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I'm cynical, but not quite that far. They can't afford to Furlough again, I think it's probably that simple. They close the hospitality industry, then it's staff are going straight to redundancy

Exactly this. 3m+ furloughed from hospitality I think it was?
And I know plenty that still aren't back yet.
My Daughter works at a Hotel (Holiday Inn) in Brum. She was told last week that redundancies or hour cuts were coming. Thankfully the worst for her is losing 8 hours a week after furlough ends but not so great for a lot of her work colleagues.
They expect more job losses or closing down if things stay as they are.
I don't think I could deal with another "you can't see anyone" lockdown. As most of you know, I've got bipolar disorder (as well as a load of other mental shit which isn't worth going into now), and as some of you know, I was properly fucked up by late May and having had 10+ weeks of seeing literally no-one. Plus I've been stupid enough to start a relationship since, just to throw another hand grenade in the mix.

It'll break me, seriously.
I don't think I could deal with another "you can't see anyone" lockdown. As most of you know, I've got bipolar disorder (as well as a load of other mental shit which isn't worth going into now), and as some of you know, I was properly fucked up by late May and having had 10+ weeks of seeing literally no-one. Plus I've been stupid enough to start a relationship since, just to throw another hand grenade in the mix.

It'll break me, seriously.

I really feel for you mate and everyone else over there facing another round of potential lockdowns in some form or another.

This is what we've experiencing in Melbourne where we are having our 2nd hard lockdown for now 10 weeks with at least another 6 weeks to go. The mental anguish is absolutely punishing.
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I thought I was doing ok mentally with lockdown and working from home until I went back into the office for a day.

I felt so much better and focussed having other people to talk to and catching up in person with familiar faces. I was surprised by how much better I felt after some proper human contact

I'm fairly introverted by nature so this was a bit of a surprise to me, it also made me realise how damaging loneliness can be
I thought I was doing ok mentally with lockdown and working from home until I went back into the office for a day.

I felt so much better and focussed having other people to talk to and catching up in person with familiar faces. I was surprised by how much better I felt after some proper human contact

I'm fairly introverted by nature so this was a bit of a surprise to me, it also made me realise how damaging loneliness can be

I can relate to that, just the sameness of my surroundings and routine can be a depressant. Im back in the office next week as Id slipped back into working from home full time, need to break it up a bit even if that includes a horrible commute
I thought I was doing ok mentally with lockdown and working from home until I went back into the office for a day.

I felt so much better and focussed having other people to talk to and catching up in person with familiar faces. I was surprised by how much better I felt after some proper human contact

I'm fairly introverted by nature so this was a bit of a surprise to me, it also made me realise how damaging loneliness can be
Yeah. It wasn't too bad at first especially with the good weather in April and May added to the fact I spent a lot of time remodelling the garden. I had some work that I could do from home as well. By June I was back in the work environment for a few days and likewise in July and August (bearing in mind that I don't work full time anyway) which really does help break things up and the rest of the time doing internal home improvements.

These last few days in solitary hotel self-isolation have been much tougher than I thought they would be.
I agree that the good weather march through to june helped people.
My concern is the false economy of the impact of isolating people. The long term implications, especially for mental health, but also crime (eg domestic violence) issues around addiction, increased suicide rates, and many more.

However I feel that when companies did re-open, they were hot on managing social distancing and cleanliness/hygiene issues. A lot of these businesses have slacked off. Business' have removed (or failed to maintain) things like sanitising stations. They've ceased monitoring numbers of people within stores (especially supermarkets etc). We're seeing outbreaks linked to huge employers - asda, mcdonalds etc. These are organisations which can afford to implement things to prevent contagion, yet are failing to do so. As a result, we're seeing increases in transmission.

This is combined with the fact that many people have been encouraged to get out there and mix in these environments, and newer ones. And yes, that is something we all need and want to see. But it has to be done in a safe way, and I am concerned that this is not being implemented, by many organisations that can easily afford to do so, but aren't.

And as a result of this, people are having increased restrictions placed on them, for an indefinite period. We know the infection rate locally will continue to increase for at least a week, so pragmatically, we're talking a minimum of a month. Leicester have only just started reducing restrictions, so longer is pretty inevitable.

Too many decisions are based on money first, people second. The government clearly sees a section of the population as acceptable collateral damage.

What confuses me more, is that were businesses doing more, they'd be protecting a greater number of their customers, increasing their access to market share, and it would actually be good for them to do more than they are (or even just doing what they were a couple of months ago). It's in their interests to do so.

