WM phone-ins are for the type of people who instantly froth at the mouth because Paul Franks et al are purely there to wind listeners up.
As I've said before WM love a molineux crisis and if there isn't one they'll invent.
Not helped by the likes of Charles Ross popping every now and then with the "told you so" and his sanctimonious view of other wolves fans.
I saw that....
No argument on my part my friend. It's just I've had a go at his brand of journalism quite a bit this summer and it makes me look a bit bitter if I keep doing that, so I'm trying not to go over the same ground over and over. I'm not bitter incidentally, it's not the way I would ever choose to write but if he thinks it works for him then fine. I'll carry on doing what I'm doing.
Mind you I don't think he wants to defend it properly so that's why this Q&A almost certainly won't happen.
Because he said he was up for it. But I'm well aware that's no guarantee of anything.