I don't want to clog this thread up too much more with this stuff - I have at least two threads of my own regarding my site, and this is meant to be discussing transfers! - but as I'm being asked:
If it happened I would envisage it being in a live blog format so it would run as a fairly free-ranging conversation, much as you would have face-to-face. There wouldn't be an agenda as such though of course I want to examine why he holds the opinions that he apparently holds and delve deeper into what he wants from the club. Not in a hostile way, in a manner of forensic analysis.
As Pad says he has little to gain from it (other than some respect from me, which I'm sure isn't really worth it) and I rather suspect he regrets saying now that he is up for it. Though that isn't my problem. I think he knows that it isn't a fight he really wants to get into. What I suspect will happen is that he'll end up saying he'd like to do it, but the powers that be won't allow him to, which is not something I can counter and that will be that.
If it happens then great, I'm all for it, I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise. If it doesn't, then fine. I have plenty of other stuff I can do.