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The Fitness Thread

Fellow cyclists may be aware of the horrible accident resulting in a DR at Birmingham Childrens hospital being killed after being struck by a lorry at a junction in Birmingham.

There's a petition to raise awareness with Andy Streete encouraging he explore cyclist safety options. Quite conincidental that he is meeting other Mayors today to discuss transport gridlocks.

The petition is here if anyone wishes to sign it:
good man. I was number 799, so that means at least the 800 required to put it before Andy Streete has been achieved!
Fellow cyclists may be aware of the horrible accident resulting in a DR at Birmingham Childrens hospital being killed after being struck by a lorry at a junction in Birmingham.

There's a petition to raise awareness with Andy Streete encouraging he explore cyclist safety options. Quite conincidental that he is meeting other Mayors today to discuss transport gridlocks.

The petition is here if anyone wishes to sign it:

Thanks for raising this lemonjelly. I literally cycled past here two hours after the accident, and do so each week day. Scary. There were meant to be cycle lanes in place here by now, but I read something about a legal challenge delayed them so now won't be there until Autumn 2018.

I do literally fear for my life when I take the bike out in Birmingham, but I have no current alternative.
Apparently on facebook someone is organising an event to commemorate all cyclists killed on the roads recently, but I'm not on facebook. Plans are to include a go slow cycle somewhere. If anyone finds out about it, please pop some details up.

The junction where this lady was killed is apparently notorious, and a number of pedestrians and cyclists have been hit there.

On some roads I come off the road onto pavements. I know you're not supposed to, but the roads frequently are too unsafe, and many drivers are quite aggressive imo. I pass big queues of bumper to bumper traffic, and some cars edge in to the kerb to deliberately stop you passing. God knows why. On the way home tonight I indicated to turn right, started to move out and the idiot behind me accelerated, not wanting me to get into the middle of the road for the junction.
I too cycle on the pavement in many areas, but slowly and carefully, just because the road is clearly unsafe.

Yes the event is here on Facebook, I'm planning to go if back from work early enough: https://www.facebook.com/events/678789515658507/ (you should be able to view without being on Facebook I think?)

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Any other cyclists have issues with the laces on their shoes? I noticed a few times I had oil on my hands & couldn't figure out where from. After a few weeks have worked out oil from the chain appears to have got onto the lace of one shoe. Must've happened in inclement weather.

Aside from velcro shoes, any tips?
Did my longest ever run on Sunday - 11 miles.

Felt fine during the run, wasn't ever out of breath but ached like a bastard on Monday! Really pleased with the consistent split times - was trying for somewhere between 8:30 and 8:45 per mile, I think it averaged at 8:37 so pretty much bang on.

Shorter one tomorrow - only a 5k - the difference my shoes have made is remarkable, I'm the fittest I've ever been. No way I could have done 11 miles a few months ago, and I feel much better for it.
5k time: 22:01. Another 2017 best - getting very close to my PBs now.
5k time: 22:01. Another 2017 best - getting very close to my PBs now.

Been walking an average 5 miles in total a day for last 18 days but incorporated some jogging into it yesterday - then 5 tough games of squash today and bought some Nike running shoes for further motivation
And my 10k PB that I set last November has been broken. Very pleased - new best time of 45:14.


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Back on the bike today for the first time in nearly two weeks. Good to get the legs spinning again and I actually quite enjoy cycling when the weather is a bit crisp and chilly - managed to avoid the torrential storm first thing too!

Anyway, I've worked out that if I can ride another 200 miles before the end of the year then I'll have clocked in 3,000 for the year!

Looking at my monthly totals, I only dipped below 100 miles in February, so with a nudge of effort I reckon it's very doable. I basically need to commute twice a week for 2 weeks of the month to hit the 100 miles.

Jan - 118.5
Feb - 69.2
Mar - 255.7
Apr - 166.9
May - 420.3
Jun - 317.7
Jul - 387.5
Aug - 419.4
Sep - 404.2
Oct - 241.4
Nov - 13.4
Dec - 0
Total = 2814.2
Good work. I'm hoping my times start coming back down soon, I've spent a fucking fortune on an osteopath and professional bike fitter to sort out my sundry biomechanical issues.
Good work. I'm hoping my times start coming back down soon, I've spent a fucking fortune on an osteopath and professional bike fitter to sort out my sundry biomechanical issues.

How useful did you find the bike fit session?
Very. This time around they dropped my bars to lower than a gnome's arse, rotated the levers around for better grip, moved the saddle back and also raised it. Which is quite a lot really but possibly allied with a lot of gym and osteopath work. If you haven't had one, expect quite a few changes to be made; if you have had one it might be less dramatic but still useful.
No, never had one. Something I've been interested in having but have never been convinced enough to drop that kind of money on it before - I'm guessing around £200 is what you need to pay??

I watched a couple of youtube videos about it with the guy from Sigma Sport - came across as a bit holier-than-thou and arrogant and just ended up selling the bike fit-ees a £300 pair of new cycling shoes each time :icon_lol: