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Nicholas Watt

Break: I am told that a very tense meeting of the executive of the Conservative backbench committee 1922 has just concluded. Every Tory MP at the meeting and every MP who dialled in expressed deep concern at the impact of the lockdown on business
Am told the sentiment at the 1922 was: unless the lockdown starts to be lifted soon the UK may not have much of a functioning economy to come back to. Fears expressed that thousands upon thousands of businesses could soon go under
Some members of the 1922 executive believe the lockdown needs to be relaxed after the first week of May. ‘If we don’t do that we really will see thousands of businesses go under,’ one 1922 member tells me
The meeting heard that the govt has achieved its main goal - the NHS has not been overwhelmed. But that should not mean no change to the lockdown. There will continue to be infections, UK will have to learn to live with this virus for two maybe three years, meeting heard
Am told govt messaging on Coronavirus described by one 1922 member as ‘ludicrous’. Great interest in suggestion by Carl Heneghan that peak of deaths was 8 April, indicating that fall in infections came when initial social distancing and hygiene measures introduced before lockdown
One 1922 member tells me: ‘Social distancing and hygiene measures were the key. We should follow the government guidance. If you can’t work at home then you can go to work if observe social distancing and hygiene

They can copy Trump then. Glorious scenes. 1922 committee is an anachronistic disgrace to humanity. It should be culled.
Nicholas Watt

Break: I am told that a very tense meeting of the executive of the Conservative backbench committee 1922 has just concluded. Every Tory MP at the meeting and every MP who dialled in expressed deep concern at the impact of the lockdown on business
Am told the sentiment at the 1922 was: unless the lockdown starts to be lifted soon the UK may not have much of a functioning economy to come back to. Fears expressed that thousands upon thousands of businesses could soon go under
Some members of the 1922 executive believe the lockdown needs to be relaxed after the first week of May. ‘If we don’t do that we really will see thousands of businesses go under,’ one 1922 member tells me
The meeting heard that the govt has achieved its main goal - the NHS has not been overwhelmed. But that should not mean no change to the lockdown. There will continue to be infections, UK will have to learn to live with this virus for two maybe three years, meeting heard
Am told govt messaging on Coronavirus described by one 1922 member as ‘ludicrous’. Great interest in suggestion by Carl Heneghan that peak of deaths was 8 April, indicating that fall in infections came when initial social distancing and hygiene measures introduced before lockdown
One 1922 member tells me: ‘Social distancing and hygiene measures were the key. We should follow the government guidance. If you can’t work at home then you can go to work if observe social distancing and hygiene
they should all watch the unlearning economics vid
glad to see the news Del, hope the recovery gets him home asap.
Nicholas Watt

Break: I am told that a very tense meeting of the executive of the Conservative backbench committee 1922 has just concluded. Every Tory MP at the meeting and every MP who dialled in expressed deep concern at the impact of the lockdown on business
Am told the sentiment at the 1922 was: unless the lockdown starts to be lifted soon the UK may not have much of a functioning economy to come back to. Fears expressed that thousands upon thousands of businesses could soon go under
Some members of the 1922 executive believe the lockdown needs to be relaxed after the first week of May. ‘If we don’t do that we really will see thousands of businesses go under,’ one 1922 member tells me
The meeting heard that the govt has achieved its main goal - the NHS has not been overwhelmed. But that should not mean no change to the lockdown. There will continue to be infections, UK will have to learn to live with this virus for two maybe three years, meeting heard
Am told govt messaging on Coronavirus described by one 1922 member as ‘ludicrous’. Great interest in suggestion by Carl Heneghan that peak of deaths was 8 April, indicating that fall in infections came when initial social distancing and hygiene measures introduced before lockdown
One 1922 member tells me: ‘Social distancing and hygiene measures were the key. We should follow the government guidance. If you can’t work at home then you can go to work if observe social distancing and hygiene

In amongst all that is a quote from a leading scientist saying that social distancing and hygiene is sufficient and lockdown has been unnecessary.

I'm not pro or anti this view but it's an important part of this statement and needs to be discussed.

Likewise, reading between the lines regarding the ludicrous messaging 1922 member added: ‘...Focus on that rather than the ludicrous government messaging. That drowns out the actual guidance’ to me suggests they aren't very happy with their leaders and think like most of us do about how the advice has been given and what that advice is.
1922 committee is an anachronistic disgrace to humanity. It should be culled.

