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Things that make you SAD thread.

That is really sad, I've never had a pet so I've never really been able to empathise but I've seen how attached people get to their animals!

I think because of a pets unbridled affection and total innocence it is quite easy to gain an affinity to animals on par if not in excess of humans, I know I worry about our dog more than I worry about our kids, but on the same token the dog is always ecstatic to greet me whereas the kids ....................
50 people now confirmed dead in Las Vegas. Can't believe these type of attacks are still occuring, I guess if Sandy Hook didn;t change it nothing will :(
50? Bloody hell :(

Last time I saw, there were only 2 confirmed dead.
Insane that a guy can buy an assault weapon with potentially no background checks. Then, at some point , walk into a hotel, openly carrying that gun and loads of ammo. Can go up to his room. Can take aim at the crowd below.

And until he pulls that trigger, he's broken no laws whatsoever.

But hey, its in the constitution, right?
The videos of Vegas were the first thing that I saw when I arrived at work today and they genuinely shook me up. The fire was relentless, solid bursts of machine gun fire sprayed into the crowd. Imagine the terror.

Fucking hell, what a fucked up place America has become now.
This is just insane, and yet, as a whole, they'll fight tooth and nail to keep the right to "bear arms".

If you haven't watched it I would suggest Bowling for Columbine - it's an excellent if scary documentary and it's still as relevant today as it was when it was made
problem is, even if they did the right thing and banned particularly high calibre weapons, is the type of person who would have bought them likely to give them up?
But at least it stops the person who hasn't got one yet buying one. And presumably you could also make the ammo illegal, making the gun useless?

Not that they'll do a fucking thing, cretinous country.
problem is, even if they did the right thing and banned particularly high calibre weapons, is the type of person who would have bought them likely to give them up?

Probbaly not. But you wouldnt be able to walk into a hotel lobby with one. You'd also introduce harsh penalties for possession with a one year amnesty, for example.
Think that Nevada has even more lax gun ownership rules than elsewhere in the USA if that is possible - they should rethink that now, but doubt that they will
Probbaly not. But you wouldnt be able to walk into a hotel lobby with one. You'd also introduce harsh penalties for possession with a one year amnesty, for example.

completely agree with you and del on those points, more that enforcement is likely to be a slow process, with mixed results and mixed attitudes to it at best. it seems they're happier allowing someone slightly unhinged and with any sort of a grudge to act on it in the worst possible way and with the worst type of weaponry. it's not helped in this day and age when so many people seem to have a grudge and feel entitled to hold that grudge.
This event will change nothing.
I'm not staying here any longer than I have to.
Totally agree

Makes me wonder about following you after your move

One unfortunate image Ive had since living here that will stay with me was one November afternoon. No idea what made me look out the back door but I did, to see two biggest turkeys I've ever seen, walking on my patio, only then did I look to my right to the corner of the house, to see 3 blokes with 3 of the biggest fuck off guns Ive ever seen aimed, and aimed towards me. Obviously after the turkeys but to me it was such a disturbing, alien sight. That 3 grown men with faces covered all but their eyes would walk on my property, by my back door, with guns aimed and ready to fire. OK, they were only gonna shoot the turkeys but it made me sick to my stomach tbh. Will never forget that image.
Yeah, they are fucked up with the gun laws
Apparently, this is the 273rd mass shooting in 2017 in the US.

That's JUST mass shootings - i.e. 4 or more victims. That's fucking crazy.
Some sobering stats here - http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/

Makes me very sad because I've had some great times in the States and can honestly say I've only ever met with kindness, politeness and hospitality (the only people I met who were dicks were distantly related to me!). But I wouldn't really put it on my list of places to go back to at the moment, which is a shame because I love it.