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Good people of Britain...........PANIC

We've had some but the roads are pretty clear.
Schools need to get their shit together, all local secondary were closed at lunch time yesterday and announced over an hour ago shut today.
The 2 primary schools that my missus deals with for her breakfast/afterschool however are still dithering! She already has a number of kids there and no idea where she can take them at 9am.
All season tyres laugh at this weather :)
Plenty of Man Utd fans moaning about being stuck on the M62 all night.
1. They said don’t travel unless necessary.
2. Support a team closer to fucking home.
I'm retired, so if the school says 'We're shut! it's ok because I'm here and I can look after her, but what do you guys do who have working parents and 'Whoa!! The kids not going to school??
Lots of short notice panic!
I have stayed home and taken yesterday and today off work, I can't really do much work in this weather anyway so not a real hardship.

More annoying is the strikes next week, I could be working then but again will be off. Easier for me to skip out work being self-employed than Mrs Trips
Sydney’s school messaged at 7:10 saying they were staying closed. The snow stopped not long after and now there’s hardly anything left, just Sod’s Law really. Not that it bothers me and I was expecting it anyway, I was more concerned about the trains being affected.
My youngest has gone in to his Primary school at 10 this morning as opening was delayed so that all staff could arrive. Roads are clear now and I appreciate that it won't be the same everywhere but its not helping my mood due to a cancelled appointment 10 miles down the road.
12pm - go to bed, raining and no snow to be seen

8am - wake up to a thick layer of snow and still coming down heavy

2pm - no snow in sight and a blue sky

Our weather is such a meme
*Insert longest sleep ever joke
Still plenty on the ground round here, though it is melting now we've got sunshine and bright blue skies. Just been and shovelled everything off the middle of the drive as it's forecast to drop to -7 overnight so don't fancy trying to tackle it as a solid block of ice tomorrow. Will pop back out later and salt/grit the areas I've clearly so I haven't just created my own little skating rink to do a lap of the cars.
Mrs Trips walked to work this morning as she wasn't comfortable driving in it, looked awful out there tbf. The boy is now in the garden in shorts and t shirt in bright sunshine
This morning: schools cancelled, blizzard conditions, sledging in the park.
Right now: brilliant sunshine, kids asking to play cricket in the garden.
Weird old day.
This morning: schools cancelled, blizzard conditions, sledging in the park.
Right now: brilliant sunshine, kids asking to play cricket in the garden.
Weird old day.
I quite like the quirky nature of our weather, except when it stops me doing summat I really want to obviously😆
Of course we like to moan about our weather but it's a pretty sweet deal in the grand scheme of things.

- Rarely do we get stupid extremes either way
- Enough precipitation and moderate temperatures so we can actually grow stuff (the Government told everyone who picks it to fuck off, mind)
- Genuine distinct seasons so it doesn't get monotonous
- Can work outdoors 90% of the time for trades where that's necessary

When we had that fortnight of solid 35+ degree temperatures last summer it was absolutely fucking grim, I dreaded waking up every morning because I knew I'd be in a shit mood all day.
Mrs Trips walked to work this morning as she wasn't comfortable driving in it, looked awful out there tbf.
Also walked to work to find 80% of others had decided because they can to "work from home"

Of those, one spent most of the day asking me to do things for them they couldn't do as they were working from home. They live two miles from work.
Of course we like to moan about our weather but it's a pretty sweet deal in the grand scheme of things.

- Rarely do we get stupid extremes either way
- Enough precipitation and moderate temperatures so we can actually grow stuff (the Government told everyone who picks it to fuck off, mind)
- Genuine distinct seasons so it doesn't get monotonous
- Can work outdoors 90% of the time for trades where that's necessary

When we had that fortnight of solid 35+ degree temperatures last summer it was absolutely fucking grim, I dreaded waking up every morning because I knew I'd be in a shit mood all day.
Best not look up the consequences of climate change in the UK if I were you.
I'll be dead by then and have no children, so I can take the Tory attitude of it doesn't impact on me so meh.

(I don't actually think that)