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People have been told to return to work.

I think it's more that companies have been told to re-open.

The message is still to work from home wherever it is possible, but now they've put a bit of a squeeze on employers to find ways to open their premises back up for work rather than mothballing everything and waiting for everything to blow over. They still have to be able to provide a safe working environment that complies with the distancing guidelines so I imagine very few places will be able to get back to anything like 100% production for a good while yet but I see it as a message to get people to try and do as much as they can, in terms of getting back to normal, rather than perhaps being overly cautious and putting too much pressure on the furlough scheme as a result.

It's going to vary from workplace to workplace and even individual to individual within those workplaces, I know you have a high risk family member which makes it difficult for you by proxy where it perhaps wouldn't be an issue if you were single and living alone so personal circumstances can add a new layer of complication on top of the job/workplace specific constraints. When I went into the office for a day the other week, absolute ghost town at the minute as probably 95% are working from home vast majority of the time, a couple of the building management guys were walking around assessing the size/capacity of all the individual rooms so they could get an idea of the safe working capacity if/when they look to encourage more people back into the office. There are 3 big offices along our corridor of virtually identical size, first has five people in it which is probably about right, ours has just the two of us but three spare desks that people drop onto every now and again but then the third has eight people crammed in there! So there'd be some re-distribution of people to make it all workable, they could retain some flexibility working from home or people frequently visit sites so just a bit of diary co-ordination where possible would help spread out the load on the office, add in some extra cleaning provision etc. and you're making some decent steps to get us back to something close to normal.

I've still been visiting some of our live sites through this and seen other measures they've taken to provide similar assurance, originally trialed a rotational working from home on some bigger sites but site management is particularly difficult when you're 50 miles away from the work being done so they've got additional cabins in some instances now to space everyone out more, cut down on other disciplines visiting site where possible to stop them cluttering places up. We've replaced biometric turnstiles, fingerprint scanners, with additional security guards manually signing people in and out to remove a common surface from a congested area. I've seen sites buying marquees and furniture to create additional canteens, originally tried encouraging people to eat in their cars or providing outdoor seating but they're not always practical.

It's all risk management at the end of the day, priority is still very much work from home wherever it is possible, second to that I see the onus on employers to adapt their facilities/practices to comply with guidance and look to get as many of staff back into work where they are unable to work from home, I don't think anyone should be forced into doing something they consider unsafe for themselves or their relatives but at the moment there doesn't appear to be much guidance on how those situations are handled. Thankfully in most cases I've heard of the individuals within those situations are being reasonable, like yourself with your boss furloughing you to protect those you live with and hopefully he's able to continue with that if you can't be provided with an working environment you feel safe enough to return to, similar to the guy I share an office with and his vulnerable son, they were told to isolate as a family unit as soon as the virus spread to Nottingham so they've not left the house for nearly 3 months now and I wouldn't expect him back until there's a vaccine or other such definitive measure against the virus.
New cases rising rapidly in Germany since lockdown measure were eased. Infection rate R gone from 0.7 to 1.1 now. Will our government learn?

I see this a lot, but I can't honestly see much alternative.

We can't stay in lockdown forever, and as rubbish as our government have been we are in the middle of a global pandemic. We just aren't going to get through it without people getting infected.

I think the best we can do is make sure that sick people have somewhere they can be treated and protect the most vulnerable is society
Looking forward to seeing the various news outlets run around London looking for busy buses and tube trains today and make it out that every bus and train is like that across the UK
Danny Shaw
BREAKING New police guidance for officers in England says police have “no powers to enforce social distancing”
New cases rising rapidly in Germany since lockdown measure were eased. Infection rate R gone from 0.7 to 1.1 now. Will our government learn?

Didnt their figures spike due to a couple of outbreaks in slaughterhouses, 200 cases or so in each instance, workers all east european who live in basically overcrowded shitholes, so if one gets it they all get it, which skewed the figures.

Suppose small comforts that its easier to contain 3 outbreaks of 200 each rather then 600 outbreaks of 1.
Early start for Sky then.

Obviously that bus full is not good but the increase on public transport is something like 8% this morning versus last Wednesday. By the end of today we will all be convinced by Sky, BBC, ITV and various newspapers that the public transport network is like this

Saw a lot of campervans about this morning guessing that'll be people going out for a drive to exercise somewhere,traffic a lot busier this morning as well
My local UPS delivery guy told me yesterday that his workload has increased this week including car roof racks.
My local UPS delivery guy told me yesterday that his workload has increased this week including car roof racks.

Either people are getting ready for a huge picnic or not getting the fact you still can't pop off on your jollies
Or giving themselves a means of transporting bulky items in lieu of usual delivery services which aren't typically operating where two people are required?
Or giving themselves a means of transporting bulky items in lieu of usual delivery services which aren't typically operating where two people are required?

Im going to stick with geting ready for a jolly by the sea.

A lot of places reporting a surge in booking requests since Sunday.
Since teh weekend it's got quieter my way if anything. I don't know whether that's because people are back to work ( which I personally doubt) or because people have gone away (probably more likely) or some other reason, more shops opening perhaps, it's hard to tell. But it is noticeably less busy. The Mrs own theory is now that restrictions have been released, and there's more chance of meeting the hoi polloi, the 'smarter great and good' aren't venturing our way so much any more.
Starmer on the attack over care homes in PMQs. Looks like the days of an easy ride for Johnson are over.
Ian Blackford, the SNP leader at Westminster, says people will have seen pictures of packed buses in London today. Does the PM accept that in Scotland people should stay at home?

Johnson says, if you look at the totality of measures, there is much more that unites the nations of the UK than divides them.

That's not an answer you fat prick.
He is being badly exposed today. Can't cope with Starmer and then Blackford steams in and Boris doesn't know what to do. Turning round to sparsely populated benches expecting braying monkeys to be cheering him on and shouting down the opposition isn't going to work.
Sir Ed Davey, the acting Lib Dem leader, asks the government to extend support for the self-employed. He says he is glad the government has extended the furlough scheme as the Lib Dems proposed.

Johnson jokes about Davey’s attempt to take credit for Rishi Sunak’s announcement. He says the current scheme will pay the self-employed up to £7,500

Yes, because now is the time for jokes, you fat fuck.

I can't even make a claim until tomorrow so don't pretend you've helped us out and that's the end of it.
He's also outright lied about government advice to care homes. Shameful stuff.