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Liverpool (H) 21.12.18

If he goes with Traore instead of Cav then I will find it very odd, it does seem like he’s trying to justify his signing and I really hope he proves me wrong but I’m not sure endless punts forward to him are the answer if his last 2 starts are anything to go by. If he plays wide then I can live with it
According to MGW's uncle he had his foot stamped on against Bournemouth and cut his toes open.
According to MGW's uncle he had hit foot stamped on against Bournemouth and cut his toes open.
Utterly ridiculous if a young man with an injured foot can't play.
Busy today so will be at the game but can't meet at the London, I'll try and meet you all in the new year.

Nuno probably will start Traore but I would really really really rather he did not. Cav looks the obvious replacement to me.
I thought this. I think Traore will play down the left because Liverpool are a bit light at the moment too. I imagine Clyne will start there again? And whoever starts on the right of their front three I don’t think will track back as much.

Yeah, he played down the left against Brighton and we all thought... Yes, against ye olde Bruno he will be rampant.
Needless to say, Bruno could have had several cups of tea, done the ironing and sorted out his tax returns that day.
I’m just arriving in Wolverhampton now.. have you all saved me a seat?!
Right - where are you actually sat :icon_lol:
Free drinks from Laurie in the Western!
Got proper butterflies. Not expecting a win or really even close but there's enough hope in me to ask what if?
Setting up to park the bus by the looks of it. Liverpool are quality but I just don't see how we can hurt them set up like that.
Set up as expected from leak earlier. I can see how it could work, but Adama shouldn't be in there...
Cannot wait to see Neves v Henderson. Watched Henderson play for England and told everyone he was "a poor man's Ruben Neves." Well, we'll see
Despite being anti Traore I understand the allure of starting him tonight. Against this opposition and in this shape it should be very different to his role up top away at Newcastle.
Sky build up all about Liverpool FFS. I hope we can show them there's two sides in this game
They're getting piss wet through, so there is that.
Despite it being harsh on Morgan (and it is), the trio of Saïss, Neves, and Moutinho is proper top 6 material if they play to potential.
Come on wolves! Tough game for sure
Good chance for Adama, just wide. Good defensive work from Moutinho to make the chance.