Thought I'd give my thoughts on LA Noire so far. (And bear in mind that I'm only just over half way through!)
I certainly applaud the approach - it would have been so easy to have just done GTA in the 1940's, but the whole game mechanic is completely different. In an industry where the normal method is to 'stick by what sells', it has surprised me how different it is.
The good parts of the game are VERY good - the story is engaging, the graphics - the lip synching in particular - are fantastic, and Rock Star have managed yet again to immerse you in a believable world. When you manage to crack a case using the clues you've found, it does feel pretty good! The characters are superb, the soundtrack too, and it's hard to put it down when you're really involved. It's great fun.
But the bad - and this is certainly something I think Rock Star need to look at should a sequel ever appear - repetitiveness. I read Toon's post about LA Noire on the last page, and whilst I 100% agree that you shouldn't bother if you're looking for a more traditional game rather than playing through a story, I do think that the structure is very limited. Start on a case - go to crime scene - scan for clues - question witnesses - take back to HQ - charge one - get plaudits - start on a case etc.... There's nothing wrong with any of it, but the same sequence of events time after time was a little bit lazy IMHO and it could have been varied.
This part reminds me an awful lot of the original Assassins Creed - a great idea, some brilliant moments, but the same sequence of events time after time, with not too much variation between cases.
Please don't think I don't like LA Noire - far from it, I think it's a very good game whereas AC1 was merely just above average. It's absolutely miles better than AC1. But I do think there's a hell of a lot more to come from such a game. It's a brilliant concept, the acting the best I have seen in a game, but why they couldn't have just mixed it up a little bit I don't know, as it'd have made a very good game into a bloody great game.
LA Noire 2 really could be that bloody great game - I think all the ingredients are there, it's just how it's put together that needs just a little bit of tweaking.
I'd give it a solid 8 out of 10 thus far.