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Is this a modern day plot from the navy that sees a return to press ganging?
That may be true, but the Bank of England are really good at releasing pessimistic outlooks. We know its going to be tough but they could at least offer some positivity I mean the markets are built on confidence. This sort of announcement just panics everyone.

I think the age of consumerism is grinding to a halt. It was completely unsustainable and fueled by ever increasing levels of toxic debt. Coupled with the growing concern to reduce the carbon trail it's going to make for interesting times. The strong corporations will continue to monopolise with much competition wiped out therefore the FTSE will survive but products and services that before were taken for granted will now become luxuries. More people will work from home which may means less jobs. Travelling abroad will be far more expensive and owning an electric car will be the norm (if you can afford one). I suspect the new normal (or whatever they like to call it) will hit the so called middle classes far harder. They are not middle class by birthright or standing the modern middle class merely have more disposable income to enable them to consume more.

How they fit X amount of people into the new equation is anybody's guess but there will be less Labour units required to meet the demand of less Consumer units. Sorry to be pessimistic but I envisage a socio-economic disaster on the horizon. As such I think Mr Gates will soon be adding countries like the US and UK to his assumptions. Can't wait for the vaccine eh ..

Papper, every one of your posts I read with bewilderment, apart from the certain fantasy element how do you also bring the class system into every post ?
The NHS Covid app is in the app store if you want to have a sneak peak
I think the age of consumerism is grinding to a halt. It was completely unsustainable and fueled by ever increasing levels of toxic debt. Coupled with the growing concern to reduce the carbon trail it's going to make for interesting times. The strong corporations will continue to monopolise with much competition wiped out therefore the FTSE will survive but products and services that before were taken for granted will now become luxuries. More people will work from home which may means less jobs. Travelling abroad will be far more expensive and owning an electric car will be the norm (if you can afford one). I suspect the new normal (or whatever they like to call it) will hit the so called middle classes far harder. They are not middle class by birthright or standing the modern middle class merely have more disposable income to enable them to consume more.

How they fit X amount of people into the new equation is anybody's guess but there will be less Labour units required to meet the demand of less Consumer units. Sorry to be pessimistic but I envisage a socio-economic disaster on the horizon. As such I think Mr Gates will soon be adding countries like the US and UK to his assumptions. Can't wait for the vaccine eh ..


Capitalism will find a way
The PPE issue and the Nightingale hospital are not related - they got the first thing wrong & if the extra beds weren't needed then I am happy that they weren't.

If they had been needed and not there some would be 'up in arms' over inaction to prepare.

That doesn't make sense. A Hospital that has sat empty while thousands continue to die in care homes was a good thing, but not insuring against by ensuring you have enough PPE for a pandemic the Govt pretty much knew was coming was just a minor error. Where does that sit on the Boris scale of successes he's achieved so far? Somewhere between the useless tests we bought and Europe''s highest casualty figures ?
I think the age of consumerism is grinding to a halt. It was completely unsustainable and fueled by ever increasing levels of toxic debt. Coupled with the growing concern to reduce the carbon trail it's going to make for interesting times. The strong corporations will continue to monopolise with much competition wiped out therefore the FTSE will survive but products and services that before were taken for granted will now become luxuries. More people will work from home which may means less jobs. Travelling abroad will be far more expensive and owning an electric car will be the norm (if you can afford one). I suspect the new normal (or whatever they like to call it) will hit the so called middle classes far harder. They are not middle class by birthright or standing the modern middle class merely have more disposable income to enable them to consume more.

How they fit X amount of people into the new equation is anybody's guess but there will be less Labour units required to meet the demand of less Consumer units. Sorry to be pessimistic but I envisage a socio-economic disaster on the horizon. As such I think Mr Gates will soon be adding countries like the US and UK to his assumptions. Can't wait for the vaccine eh ..

The stock market is recovering View attachment 2778 and it's not the working classes that will profit from that. Employees are being forced back to work, as with the banking crisis, tax payers are going to pick up the tab, air travel will become much more expensive and by briefing the press to write 'Joy of Joys' it's picnic time, go out in your droves' headlines just before a bank holiday then once the message has gone out sliding away from it, the Government are effectively pulling a Donald that could cost a lot of lives.

I'm not too hopeful much will change. The same people will have the same social consciences and anyone that changes their moral compass won't be able to express that at the ballot box nationally for another 4 years. We may get more cycle lanes until they become too inconvenient but we are a long way away from a massive change in policy that will alter the norms of a society that those in power have a vested interest in maintaining. Sorry to be so pessimistic and I'd love to be more optimistic but I've lived through too many false dawns, and I really can't see the sun rising on a different kind of society any time soon
The stock market is recovering View attachment 2778 and it's not the working classes that will profit from that. Employees are being forced back to work, as with the banking crisis, tax payers are going to pick up the tab, air travel will become much more expensive and by briefing the press to write 'Joy of Joys' it's picnic time, go out in your droves' headlines just before a bank holiday then once the message has gone out sliding away from it, the Government are effectively pulling a Donald that could cost a lot of lives.

