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Good people of Britain...........PANIC

We swam in the Caribbean sea last Oct and it was honestly like bath water, it was lovely but alarming at how warm it was.
I remember when I worked freight trains to Ravenhead Glass, There was a power station nearby and there were always a lot of people fishing there. Seems that a bloke lived nearby who had a couple of large tanks of tropical fish and he decided he didn't want them any more, and the ones he couldn't sell, he took to the Power station and released them into a couple of the dirty great pools that exist under each of the cooling towers, but because the water was always warm the little fuckers grew into really big fuckers!
Warm water y'see!
We decided on a week in Devon for this week. The weather is fucking pathetic, blowing a gale, pissing down, moments of sun.

I stuck a car park ticket on the dash and a strong gust of wind blew through the car and blew the ticket into the sea ffs!
Wettest July I can remember, tbf my memory is shit😄 but don't think we had more than 2 dry days the whole month, I've also been wearing a jumper for most of it. Going to mainland Europe in a couple of weeks, no doubt that will signal the end of the heatwave over there.
really glad we had our holiday in june this year!
downside is having to repeatedly postpone painting the exterior of the house. now likely to wait til next year for that (though liking not spending the £!)
really glad we had our holiday in june this year!
downside is having to repeatedly postpone painting the exterior of the house. now likely to wait til next year for that (though liking not spending the £!)
We had one in June in Whitby, had much nicer weather up there than getting in Devon. Think its time to dust off the passports next year, can't be doing with this shit!
We get these "summers" occasionally.
We've not had a bad holiday weather wise for over 10 years, all within the UK. Certainly 1 year the week we were away felt like the only good week that year, so we did get lucky.
In previous years we have had family ask us when we're away for exactly that reason!
July wasn’t great but the long term forecast for the whole of August is just in:

Not Britain but anyway, 6 straight days of 32-34 degrees here in the German/Austrian/Swiss Alps.
Don't like to whinge about lovely weather but I am HOT, and not in a good way.
Anyway thunderstorms forecast from tomorrow for the foreseeable so get to be hot and wet.
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It's fucking bullshit. I booked this week off because summer is supposed to be over (not gone abroad).
Everyone was saying how lucky I'd got but nah, it's proper pissed me off... 🥵
I love the heat but its tough going today. We've got fans going indoors and all windows are open but its not helping.
I've had 2 cold showers today to deal with it and will need a third soon as I am soaked in sweat. Made the mistake of mowing the lawn after lunch and it was boiling, 27 C dead heat, no breeze.
The back of our house is South facing and the kitchen wall is all glass so it is like a greenhouse in Death Valley in there, I normally work in there but not this week.
In Brugge for the first time in like ever and the heat has been oppressive for all four days. Thankfully due to the rain way the buildings stand it's relatively easy to stay out of the sun. Equally more so when I forgot to pack any sunblock.
Having the windows open won't help, you're better off having the windows and curtains or blinds closed.
If you can set up a cross breeze through the house by opening a window at the front and one at the back then that helps with airflow.