Hold a lot of power though (or give the impression they do by shouting the loudest) and it was only a matter of time before the Economy was pushed ahead of lives.
Maybe I'm being too cynical but it also sends out a message akin to ' yes folks, we want the lockdown ended too' which on the back of a senior aide saying something like the only way it will end is when the public decide to end it... is pretty dangerous imo
Doc said the test has come back negative but we can ignore that because we're seeing lots of false negatives and the xray of his lungs clearly has the infection pattern of covid, which spreads differently to normal pneumonia. Said he's making amazing progress and it won't need to be a huge improvement from this point for him to be allowed home! Asked for a retest and they said no as he's getting better :/
Del, don't come on here to post very often but that is great news.
In amongst all that is a quote from a leading scientist saying that social distancing and hygiene is sufficient and lockdown has been unnecessary.

I'm not pro or anti this view but it's an important part of this statement and needs to be discussed.

Likewise, reading between the lines regarding the ludicrous messaging 1922 member added: ‘...Focus on that rather than the ludicrous government messaging. That drowns out the actual guidance’ to me suggests they aren't very happy with their leaders and think like most of us do about how the advice has been given and what that advice is.

The initial social distancing was no doubt working as those folk who would, were already adhering to all of the advice. Those that wouldn't were still filling the pubs and clubs and were a danger to those of us with elder relatives or vulnerable family members.
This is an article about what Carl Henegan was saying


I'm not sure about it but the numbers seem to stack up

It seems awfully like spin to me. "The government messed up, acted too slow, doesn't have contact tracing in place, because of bad advice people are dying rather than go to A&E, it doesn't have a clue how many people are infected, the governments strategy, whatever it was, has totally failed, so we need to get everyone out of lockdown and get the economy running again, we can't wait another 3 weeks" too cynical?
Great news for Del and the boy - I did tell you :)

Also Marianne Faithfull discharged from hospital.
"New Zealand is in the enviable position of having fewer than 20 deaths.... With early physical distancing measures and border control, and aggressive testing, tracing and isolating procedures in place, these countries are in a better position to ease lockdown earlier and get their economy and society going again, while keeping Covid-19-related deaths low. That’s as close to a win-win situation as a government can have right now."

crunching the curve -new-zealand coronavirus response
Am a massive fan of Jacinda Ardern but when you see things like this does it not worry you that density of population is a major issue, take New Zealand, a country bigger than the Uk but there are a million more people living in Yorkshire alone, take Finland, Iceland etc quite low on the league tables of population density.
In amongst all that is a quote from a leading scientist saying that social distancing and hygiene is sufficient and lockdown has been unnecessary.

I'm not pro or anti this view but it's an important part of this statement and needs to be discussed.

Likewise, reading between the lines regarding the ludicrous messaging 1922 member added: ‘...Focus on that rather than the ludicrous government messaging. That drowns out the actual guidance’ to me suggests they aren't very happy with their leaders and think like most of us do about how the advice has been given and what that advice is.

I do think it needs to be discussed but in the proper context. The measures that have been taken not to reduce the number of people infected and subsequently die, but to reduce the number of people who are infected and die in a particular time frame. The measures have been taken to protect the NHS from being overwhelmed to ensure that those who do require hospital treatment get it and therefore have the best chance of survival. There is no way that would have been achieved with simple social distancing as it is an unnatural human activity for most, you have to remove the environments that prevents social distancing.

Generally speaking, it is lower socioeconomic economic groups that are going to be hit hardest by easing the lockdown. These groups are more likely to be in lower paid, public facing jobs. Much less likely to be able to work from home and more likely to rely on public transport. It’s no wonder that predominately well off white men think the lockdown was unnecessary.
Am a massive fan of Jacinda Ardern but when you see things like this does it not worry you that density of population is a major issue, take New Zealand, a country bigger than the Uk but there are a million more people living in Yorkshire alone, take Finland, Iceland etc quite low on the league tables of population density.

Guess its inevitable that higher density populations will be worse but whats the answer to that?
Also how do explain France, seems to be on a similar trajectory to us but with a similar poputation to us but a 4 times bigger land mass
Guess its inevitable that higher density populations will be worse but whats the answer to that?
Also how do explain France, seems to be on a similar trajectory to us but with a similar population to us but a 4 times bigger land mass

I don't know, its just a thought that pops into my head when people remark on how well Iceland et al. are doing