I'm not too hopeful much will change. The same people will have the same social consciences and anyone that changes their moral compass won't be able to express that at the ballot box nationally for another 4 years. We may get more cycle lanes until they become too inconvenient but we are a long way away from a massive change in policy that will alter the norms of a society that those in power have a vested interest in maintaining. Sorry to be so pessimistic and I'd love to be more optimistic but I've lived through too many false dawns, and I really can't see the sun rising on a different kind of society any time soon

I'm not sure it's that straightforward. The stock market is linked to confidence which is linked to investment and ultimately jobs, there's also pensions to think about. Anyone can open a stocks and shares ISA but the take up is surprisingly low given how rubbish savings accounts are right now

I think ways of working will change, lots more remote working - which doesn't necessarily have to be from home which should ensure commutes are easier for everyone.

I too hope that people remember how important their votes are and their action at the ballot box is more important than clapping every Thursday
Not feeling sorry for myself by any means but I think unless there is a vaccine and EVERYBODY in the UK has to have it, I cannot see me attending another game because of my blood cancer and crap immune system.

Its not the end of the world and a lot of people are a lot worse off than I am....but it makes me sad.

Hi dude hope you're OK. My aunty has myeloma too. She is steering clear of everyone and doing a lot of jigsaws!
My Mom has lymphoblastic leukemia (among other things ) and she is bored senseless, If your aunty ever runs out of jigsaws let me know, there must be two dozen down there !!
I'm not sure it's that straightforward. The stock market is linked to confidence which is linked to investment and ultimately jobs, there's also pensions to think about. Anyone can open a stocks and shares ISA but the take up is surprisingly low given how rubbish savings accounts are right now
I think ways of working will change, lots more remote working - which doesn't necessarily have to be from home which should ensure commutes are easier for everyone.
I too hope that people remember how important their votes are and their action at the ballot box is more important than clapping every Thursday

The same people that profited from the last crash will profit from this one. That upturn's not being driven by people selling or fantastic results being published. I haven't been office based for years, I don't need to be and to be honest, I can get more done by not being, but not everyone is going to be so lucky. Its not pessimism for pessimism's sake, I wold love it if the world changed because of this,but we were promised so much would change after the banking crisis and it didn't. We were told that things would change under Boris, and they haven't. Sunak hinted at a change in direction with his furlough schemes and his business loans , then said ' well, it won't be me that pays for it, it will be the tax payer' when pressed and the business loans didn't materialise for many of the people they were intended for. Feeling like I'm being bought a pint while having my pocket picked doesn't fill me with any confidence at all that its not just another case of meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
It’s clear Kyle Walker doesn’t give a fuck about lockdown.
The stock market is recovering View attachment 2778 and it's not the working classes that will profit from that. Employees are being forced back to work, as with the banking crisis, tax payers are going to pick up the tab, air travel will become much more expensive and by briefing the press to write 'Joy of Joys' it's picnic time, go out in your droves' headlines just before a bank holiday then once the message has gone out sliding away from it, the Government are effectively pulling a Donald that could cost a lot of lives.

Yes it will do. Let's face it Rishi Sunak ( Ex of Goldman Sachs) was quickly put in to replace Javed so the cynic in me suggests he will protect the interests of the Corporations rather than the average Joe. They recently borrowed £200 Bn to cover May, June and July. Strange how all that Gold got exported the back end of 2019.

I'm not too hopeful much will change. The same people will have the same social consciences and anyone that changes their moral compass won't be able to express that at the ballot box nationally for another 4 years. We may get more cycle lanes until they become too inconvenient but we are a long way away from a massive change in policy that will alter the norms of a society that those in power have a vested interest in maintaining. Sorry to be so pessimistic and I'd love to be more optimistic but I've lived through too many false dawns, and I really can't see the sun rising on a different kind of society any time soon

Me neither. I feel there was an impending economic collapse on the cards even before the virus. Consumerism is over. There would have been dissent and revolt like never before. What will follow this virus will be gigantum and let's hope the public rejects the current political charade. Might be difficult as we are now a virtual global Police state.
Capitalism will find a way

It did to a point where corporations and their monopolies and cartels tend to power above elected representatives. If the system is based on false value and consumerism is encouraged by debt sooner or later it grinds to a halt. It was fast approaching that point prior to the virus. The money will always rise to the top and this notion of a trickle down effect is bollocks as far as I am concerned. Apparently 7% of the UK Population earn minimum wage, many work in the service industry and will soon be thrown on the scrap heap. They should super tax billionaires and billion profit corporations and wipe out the debts of those lower down the scale. Start innovating, green technology rather than weapons systems and stop big pharma profiteering. That's just a start.
Be surprised if there isn't a relatively big increase in the numbers after today, with VE day -my street is all out the front absolutely no distancing going on, took dog out earlier and a lot of other streets the same.