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I’m with LJ, reopening pubs just seems a stunt to get the Sun onside. They are safer ways of encouraging social interaction and the economy.

Not if you run a pub though.

The limited numbers and practices they will have to use will help. I am not a man who goes to the pub that often outside of football so them opening/staying closed doesn't really effect my day to day life but it is a huge industry that will need to be reopened soon. Unless Boris has an argument with Tim Martin, they will reopen from the 4th but there certainly won't be scenes like we saw when we got told the pubs were closing back in March.
Bars here have been open for almost 3 weeks - at reduced capacity - but few people are actually venturing in. Prediction is that 20% of bars and restaurants will never reopen.
Giving evidence to the Commons Science and Technology Select Committee, Prof Neil Ferguson told MPs: "The epidemic was doubling every three to four days before lockdown interventions were introduced.

"So, had we introduced lockdown measures a week earlier we would have reduced the final death toll by at least a half."


I'm sorry, am I misreading that ? Surely you'd only reduce the figure by half of whoever got infected the week prior to lockdown, not the final death toll, or am I totally misunderstanding this ?
I'm sorry, am I misreading that ? Surely you'd only reduce the figure by half of whoever got infected the week prior to lockdown, not the final death toll, or am I totally misunderstanding this ?
4 infect another 4 who infect another 4 etc. 1 infected person becomes 256 people in just 4 sets of transmissions. Spread that across a week and then include all the people that still were infected by those who already had it during lockdown, such as family members and that's a big old number.
It’s exponential growth, that’s why time was so important.
I won't be spending many weekends here for a while then, I'll be off to our kid's. I live alone, he lives alone, no problem there.

I won't lie to you, being on my own for three months has nearly broken me. I don't like me very much.
I won't be spending many weekends here for a while then, I'll be off to our kid's. I live alone, he lives alone, no problem there.

I won't lie to you, being on my own for three months has nearly broken me. I don't like me very much.

Agree that it's been hard Deutsch and I don't have the background issues - but not really seeing anyone for any length of time for this long has been difficult.

Will be arranging to go up to my younger son's house & staying over now rather than having to do the 200 mile round trip the same day which I did last time 2 or 3 weeks ago (though I did breach the lockdown rules as it started to rain heavily so went into his kitchen!)
In all honesty I should have just said fuck it and done it sooner. There's as good as no risk, I don't have it, he doesn't have it, it's just us two and we never left his flat.

I would suggest leaving a man with my issues with his own thoughts and nothing else for three months is not a very good idea! I'm actually surprised I'm still here when I think about it.
You've done remarkably well over that period to not suffer as much as you have, recent episode aside in which things obviously went further than usual. And I applaud you for that. You deserve to see people, especially now the risk is lower and restrictions are being relaxed.
Have vaguely followed the guidelines with a few adjustments of my own making (& who the hell was going to find out anyway)

I spent 30 yrs lending money to people so risk assessment is a central part of my brain.

There are risks every time you step outside anyway & I am not going to live life being scared of everything so not going outside my house. Yes I am at the older age spectrum now & supposedely at risk, but no more vulnerable than I was a few years ago.
Cheers Nick.

Peter - you're fit and strong, age is just a number. You're not really at risk mate.
You've done remarkably well over that period to not suffer as much as you have, recent episode aside in which things obviously went further than usual. And I applaud you for that. You deserve to see people, especially now the risk is lower and restrictions are being relaxed.

Peter - you're fit and strong, age is just a number. You're not really at risk mate.

I & you know that (though there are still situations that I wouldn't put myself in just now) - noticeable that a number of people of a similar age that I know locally are really not taking any risk at all & limiting their life as a result.

Many of them have less years left than they have had so far - I am not going to live them in that way, if I go earlier as a result then so be it as I want to enjoy the time I have not cower in my living room.
In all honesty I should have just said fuck it and done it sooner. There's as good as no risk, I don't have it, he doesn't have it, it's just us two and we never left his flat.

I would suggest leaving a man with my issues with his own thoughts and nothing else for three months is not a very good idea! I'm actually surprised I'm still here when I think about it.
It's to your credit that you did the right thing. Shame some public and less public figures didn't do the same.
I get depressed for no reason all the time, I'm permanently upset that I can't play football any more, taking away my football and my friends should really have tipped me over the edge. Still here though.
Agree with much of the above.
I've virtually not left the house for 3 months now.3 shopping trips, and about 3 bike rides is pretty much all the venturing out i've done.
I'm working from home, and work has been manic, so much structure still exists, and tbh I've been surprised how well I managed to adapt to that.
However I'm lucky in having the garden, and also my other half for company.
I have really missed my folks, the low moments have been when I've worried about never seeing them again.

I feel now that we will know the people who have obeyed the rules, and minimised their exposure, and the people who haven't. I expect to continue to be distant, because my parents are both over 70 and have underlying health conditions. Also, stepdaughters eldest has severe asthma. Therefore, to be able to safely see these people, I have to ensure I am not a risk to them.

There are others, including 2 other stepdaughters that we won't be having contact with for a while.

It is very likely that a great proportion of people have not had it or been exposed yet. For me, there is still a huge element of risk.
Todays presser by the way, how bad was boris.
Fucks sake man, he is now muting the journalists to prevent any form of scrutiny/dissent.

Also, he took 6 questions. I don't think he actually answered a single one of them. Worse, you could see him visibly searching for a way to hand over the questions to the other two.

Loved professor Whitty in answer to the question about any regrets being absolutely clear he regrets how we implemented testing, in addition to many other areas which could have been bettered.

I also loved one response he gave where he emphatically explained that things remain high risk, and our options relate to managing that risk, and if anyone thinks the current situation is not risky, they are deluding themselves. It was statesmanlike, and fucking showed boris up proper.

He is getting worse at every single appearance. He is being shown up constantly.
"guided by the science" seems to have been dropped as a catchphrase in recent weeks.
trying to decide if that is because too many involved with the government have breached the scientific advice, or whether it is because we are now making political decisions, not ones based on science.
"guided by the science" seems to have been dropped as a catchphrase in recent weeks.
trying to decide if that is because too many involved with the government have breached the scientific advice, or whether it is because we are now making political decisions, not ones based on science.

If we were guided by science we would still be doing things that match up to Level 4 on the Nando scale.
As was always going to happen decisions are based on the science, plus the economy and minus ignoring part of what the scientists say . So no shock we have moved down the road quicker than the science. Certainly a degree of fingers crossed this shit works.