detailed a lot of the mistakes they've made over the last four years, most of them entirely unforced, all of which have contributed to us slipping from challenging for Europe to starting every season with 17th place as our first target. You can counter them if you like or you can play the victim, take your pick.
Who said that to you, it wasn't me.

If you're going to write flippant stuff along the lines of "we've never had it as good" and "they're doing just fine by me" then you're going to get a response.

I've already on this thread detailed a lot of the mistakes they've made over the last four years, most of them entirely unforced, all of which have contributed to us slipping from challenging for Europe to starting every season with 17th place as our first target. You can counter them if you like or you can play the victim, take your pick.
Just don’t mention the laptop again.
At the risk of making the thread smell like sizzling gammon if/when he returns, as he never actually reads anything anyone says before posting, you can have it on repeat:

- Sold Jota
- Used that money to sign Fabio Silva and Ki-Jana Hoever
- Alienated the best manager we'd had in 40+, arguably 60+ years
- Sacked that manager
- Appointed some absolute nobody with a half page CV who can't speak English properly
- Allow him to alienate multiple senior squad members
- Loan out Adama Traoré for no money because we trust Barcelona to do what they say. He leaves for free eventually
- Retain the absolute nobody despite awful football and awful results
- Throw money at players that are either sub-standard or incompatible with how we play
- This includes a dreadful footballer for nearly £30m who the previous manager repeatedly refused to sign and who never wanted to come anyway
- Sack the absolute nobody, way too late, when we're now in a relegation fight and have thrown away multiple winnable games
- Mess up replacing him so we have to go through a chunk of a Premier League season with a bloke who wouldn't get a L2 job
- Appoint a proper manager but lie to him about our finances
- Act surprised when we move the goalposts on him
- Engineer a situation where he leaves less than a week before the season starts
- Despite the fact he resigns, we still end up paying him for nearly a year
- Appoint someone with another very thin CV (this time we get lucky that he's a decent guy and not a bad manager)
- Give Matt Doherty, a 31 year old free agent badly out of shape who was shit 10 years ago in League One, a 3 year deal on decent money. Meanwhile we let a Hungarian international who goes on to look decent at the European Championships go for free
- Saw off the season again halfway through by depleting the squad in January and adding no-one. Almost certainly costing us an FA Cup semi-final and possibly final
- Despite limited transfer activity, over £13m leaves the club to "agents"
- Allow the ground to deteriorate to the level I'd expect of an absentee owner in charge of someone like Walsall
- All the way through this, continually increase prices, while lying about other teams' prices (not that they should matter), the only club to put prices up after lockdown, the only club to do it every single year, up a minimum of 17% in a single year and a ridiculous rise from where we were in 2018
- Create your own fake clothing company to make our kit, almost certainly badly
- With a fake gambling sponsor, with no profile anywhere
- Lie to the local newspaper about how many people have renewed their season tickets, plausible deniability but stands up to absolutely zero scrutiny

There is no objective way that you can say they are "doing just fine". That's a direct quote by the way, not something I've imagined you've said and gone into a frothing rage about.
So, we all agree that Fosun have screwed up in more ways than one. The transfer strategy over the past few years and on the season ticket pricing fiasco to name but two but it strikes me there really is too much negative energy directed their way. For Fosun to learn, what do they need to do now to at least try and repair some of the damage inflicted?

I know some of you will be stubborn and say that there is nothing and you aren't giving them another penny, and that's fair enough if you want to do that, but for others, how can they mitigate and begin to repair their relationship with fans? What would you like to see them do now?
Abit late to the party on this, but thought it easier to put my 2 pence worth in as well.

Fosun tenure on the whole has been good IMO. However last few years we have been poorly run, and there’s no denying that. We have slid back from consecutive 7th places to being rock bottom of the league 18 months ago. And off the pitch, the state of the ground, the season ticket debacle, the transfers etc.

Ofcourse they’re allowed to make mistakes, however it’s just been an extremely frustrating time where they/jeff seem content on digging that hole ever bigger. Quite a turnaround to, from being as highly thought of as they were.

Ofcourse, negative things stay in peoples minds more than positive things, also.

You mentioned about repairing the relationship and what the fans would want. Personally for me, it would be
- aiming for more than just staying up
- giving the manager an actual squad rather than bare minimum
- improvements to the stadium - and I don’t mean rebuild, just a lick of paint
- don’t insult our intelligence with your ridiculous, patronising columns

Points 1 and 2 you could argue look like they’re being addressed, however it’s 2nd July. Ask me again at the end of the window.

Think people are right to have been concerned given the post nuno days, and it will take some time I think for most fans to be fully onboard the Fosun train. Doesn’t help that ultimately we are owns by a company who have links to what their government want them to invest in.
Abit late to the party on this, but thought it easier to put my 2 pence worth in as well.

Fosun tenure on the whole has been good IMO. However last few years we have been poorly run, and there’s no denying that. We have slid back from consecutive 7th places to being rock bottom of the league 18 months ago. And off the pitch, the state of the ground, the season ticket debacle, the transfers etc.

Ofcourse they’re allowed to make mistakes, however it’s just been an extremely frustrating time where they/jeff seem content on digging that hole ever bigger. Quite a turnaround to, from being as highly thought of as they were.

Ofcourse, negative things stay in peoples minds more than positive things, also.

You mentioned about repairing the relationship and what the fans would want. Personally for me, it would be
- aiming for more than just staying up
- giving the manager an actual squad rather than bare minimum
- improvements to the stadium - and I don’t mean rebuild, just a lick of paint
- don’t insult our intelligence with your ridiculous, patronising columns

Points 1 and 2 you could argue look like they’re being addressed, however it’s 2nd July. Ask me again at the end of the window.

Think people are right to have been concerned given the post nuno days, and it will take some time I think for most fans to be fully onboard the Fosun train. Doesn’t help that ultimately we are owns by a company who have links to what their government want them to invest in.
I also have to add, I watch most games from home, so my opinion may not be valid 😉😎
Who said that to you, it wasn't me.

If you're going to write flippant stuff along the lines of "we've never had it as good" and "they're doing just fine by me" then you're going to get a response.

I've already on this thread detailed a lot of the mistakes they've made over the last four years, most of them entirely unforced, all of which have contributed to us slipping from challenging for Europe to starting every season with 17th place as our first target. You can counter them if you like or you can play the victim, take your pick.
DW That is exactly what you said. Apparently because I live thousands of miles away defeats don't hurt.
Let me tell you being surrounded by Utd, Pool, Palace, Everton, Newcastle defeats still fucking hurt