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Good people of Britain...........PANIC

My living room and bedroom are north facing so are cool during this current spell.
South facing lounge and bedroom. Couldn’t sleep last night just lying on bed, certainly won’t have a sheet or duvet any where near me.

You feel the heat as you walk up the stairs, hotter than Dubai in my bedroom
My bedroom window is West facing. Meaning it gets the setting sun.
I'd hoped our bedroom would be quite cool, NE corner of the house so first to lose the direct sunlight in the day, but it was significantly warmer than any room downstairs as soon as we went up to bed.

It sounds like you live in a manor house, who are you, Penelope Keith ??
Might live in a lighthouse.................................in Cannock
Generally I love the warm weather. However spent yesterday afternoon with my dad, who has a number of health conditions. Watching him struggle in the heat really gave me food for thought. At times I was genuinely worried about him.
Working in our Westminster office today. London is bloody lovely in the sunshine - walked across St James Park on the way here.
So hot over here that the tar on the roads is melting

Probably just as high a temperature down here today as Tues/Weds, but a stronger breeze so has felt a lot more comfortable today
It’s been like an oven in the garden today, I love the heat but had to go back in for a bit. I think needing a shit was making me sweat a bit which didn’t help.
Really need some rain now - indoor temp is at 27.5C - feck knows what its like out in the sun which is still there as it has been all day (& where the sun is now there is no shade outside anymore

Did some gardening but only from 08.15 - 09.45am temp went beyond what was comfortable to expend any energy after that
Everyone's had their fun now, this can fuck off. It's relentless.
Yep, it's ace. Not even humid too, just dry heat.
I think I'm starting to acclimatise to it a little now, I still don't really enjoy this level of heat and I'd rather it were cooler but I've found ways of coping for the most part. Generally fine at work with the AC on and swapped routines around a little bit to avoid the worst of it when at home, swapping rooms and such to avoid the heat building up. Even managed to get decent amount of stuff done in the garden this weekend by going out first thing while it's still shading and then retiring at midday.

Only thing I can't avoid is the heat when I go to bed, other half refuses to have the bedroom window open through fear of creepy crawlies. Do my best to leave as many upstairs windows open as I can to vent the heat but she shuts them all as soon as she goes to bed. So I've ended up staying up late more often to make sure I drop off as soon as my head hits the pillow and I don't end up struggling to nod off in the heat. The temperature gets silly first thing as well with the windows shut as the shut comes on the front of the house in the morning.

Contemplating buying a small AC unit for the bedroom but probably seem a massive waste of money in a few weeks time.
Delighted with the heat staying during the days, happy for it to piss down overnight though for the good of the wildlife.