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Not expecting any to be masked, they're all SEN children, so it's going to be doubly difficult I think, especially the three new ones, I've no idea on their disabilities until I get to the house to get them on the bus
stepdaughter has an SEN child. He's due to go back in 2 weeks.
Their driver is calling out next week so he can see the bus, and meet the driver to help him return to school.
Stepdaughter tells me she's still no idea who the guide will be on the bus though. She had a bit of a rant, til I pointed out that the government guidance was released Friday night, which was a pisstake. Schools have students going back as early as tomorrow, so the government released their guidance after everyone had broken up for the bank holiday weekend. That really tells you how much contempt they have for people working in the school systems.
looks like I'll be back for more than 50% of the working week.
As this happens, we're getting reports of confirmed cases. Read an email this morning that confirmed cases in the building I usually work in and will be returning to.
Well it just gets worse here in Melbourne.

Believe it or not, a 28yo pregnant mum was handcuffed and charged today for a FB post (incitement)

The alleged FB post:

The video:

I kid you not, our State Premier has now managed to get a further 6 months of emergency powers where we're living in a police state, in a continued govt. response to their failed management of containing COVID-1984 because of 2 shitty independents & 1 Greens politician who held the balance of power in the State Govt. Upper House

State of emergency & state of disaster extended for another 6 months with enormous police powers to arrest, check your social media, enter your home (no warrant), take anything in your home "as evidence" .... stay indoors for 23hrs of every day, can't work, can't visit family, can't have anyone in your home, can't shop with your wife (single shoppers only), can't move more than 5km from your home, no school, no shops, no businesses, no meeting in a park or elsewhere of more than 2 people, must wear mask even outdoors....the rules are endless.

I'm not afraid of COVID-1984 . . . I am now very afraid of our State Govt and the police !
Well it just gets worse here in Melbourne.

Believe it or not, a 28yo pregnant mum was handcuffed and charged today for a FB post (incitement)

The alleged FB post:

The video:

I kid you not, our State Premier has now managed to get a further 6 months of emergency powers where we're living in a police state, in a continued govt. response to their failed management of containing COVID-1984 because of 2 shitty independents & 1 Greens politician who held the balance of power in the State Govt. Upper House

State of emergency & state of disaster extended for another 6 months with enormous police powers to arrest, check your social media, enter your home (no warrant), take anything in your home "as evidence" .... stay indoors for 23hrs of every day, can't work, can't visit family, can't have anyone in your home, can't shop with your wife (single shoppers only), can't move more than 5km from your home, no school, no shops, no businesses, no meeting in a park or elsewhere of more than 2 people, must wear mask even outdoors....the rules are endless.

I'm not afraid of COVID-1984 . . . I am now very afraid of our State Govt and the police !

That is an appalling state of affairs - N Korea I would have expected it, but in Australia!

At least the news presenter had the independence to call it out for what it was.
That is an appalling state of affairs - N Korea I would have expected it, but in Australia!

At least the news presenter had the independence to call it out for what it was.

I know . . . it actually is fucking Australia . . . Not North Korea, Cuba, China or the old Soviet Union . . . but the fucking country (well state) I live in !
I know . . . it actually is fucking Australia . . . Not North Korea, Cuba, China or the old Soviet Union . . . but the fucking country (well state) I live in !

Only bright aspect is that if it had been one of the other countries you listed then the newscaster would have dissapeared by now as well
Some “fun" COVID-1984 facts:

The longest hard lockdown in Europe was in Italy where they went for 58 consecutive days - COVID-1984 related deaths in Italy have been approx. 35K+.

The longest hard lockdown in the world so far was in Wuhun where they went for 77 consecutive days - COVID-1984 related deaths in Wuhun have been approx. 4,600+ (if you can believe their numbers).

