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the independent reporting infection rates are up by a third across the country, though they caveat that by also saying testing is being done more intensely in the hotspots.
Average per 100k is up to 8 in England, from 5/6 recently. Up to 7 round my way (Royal Hertfordshire). I'm not yet massively concerned. The real test will be to see what happens when the kids are back to school.
Average per 100k is up to 8 in England, from 5/6 recently. Up to 7 round my way (Royal Hertfordshire). I'm not yet massively concerned. The real test will be to see what happens when the kids are back to school.

It's going to be carnage, I'm convinced.
I can't see how hundreds of thousands of people relocating across the country to start/resume university courses is going to help either.

At our place, the VC wants as many staff as possible on site, so it looks like campus is busy, so students will come out. I dunno if I am overly worried about this, but I can't help think that freshers parties etc will still happen, and it's all a really bad idea. However, I don't like being used like a miners canary!
Absolute farcical stuff in the Irish Government this week, as our Minister for Agriculture has resigned after he attended a Government Golf Society dinner on Wed night with 80 other guests.

Nothing much wrong with that you might think - only the Government had just announced new restrictions on Wed, limiting indoor events to just 6.
So this guy went to a private function knowing full well it was non-compliant with the new measures. He apologised and said he went because he had been asked in advance and to pay tribute to someone he respected.

Our Taoiseach now has to appoint his third Agriculture minister since the end of June as the previous Minister was sacked after being caught drink driving.

Fianna Fail have been back in Government for just over a month and they are already knee deep in controversy.
The school I deal with goes back start of September, still no plan on how many kids allowed on the bus, whether they're staggering attendance, having bubbles or what, and if they're going to stagger/bubbles you'd have thought it needs another driver to stick to that child's bubble,not that it matters,I still go and mix with other people when I do the renal patient transport inbetween school runs, work is waiting for guidance off the council, who are waiting for answers off the school, who are still waiting for parents to reply to letters sent, first day back is going to be a right balls up
Average per 100k is up to 8 in England, from 5/6 recently. Up to 7 round my way (Royal Hertfordshire). I'm not yet massively concerned. The real test will be to see what happens when the kids are back to school.

The interesting thing to me is that, despite cases continuing to steadily tick up since early July, hospital admissions and death have continued their pre-July decrease. I don't think there's any consensus as to why that is yet, but I believe the leading hypothesis is that it's because reopening has been putting working age people (especially those in retail/leisure/dining, who tend to skew even younger and thus are more resilient) at more risk of infection, while more elderly and at-risk groups have remained relatively protected by what restrictions and changes in social behaviour that are still working.

Everywhere where schools have tried to go back to normal or near-normal, though, there have been spikes in local community cases shortly after. It seems to me like we're back at the herd immunity stage again, where the assumption is that higher case numbers distributed among a younger population is manageable in a way that the early stage of the pandemic wasn't - something which feels very dangerous to me. The science on whether kids can infect adults is nowhere near clear yet, and even then that's regarding younger children. When it comes to teenagers, they're mostly going to have parents in their 40s and 50s rather than 20s and 30s, and you're going to be shifting demographic distribution towards the older end, surely.
WHO saying they're hopeful it'll be all over (in as much as anything is all over) in two years.

I dunno. If you offered me that now then I probably would take it. I dread not ever having my normal life back, organising a simple night out tomorrow has been a fucking ballache, let alone before we start thinking about 30,000 people at the football, packed pubs, going to gigs etc.
Spanish flu was about two years across the three waves so that sounds about right.
Couldn't take 2 years of this, I'll go insane. Proper testing and a vaccine should be available before then hopefully.
Eviction ban to be extended by one month.
Couldn't take 2 years of this, I'll go insane. Proper testing and a vaccine should be available before then hopefully.

It's a hypothetical gamble though.

Maybe a vaccine and proper test/trace would be around in six months. We're all back to normal inside a year. Hurrah.

Maybe five years down the line we're still dealing with this nonsense and I've got to phone a pub every time I want to take my missus out for a drink.

I'd take the two years, given that you can still sort of do stuff now, it's just a bit shit. Then increasingly look forward to normality.
It's a hypothetical gamble though.

Maybe a vaccine and proper test/trace would be around in six months. We're all back to normal inside a year. Hurrah.

Maybe five years down the line we're still dealing with this nonsense and I've got to phone a pub every time I want to take my missus out for a drink.

I'd take the two years, given that you can still sort of do stuff now, it's just a bit shit. Then increasingly look forward to normality.

2 years of this will decimate the leisure industry though and other sectors too.

From a personal point of view I hate my job now (I get that I am lucky to have one though) - all the good parts are gone.
2 years of this will decimate the leisure industry though and other sectors too.

From a personal point of view I hate my job now (I get that I am lucky to have one though) - all the good parts are gone.
Did you decide against SA?
Did you decide against SA?
No, still up in the air - I got the offer from our SA business line, my business line are not happy [emoji2369].

Given current situation and difficult in social distancing there I'm not that fussed in any delay.
2 years of this will decimate the leisure industry though and other sectors too.

From a personal point of view I hate my job now (I get that I am lucky to have one though) - all the good parts are gone.

I suppose everyone will look at it differently. I mean I hate life in general a lot of the time because of my condition, but I've done kind of ok out of this. Sorted out a few issues mentally, kept fit probably more than I would have done otherwise, definitely talked to more people than I would have done (and reignited some friendships that were going a wee bit flat), money has been ok (we'd all always like a bit more, but there'll be turkey for Christmas, put it that way), work starting to pick up, nice new girl. If it weren't for having the absolute shite kicked out of me, I'd have done really well. But even there I've battled back well considering.

Everywhere I've been so far - and I accept this is a fairly small sample size - has been fairly busy, albeit with the new restrictions in place. People are going out.
I went to the pub with my mate last night, first time nearly 6 months, was a bit nervous but it was fine, they ran it really well. Don't know how or if they're making any money, they spent a few quid on a massive timber shelter and had 3 barmaids on. There was me and my mate and a group of 5 blokes.......plus a gang of 7-8 blokes who stayed for one drink
Three or four of us are going out tomorrow for a few beers (first time I've been in a pub since God knows when) and we can't think of anywhere to go. At least locally anyway, we're blessed with shit pubs round here. Ironically the Ash is really nice now they've done it out but that's the last place I want to go tomorrow.
Went in the only open pub in town (well at least the only one in walking distance) to meet a couple of friends & first time in 5 months.

Well policed and enough in early on, but fairly deserted inside when we left. Only the owners serving as it didn't need any other staff so no employment coming from that.
I’ve been down the pub quite a few times since they’ve opened back up. Our local isn’t busy at all during the week just a smattering if locals. A few more about on a Fri night, but again Sat nights have been quiet.