But the blame, and implications have been switched now from businesses, to us.
I'm cynical, but not quite that far. They can't afford to Furlough again, I think it's probably that simple. They close the hospitality industry, then it's staff are going straight to redundancy

And this is where our government are failing again. Look across Europe and the furlough schemes are often at least a year and in some cases 2 years. Our government has said "Fuck you, you're on your own", after 8 months. It's totally inadequate. And if they hadn't handed out millions of pounds worth of useless contracts to their fundraiser buddies they might well have had the capability of extending furlough for longer. If schools close again, and they don't re-up the SEISS (hint: they won't) my business will not survive.
And this is where our government are failing again. Look across Europe and the furlough schemes are often at least a year and in some cases 2 years. Our government has said "Fuck you, you're on your own", after 8 months. It's totally inadequate. And if they hadn't handed out millions of pounds worth of useless contracts to their fundraiser buddies they might well have had the capability of extending furlough for longer. If schools close again, and they don't re-up the SEISS (hint: they won't) my business will not survive.
The rest of Europe aren't about to destroy their economies by leaving the EU. Not a situation I'm supportive of, but reality unfortunately
Well the latest outrage in Melbourne . . .

Victoria Police deliberately strike mentally ill man with police car before stomping his head

The police version:

“Upon arrival the male allegedly became aggressive and damaged a police vehicle whilst attempting to avoid arrest,” the spokeswoman said.

“During the highly dynamic incident a police officer was assaulted and OC spray was deployed before the 32-year-old man, of no fixed address, was arrested and subsequently taken to hospital for assessment.”

Note all the calculated mendacity. “damaged a police vehicle” – presumably that means he dented the bonnet when they ran him down. “whilst attempting to avoid arrest” – i.e. he tried unsuccessfully to avoid being rammed by the car. “highly dynamic incident” – that will be when they bashed him up and kicked him in the head. “taken to hospital for assessment” – in a coma.

Oh we're now past our 10th week of hard lockdown and curfew with at least another 6 to go !
Great, so the walk-in test centres in Wolves are no longer accepting walk-in appointments. I have 2 of my three needing tests now because school wont have them in and I have to use the dog shit online booking system to get a test appointment. They changed the system yesterday morning apparently. This could drag on.
Paul Waugh
NEW: Boris Johnson's Rule Of 6 has a controversial exemption - for grouse shooting and similar field sports.
Upto 30 people can gather to hunt with guns cos classed as a licensed outdoor sport.
EXCLUSIVE: Cab Office drafted special meeting on exemption
HuffPost has learned that a special meeting of the govt's Covid-19 Operations sub committee - chaired by Michael Gove - was arranged for Saturday afternoon with just one item on the agenda: exemptions for shooting/hunting.
The meeting was pulled just a few hours beforehand with a message to ministers and officials that the issue would be discussed another time via correspondence. But then the regulations went up just before midnight the following day.
Some insiders think the govt axed the meeting and went ahead anyway cos they feared some ministers could have tried to block the exemption.

Glad that has been allowed to carry on...
Paul Waugh
NEW: Boris Johnson's Rule Of 6 has a controversial exemption - for grouse shooting and similar field sports.
Upto 30 people can gather to hunt with guns cos classed as a licensed outdoor sport.
EXCLUSIVE: Cab Office drafted special meeting on exemption
HuffPost has learned that a special meeting of the govt's Covid-19 Operations sub committee - chaired by Michael Gove - was arranged for Saturday afternoon with just one item on the agenda: exemptions for shooting/hunting.
The meeting was pulled just a few hours beforehand with a message to ministers and officials that the issue would be discussed another time via correspondence. But then the regulations went up just before midnight the following day.
Some insiders think the govt axed the meeting and went ahead anyway cos they feared some ministers could have tried to block the exemption.

Glad that has been allowed to carry on...

Perfectly reasonable exemption - youv'e all got guns. Anyone coughing can be taken out before they get too close & you have the beaters/other servants to deal with the clearance issues.

Zero chance of infection :)
It'll take "weeks" to sort out the testing issues, says Pindick.

No rush mate, not like it's important.
It's because they can't test the samples being taken - the labs are at capacity.

Unfortunately it takes weeks to set up more testing capacity. I don't think they could make it quicker even if they wanted to.

Complete failure.
It's because they can't test the samples being taken - the labs are at capacity.

Unfortunately it takes weeks to set up more testing capacity. I don't think they could make it quicker even if they wanted to.

Complete failure.

Obviously the need for it came completely out of the blue as we were expected to be well on the way back to normality in time for Christmas....
It's not as if anybody could have possibly foreseen that kids going back to school would lead to a surge in demand for testing.

The entire cabinet have no redeeming qualities. The worst set of government ministers we have ever had lead by a lazy, corrupt, incompetent, useless sack of shit and they would still win in an election because, you know, Brexit.