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So, it seems some people on the vunerable list are getting messages to tell them to shield until the 30th June now. With the "hooray" news doing the rounds today this is going to push a lot of people to the edge I think. A lot of lonely people who cannot see friends or family for what will be over 3 months whilst dealing with being ill is going to test their mental strength to the limit

With news of the relaxation of lockdown restrictions coming on Sunday I'm fully expecting this weekend to be like Aya Napa at peak season if the sun comes out.
I'm staggered by the BAME data.

Makes interesting reading, though the risk is much closer when normalised for deprivation:

Black men are 4.2 times more likely to die from coronavirus than their white counterparts, and black women 4.3 times more likely, the ONS say, when age is taken into account.
When allowance is made for health factors and deprivation, black people are still 1.9 times more likely to die from coronavirus than their white counterparts, the ONS says.

Still doesn’t make me feel any better about my wife having to go out and work 3 days a week.
health factors and deprivation may be some of the biggest contributory factors though.
With news of the relaxation of lockdown restrictions coming on Sunday I'm fully expecting this weekend to be like Aya Napa at peak season if the sun comes out.

I don't think it will be as bad as the media will want it (they will be armed with stock photos of beaches from 2018). There will be an increase but there are still a lot of people terrified.

Over the next month I expect to see a lot of people giving interviews to the papers when they have been fired for refusing to work due to the pandemic
without the need for any official justification it's already looked very close to business as normal round here when the suns been out at weekends. The other weekend there were 6 groups of families/friends sitting in the pub garden across from me.

I spoke to a guy in Newbury yesterday who said his local park had been looking like nothing was going on of late. Maybe it's just this part of the south but there's been a growing mentality that this is just a bit too much of an inconvenience to people going about their usual business.
Day 1 - "many more people will lose loved ones to coronavirus"

I keep referring people back to this
So, it seems some people on the vunerable list are getting messages to tell them to shield until the 30th June now. With the "hooray" news doing the rounds today this is going to push a lot of people to the edge I think. A lot of lonely people who cannot see friends or family for what will be over 3 months whilst dealing with being ill is going to test their mental strength to the limit

That might be affirmation(?) though - The original instruction was to stay at home for 12 weeks, which would take people through tho the last weekend of June, and here at work we've recently had people given letters telling them to stay at home for periods of time, one for 9 weeks and the other twelve, so late June for the former and late July for the latter.
That might be affirmation(?) though - The original instruction was to stay at home for 12 weeks, which would take people through tho the last weekend of June, and here at work we've recently had people given letters telling them to stay at home for periods of time, one for 9 weeks and the other twelve, so late June for the former and late July for the latter.

My Dad is part of the first batch and he is now 7 or 8 weeks into that 12, so his is due to end early June. Seems some in that group have been given an extension for a further 4 weeks taking them to the end of June now.
"The statement from Boris Johnson on the route out of lockdown will be at 7pm on Sunday"
The problem with massively foreshadowing this (apart from it making a mockery of the situation, trying to make a TV event out of it all and showing Fat Al in the best possible light) is that people will jump the gun. They know that he's going to lift at least something, they'll assume if it's alright on Sunday then it's alright now.

The data isn't going to materially change between now and Sunday. It's so horribly grubby and cynical.
Fuck sake. Someone at work (on WhatsApp group) has just trotted out that those 30,000 would have died of something else if it wasn't Corona, and that very few healthy and young people die from it without underlying conditions. He reckons it has a less than 1% death rate in the UK.

Pissed me off.
Fuck sake. Someone at work (on WhatsApp group) has just trotted out that those 30,000 would have died of something else if it wasn't Corona, and that very few healthy and young people die from it without underlying condotions. He reckons it has a less than 1% death rate in the UK.

Pissed me off.

I get annoyed by this argument too. I'm asthmatic, well controlled through meds and have to see a nurse for a check up once a year. I'm still relatively fit and active for my age but if I die tomorrow with it I'll be lumped into the underlying conditions category.

You need to direct them to the excess deaths statistics. 24,000 over the last two weeks compared to the average and both the highest ever recorded prior to the virus by some distance.
Yeah, it's pissing me off that 'vulnerable' is morphing into 'dispensible', and everyone with an underlying health condition is basically at death's door anyway
I get annoyed by this argument too. I'm asthmatic, well controlled through meds and have to see a nurse for a check up once a year. I'm still relatively fit and active for my age but if I die tomorrow with it I'll be lumped into the underlying conditions category.

You need to direct them to the excess deaths statistics. 24,000 over the last two weeks compared to the average and both the highest ever recorded prior to the virus by some distance.
I did. I found this graph for him:

BBC News front page said:
There are 893 confirmed cases in Wolverhampton, out of a local population of 263,357

In Wolverhampton there were 200 coronavirus-related deaths up to the 24 April. In this area 27% of all deaths involved coronavirus between 29 February and 24 April

1 per cent my arse
Anyone else part of the Imperial College London Covid19 test?

Just had my kit through the post and a courier comes to fetch it tomorrow. Results in a week.
I think most sane people agree that America is led by a buffoon, who postures for the camera's, talks gibberish and rot, attempts to shift the blame to anyone but himself and believes he could shoot someone dead in the street and the masses would still vote for him. A man who risking countless lives for political and economic reasons and in using the media to encourage the public to disregard lockdown and who wasted the window he was given to make the right choices at the right time to control the epidemic, and save thousands if not more needlessly lost lives.

USA to UK comparison of new cases count up to yesterday.

USA_UK comparison.jpg
Anyone else part of the Imperial College London Covid19 test?

Just had my kit through the post and a courier comes to fetch it tomorrow. Results in a week.

Yes, did mine via drive through on Tuesday. Just got the result - negative.

Read the instructions carefully and good luck ramming the swab down and up.

Come out of lockdown too soon
Lockdown again in Autumn
Vaccine December
Back to normal early 2021
Non-health and social care settings
For other workers and sectors, based on current evidence, there is very little scientific evidence of widespread benefit from PPE. Instead, practising good hand hygiene and social distancing is key to minimising the risk of infection. We emphasise and reassure employers that for the majority the most effective way they can ensure that their employees are safe at work is to:

where possible, alter business-as-usual ways of working to ensure social distancing can take place. In some circumstances this could involve the erection of physical ‘splash barriers’ to decrease staff anxiety, or redesign of customer flows to minimise contact opportunities
ensure staff are aware and signs are visible in the workplace reminding employees and customers not to enter the premises if they have COVID-19 symptoms such as a high temperature or persistent cough (or a member of their household displays symptoms) and to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands

that employees are provided with regular breaks to allow them to wash their hands for 20 seconds. Break areas and break times should also be set up to allow for social distancing to occur to minimise contact during these times

Well I hope those are workable let alone agreeable. How they protect people on public transport is anybody's guess and will they turn air-con off etc ? Can staff canteens cope etc etc and what happens if somebody contracts Covid-19 at work ?