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Good people of Britain...........PANIC

Storm incoming. Just having a smoke outside and saw a brilliant lightning flash followed by a big thunder grumble. Raining ever so slightly. I love the start of a storm.
Again nothing here but I did get caught in the middle of a rather sudden downpour in Manchester City Centre earlier today
Nothing since that one lightning and thunder clap. Weird.
We had the full works here for a little under an hour
Overcast and rainy this morning, but bloody warm. 17C when I walked out the door at 5:30am.
I'm on the train south, been through a few storms on the way. Horribly muggy too.
Was at a bowls match last night at Penn. As my game (the last one) was ending I thought I saw lightening.
Popped into the club to wash my hands after, and the heavens opened.
Thought it was just typical, as I'd planted cucumbers out the day before, and a load of marigolds, and hadn't watered them sunday owing to the forecast. So watered everything when I got home from work yesterday.
Anyhow, in Penn it was proper heavy rain - the car park had above an inch of water on, and everything was soaked.
Got halfway home to brum, and not a damp floor in sight!

Got fucking soaked on the bike this morning though. Glad I bought a spare pair of socks with me this morning!
Paddy is warmer and cuddlier than a housecoat.
He also swears a fucking damn sight more too.