Melbourne had a hard lockdown period of 68 consecutive days (from late March to the end of May). In addition, Melbourne is currently in lockdown for at least 68 consecutive days up to Sept 13th. with a very real possibility of a further 2 weeks for a grand total of 82 consecutive days (so in effect that's 150 days of hard lockdown) - COVID-1984 related deaths in Victoria have been approx. 600+ deaths !
Fucking hell, now Ian Brown is wading in being an anti-covid crackpot. Didn't see that one coming.
Well today was Father's Day in OZ, and the Victorian Premier "announced" his roadmap for Melbourne/Victoria to "recover" . . .

In summary, we will be in hard lockdown for at least another 6 weeks (with some very very minor and insignificant tweaks) . . . he will not lift the curfew, the stay-home law and the bans on shops until at least October 26 — but then only if new infections are down to an average of just five a day, over two weeks - which aren't replicated anywhere in the world (Melbourne is a city of approx. 5.5 million people).

We're looking at 112 days of consecutive hard lockdown, with no end in sight.

Not even NSW has managed that, yet still keeps business ticking - in fact if Victoria applied the same rules to NSW they would be in hard lockdown as well.

Worse, the Premier says most shops won’t be allowed to open before November 23, and then only if there are no new infections for two weeks !

We've had 666 COVID related deaths in Victoria as of today (ironic number), of which 647 have been since July, 99% have been of people aged 75 or older, and 99% have been in aged care facilities.

God save Melbourne/Victoria. It’s in the hands of man who now seems deranged — like a World War 1 general who’s already sent so many soldiers to pointless deaths, but still orders “one last push” into the machine guns to win the war before Christmas.

Christmas? Don’t set the table in Melbourne/Victoria.

We saw a minor demonstration yesterday which had a number of arrests but I feel this city is close to erupting into large scale civil unrest, akin to what we've been witnessing in the US in a number of cities.

It's very difficult to express the utter despair and lack of hope that is rife in this city; and, to be honest even I feel so totally helpless and defeated . . . and I'm one of the lucky ones i.e. retired. I simply don't know how many thousands of families are coping or are going to cope.
Big spike in reported cases today in the UK, 2998 compared to 1813 yesterday.
Also, mirroring other European countries such as France, hospital cases are also creeping up in some areas.
Is this jump linked to the return to schools, or is it just the natural progression of a steady rise?
Certainly down here in Royal Hertfordshire, the CC are stepping up their awareness campaign, particularly in areas of concern such as Dacorum (Tring, Hemel Hempstead, Borehamwood).
Too soon to be linked to schools I think, just a continuation of the fuck wits not social distancing and getting pissed up.
Too soon to be linked to schools I think, just a continuation of the fuck wits not social distancing and getting pissed up.

I think, and hope, that's probably right, as easier to sort out.
Any chance it's related to the weather too? It's been a bit cooler / rainier of late
Recently had our first, to my knowledge, confirmed cases at work. Been a couple of isolated incidents on various sites but most have been blown out of proportion by Chinese whipsers and then turned out to be nothing but now we have a couple of sites with in house staff confirmed positive.

First one came about start of last week, one of the trainees had been away to Zante then him and a few of his mate started to feel a bit dodgy. He tested positive and all the other site staff had to self isolate until they could be tested. One particularly unhappy colleague got tested early as soon as he found out, came back negative so has been forced to run the job as best he can almost solo until others get cleared, doesn't help that he was also tested before the incubation period so may well have tested positive a few days later. Kind of feel for the kid who was patient zero on one hand, apparently was a bit fearful of announcing his friends symptoms, which onset before his, because he didn't want to lead to site shutting down. At the same time he's a fucking moron for not seeing the flaws in that thought process and now lead to the same disruption a week down the line with a much greater threat to his colleagues health as a result.

Not so sure on the details of the other but site has been closed awaiting a deep clean and all staff isolating, quite a few positives but not sure how many are our staff. The job is pretty much finished though I think so probably not the end of the world from the company point of view.