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I’m not sure how testing works in the States but in the uk for the last 5 weeks you could only get a test if you were admitted to hospital. If in the states you can be tested without admission that may explain the differences.

Getting tested here is remarkably stupid; you don't have to be admitted to the hospital but most of the testing sites are not open to the public (meaning you need a doctor's referral), and you have to meet a certain criteria (temp. of 100.4F or higher, age 60 or more, recent contact with someone who has tested positive, documented COVID symptoms, etc.)

That's how it's worked in Florida, anyway.
I’m not sure how testing works in the States but in the uk for the last 5 weeks you could only get a test if you were admitted to hospital. If in the states you can be tested without admission that may explain the differences.

lil' donny wants us to believe that is true. But tests are still extremely difficult to obtain.

Larger proportion of the population in those countries living longer and thus becoming more vulnerable to these sort of diseases bumping up the mortality rate perhaps?

That's what I used to believe. Italy in particular does have an especially high percentage of senior citizens (I think). But the US has a high percentage of citizens who are more likely to succumb to the virus because of diabetes, weight, general health issues - and the general perception is that indeed both African Americans and Hispanics are dying at a higher rate than Caucasians. I had also believed that the infection rate in the US would possibly be lower than in the UK. But it isn't - it's the death rate that is lower.
lil' donny wants us to believe that is true. But tests are still extremely difficult to obtain.

That's what I used to believe. Italy in particular does have an especially high percentage of senior citizens (I think). But the US has a high percentage of citizens who are more likely to succumb to the virus because of diabetes, weight, general health issues - and the general perception is that indeed both African Americans and Hispanics are dying at a higher rate than Caucasians. I had also believed that the infection rate in the US would possibly be lower than in the UK. But it isn't - it's the death rate that is lower.

Tends to hit densely urban areas hardest though - as with New York. A lot of US cities are a lot more spread out than here.
Mail reporting there is another ‘new and game changing’ home test. Apparently we have ordered 50m of them this time. Think I’m in the wrong business.
lil' donny wants us to believe that is true. But tests are still extremely difficult to obtain.

That's what I used to believe. Italy in particular does have an especially high percentage of senior citizens (I think). But the US has a high percentage of citizens who are more likely to succumb to the virus because of diabetes, weight, general health issues - and the general perception is that indeed both African Americans and Hispanics are dying at a higher rate than Caucasians. I had also believed that the infection rate in the US would possibly be lower than in the UK. But it isn't - it's the death rate that is lower.


UK - 274 people/km^2
US - 34 people/km^2

EDIT: Think Tredders beat me to it.
Mail reporting there is another ‘new and game changing’ home test. Apparently we have ordered 50m of them this time. Think I’m in the wrong business.
Presume we have tested them and didn't have to send anyone to pick them up from a badly lit storage unit this time?
Mail reporting there is another ‘new and game changing’ home test. Apparently we have ordered 50m of them this time. Think I’m in the wrong business.

You should tell them that if they go fuck themselves, it will give them immunity.

Since apparently they'll buy anything.
Surely that would explain different infection rates, rather than death rates.

Infection rates aren’t a reliable measure of anything other than the number of tests countries are carrying out.

Cumulative deaths or hospitalisation numbers are probably the most reliable indicator of prevalence within a country.
Infection rates aren’t a reliable measure of anything other than the number of tests countries are carrying out.

Cumulative deaths or hospitalisation numbers are probably the most reliable indicator of prevalence within a country.

That's may be the case, analysis of the ONS figures puts the cumulative count at over 40,000 deaths, almost double the 'official' figures, but I'm sure there's a very good reason for that not to be true. I've just got a feeling about it.
Infection rates aren’t a reliable measure of anything other than the number of tests countries are carrying out.

Cumulative deaths or hospitalisation numbers are probably the most reliable indicator of prevalence within a country.

There is a feeling over here that the number of recorded cases is really only the tip of the iceberg. If that holds true, and the US and UK have similar death rates, then the true number of cases over there has to be absolutely phenomenal.
There is a feeling over here that the number of recorded cases is really only the tip of the iceberg. If that holds true, and the US and UK have similar death rates, then the true number of cases over there has to be absolutely phenomenal.

