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Testing station closed in Wicklow today. Strangely it's open tomorrow but there are no tests booked in apparently?
It's all depressingly familiar. The press will hopefully tear them apart over this.

I still maintain that there have been restrictions on what can be asked at the press briefings and that questions can only relate to matters raised in the briefings and not the real questions that everyone wants answers to

This might have something to do with it

Restrictions here to continue until the 18th May. Distance to travel from home extended from 2km to 5km. Over 70's will be allowed to leave home as long as they don't come into contact with anyone else.
From 18th May some businesses will be allowed to reopen - garden centres, repair shops etc.
This might have something to do with it


What he says is very true, particularly about the need for a free and independent press. It's not just the media that seem to crumble and become fawning puppets once offered the chance to be a cog in the political machine. Scientists and the UK's Head Nurse have all toed the government line. Some like Tony Fauci and to an extent Chris Witty seem to be prepared to push back a little and go off script when they don't entirely agree with what's been said, but when you have people like Patrick Valance who are prepared to show a series of graphs showing increases and state that these show a clear decline as he did yesterday it gets a bit sickening. Just as Dr Birx body language let her down, you can tell when the scientists who's learned opinion we are supposedly relying on for the Governments decisions are making statements they don't believe in , their speech patterns change completely. They go from free flowing speech and language to a series of stammers and umms and errs whilst delivering their facts. It's sickening to watch
Restrictions here to continue until the 18th May. Distance to travel from home extended from 2km to 5km. Over 70's will be allowed to leave home as long as they don't come into contact with anyone else.
From 18th May some businesses will be allowed to reopen - garden centres, repair shops etc.

Small bit of progress, two weeks after that some shops , libraries etc, phased after that. Schools not opening till September.

No mention of when I can go for a pint, by sound of it July / August if goes to plan.

Over 70's allowed out as well for exercise from Tuesday.
Small bit of progress, two weeks after that some shops , libraries etc, phased after that. Schools not opening till September.

No mention of when I can go for a pint, by sound of it July / August if goes to plan

You might be lucky! I'll be surprised though tbh.
Yep is probably wishful thinking, but no harm having a bit of hope.

No fun in this home drinking, no matter how hard I try.
Yep is probably wishful thinking, but no harm having a bit of hope.

No fun in this home drinking, no matter how hard I try.

I'm kind of used to it living 5 mile outside the town. Be nice to have the option of the pub occasionally though!
Pubs in phase 5 10th August
Sport starting back in phase 4 behind closed doors on 26th July.

That's if all goes to plan of course
Small bit of progress, two weeks after that some shops , libraries etc, phased after that. Schools not opening till September.

No mention of when I can go for a pint, by sound of it July / August if goes to plan.

Over 70's allowed out as well for exercise from Tuesday.

Have you seen the roadmap they have just released?

Looks like by Mid- August we should be back to normal. Going to be a looooooong summer
Yes seen it since, suppose at least gives us a small bit of certainty and a target about things.

Will be a long summer and saying that will be pleasantly surprised if we achieve it all
Very well put mate.

I can set myself a target of writing 10,000 words a day on some upcoming stuff by next week if I like. If they're all absolute drivel, or bear no resemblance to the actual project, or I don't bother sending them off, or I start counting words that I've got planned in my head but I haven't actually put down yet, then it's just a number with no meaning.

PLEASE do not put yourself under pressure. You are not Shakespeare, Nietszche or P G Wodehouse. You are not open to any valid critical analysis or juxtapose. You are merely a bloke who likes Wolves and sharing thoughts. I really wish i had the time to do the same.
PLEASE do not put yourself under pressure. You are not Shakespeare, Nietszche or P G Wodehouse. You are not open to any valid critical analysis or juxtapose. You are merely a bloke who likes Wolves and sharing thoughts. I really wish i had the time to do the same.

Can I put that in my signature?

I think DW was paying you a compliment
Woah, have i missed a meeting... Have they got a phased plan for schools and pubs then? Can't see that anywhere...
PLEASE do not put yourself under pressure. You are not Shakespeare, Nietszche or P G Wodehouse. You are not open to any valid critical analysis or juxtapose. You are merely a bloke who likes Wolves and sharing thoughts. I really wish i had the time to do the same.

This is professional stuff, I do write other things, the electricity doesn't stay on by magic...

I was illustrating how pointless it is to just pluck arbitrary numbers out of the sky and then fudge around with them to prove you've "done it", as the Government have done here by not merely counting tests that they've sent out and not received back (which is disingenuous at best), but also ones that they've only promised to send out. When actually if I did any of the above with my work, the electricity might be going off.
Meanwhile our local beaches opened today.
This is professional stuff, I do write other things, the electricity doesn't stay on by magic...

I was illustrating how pointless it is to just pluck arbitrary numbers out of the sky and then fudge around with them to prove you've "done it", as the Government have done here by not merely counting tests that they've sent out and not received back (which is disingenuous at best), but also ones that they've only promised to send out. When actually if I did any of the above with my work, the electricity might be going off.

I get this.

They might as well have said 80k because 'the number' actually means fuck all to joe public or the media for that matter.
Most journalists are pissed half the time from my experience anyway, including piers morgan.