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What can Fosun do now?


Above from when we were about to sign him. Decent rep but good too see he has maintained that Ronaldo comparison...
It was also about a year after Felix moved for €126 million. So, at the time, we probably thought we had a decent deal. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
The “bigger picture” argument went out the window with the STH prices.

Doesn’t matter what the big picture is if no one can afford to go see it.

Well I agree, the season ticket prices are abusive, but the same time the club has now sold out of the season tickets. Maybe a conglomerate like Fosun will think that they have read the market well.
I don't agree with the huge price increases and it might appear like I am defending Fosun, which I am not. I am saying that you have to look only at Premier League stability, which makes a lot of money and is the objective of Fosun. I think their approach at times is irrational, but they are achieving their objectives which is keeping us in the most competitive league in the world.
I also think it is unlikely that we get new owners who would be able to do the same as they have done.
To concentrate on their fuck ups, but not admit that they have not only given us our longest stint in the Premier League in 45 years, but it is quite possible that any new owners would not be able to do what Fosun have done and are doing.
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Joe Hodge is the new Toni Kroos.

There you go, one person has said it, that'll be £20m please.
There was a bit of noise around little Fab's ability. Jeff took up a notch or 2 with his generational talent bit to defend his own spending though.
Don't think Nuno wanted him but Raul aside, Nuno's forward choices in the Prem we're as good as Jeff's in Cutrone and Jose.
Even when Ronaldo struggled in his first season at United you could see that he ticked all the boxes. In Fabio’s first season you’d struggle to tick one. Movement was reasonable and looked as though he could be a good finisher. Nothing else though.
Generational Talent is probably the line Porto fed him and he lapped it up.

Every young Portuguese striker with decent potential gets compared to Ronaldo. Porto cried Wolf and Jeff came running.
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Who did they have in place advising them on these signings. Just chucking money at players is only a fraction of the process who properly scouted Guedes and Fabio? What due diligence was done on their suitability?
It’s like saying Moshiri at Everton at that bad because he was prepared to splash the cash.
Problem is not having the right people in place making football decisions.

You have to look at the history of how Mendes works with the sale of players. You get some good eggs, but have to be prepared to take some over priced donkeys.
Fosun get Premier League Football and Mendes and Fosun both make money. It is legalised money laundering.
Even when Ronaldo struggled in his first season at United you could see that he ticked all the boxes.
Getting man marked out of the game by Shaun Newton at Molineux was a particular highlight for me.
To be compared to Ronaldo you need to be quick and skilful which are two things Silva definitely does not have in his locker.
Generational Talent is probably the line Porto fed him and he lapped it up.

Every young Portuguese striker with decent potential gets compared to Ronaldo. Porto cried Wolf and Jeff came running.
He did score against WBA. ;)
To be compared to Ronaldo you need to be quick and skilful which are two things Silva definitely does not have in his locker.
On 16 January 2021, Silva scored his first goal from open play and his first goal at Molineux for Wolves against West Bromwich Albion in the first Black Country derby of the 2020–21 season. After scoring his fourth goal of the 2020–21 Premier League season against West Bromwich Albion at The Hawthorns on 3 May, he became the second-highest scoring Portuguese teenager in Premier League history, with only Cristiano Ronaldo (eight goals) having scored more in the competition before turning 20.
Yes, but we had Raul, Jota and Neves for example, which would never have come to Wolves without the Mendes connection. Nunes went for a very tidy profit too. That is how the Mendes web works and always has done.
You have to look at the bigger picture with Mendes.
This is silly and devalues the work Hobbs has done since chairman shit had those responsibilities removed from him.

Nobody is beholden to any agent and people outlive their usefulness.

Mendes was good for a period, bearing in mind he was awful for Wolves in the first season, as was chairman shit, both of their time is up now and both should have been little to do with the club in future. Shi should be sacked.

Mendes has very little influence now we are looking to be structured well on the football side and this is a good thing. That applies doubly for the complete clueless shitbag of a CEO
It was also about a year after Felix moved for €126 million. So, at the time, we probably thought we had a decent deal. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
You haven't a fucking clue how scouting a player works have you?

It was so obviously a dud deal for Mendes and others to take a drink and Shi was the idiot who fell for it.

Question for you, do you have a season ticket?
Well I agree, the season ticket prices are abusive, but the same time the club has now sold out of the season tickets. Maybe a conglomerate like Fosun would that they have read the market well.
I don't agree with the huge price increases and it might appear like I am defending Fosun, which I am not. I am saying that you have to look only at Premier League stability, which makes a lot of money and is the objective of Fosun. I think their approach at times is irrational, but they are achieving their objectives which is keeping us in the most competitive league in the world.
I also think it is unlikely that we get new owners who would be able to do the same as they have done.
To concentrate on their fuck ups, but not admit that they have not only given us our longest stint in the Premier League in 45 years, but it is quite possible that any new owners would not be able to do what Fosun have done and are doing.
Possible that new owners could be much better too. And that bar isn't very high at the moment.