The UK has more Coronavirus deaths than Norway, Germany, Japan, Greece, Denmark, South Korea, Ireland, India, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Portugal, Taiwan and Austria combined.
The UK has more Coronavirus deaths than Norway, Germany, Japan, Greece, Denmark, South Korea, Ireland, India, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Portugal, Taiwan and Austria combined.

Does the UK have more cases than those countries combined?

The death rate from confirmed cases in Germany is only 30% of the UK rate. Is it because Germany is doing something right, the UK doing something wrong, or the explanation implied on here that the UK actually has many times more cases than has been reported.
If lil' donny were a character in a book, people would complain that he isn't realistic, that no president could really be that stupid. But here we are.
Your State is MAGA central but I appreciate that's something of a stereotype so how does the more rational Trump/GOP voter defend him? I've seen your Congressman that looks like he's from a Dr Hook tribute band attempt it, but it's a series of distortions of the facts. I know he's an articulate guy and an ex Navy Seal and clearly a rising star but it's still not credible
Yes, is it Crenshaw his name? He represents a wealthy area near Houston. No "serious" politician defends trump. They may deflect, attack Dems, point to successes that the US has had since trump took over, but they don't seem to actually like him. But they are afraid of his supporters so keep quiet with their real views. There is really only Romney who has his own base in Utah and is strong willed enough (and occasionally principled) to openly disagree with donny.

Nationally his party is apparently seriously worried. Lil' donny is screwing up his virus response even more than your tory governement. I saw a recent survey suggesting donny leads Biden by 5 points in TX. That is a LOT less than anyone since Jimmy Carter beat Gerald Ford. TX cities do usually vote Democrat but the (white) rural population counteracts that. And in SA the hispanic majority is not sufficiently politically motivated. My hispanic wife is socialist, but her sister votes republican - even though that party is now a "whites' party.
Does the UK have more cases than those countries combined?

The death rate from confirmed cases in Germany is only 30% of the UK rate. Is it because Germany is doing something right, the UK doing something wrong, or the explanation implied on here that the UK actually has many times more cases than has been reported.

Germany has a far more rigorous testing and contact tracing regime, which started with their patient zero. Their patient zero attended a festival during their most contagious phase, yet they managed to trace everyone he'd been in contact with.

I think your right, the implication is we have far more cases than is reported, although in saying that, we don't actually report that no matter what the graph says. We report on number of people tested who are positive, which sounds picky, but probably accounts for the huge disparity, when you think Germany does 500,000 tests a day, and on Friday we performed 28k tests, 10k of which were on people already tested before with almost 5.5k positives.. If we've only been testing a small number of people working in high risk roles, and anyone that it's already thought probably has it, then naturally the % of positive results to tests performed will be dramatically bigger. In 5 days time when we are completing 100,000 test a a day that may change, but if we really are over the worst of it, as we're being told, the numbers will be dramatically different now than if we were doing 100k tests i a day when the UK outbreak is said to have been at its peak. I'ts almost as if we're being expected to swallow meaningless numbers because the reality might make someone unpopular.

The numbers would look different if we were reporting the real number of CV-19 deaths, widely accepted to be more than double those currently stated. It's a bit like saying the number of Murders in the UK are comparatively lower than the rest of Europe when only murders where the killer is found standing over the body with a bloody axe in their hands go towards the official figures. Or showing graphs representing a huge fall in the % of ICU beds currently being used when there's just been a huge rise in capacity, and a comparison between 3 different countries number of deaths with a caveat at the bottom that no one can read saying the numbers can't be compared because they're calculated differently.

The only thing more ridiculous would be presenting figures on use of transport as the first, most important thing to look at because its the only graph you've got showing a decline and saying it clearly demonstrates you're doing a great job , and then ignoring any 40% spikes that happen and the fact that when the graph does drop down it doesn't get close to it's previous low because that's an inconvenient truth. Or getting an idiot to comment on crime figures when tens of thousand of people are dying. Which you'd clearly have to be mad to do. Unless perhaps you wanted to deflect attention away from tucking a silk hanky into a false thumb.