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So someone at the govt set up 128 fake accounts supportive of their strategy. Not scary or sinister at all. Putin and Trump play book.


Would urge caution sharing/believing the claims in this thread. He hasn't provided any actual evidence for this network existing as claimed, plus the technical descriptions of how he worked it out don't make sense considering how eg Hootsuite actually works. Other journalists now looking into this are struggling to validate the claims.
The government have gone into overdrive to deny them.

Sure, but they'd do that regardless of whether it was true or not. Plenty of dodgy shit like this around, but fake news about fake news is still fake news, and also spreads faster than the truth can keep up.
The hindsight argument is bollocks, people were questioning it quite vociferously at the time.

People were going to games and Cheltenham because the government guidance was that it was safe to attend.

You keep bandying this around but have zero proof that either Cheltenham or the Anfield game have spread the virus. Particularly as the evidence in the numbers do not back this up.

It's just another stick for you to beat the government with. Fucking woeful stuff.
If those matches *should* have gone ahead, then why have all events subsequently been cancelled?
Oh the old "it's not time for political point scoring line".

This is a message board, what we say on here has no effect on anything, so I see no reason to try and shut down debate with that line? Unless people are so invested in the government that they don't like their strategy being questioned?

spot on and seems to ignore that the political pointscoring is being initiated by government as much as anybody presumably to justify changing "policy" almost immediately after announcing one; and for example in responding to newspaper criticisms with generally shitty replies that appear like a PR and blame avoidance exercise rather than any responsible assessment of why we've got to where we have including what we got wrong.

on a secondary note, i don't really see herd immunity constitutes a policy, rather than being an intended end result of "policy" with different routes and consequences to achieving it. you could do nothing, let as many people get infected and hope the damage done isn't too bad, perhaps because you have good data that not too many will get seriously ill (or for other dogmatic or less philanthropic reasons). or in more serious assessed outbreaks you could try to contain the spread commensurate with your ability to look after those falling ill whilst providing time to build up your ability to treat. it seemed to me at the start the gvt was describing the latter whilst being on the former.
If those matches *should* have gone ahead, then why have all events subsequently been cancelled?

Nobody is saying they should have gone ahead, people are saying they shouldn't. That's hindsight. At what point should all events have been shut down?
At what point should all events have been shut down?

Probably around the point Italy was being crippled and the rest of Europe had a warning right in front of them and had a chance to be proactive rther than reactive. Also, as the Brighton game was naff about 2 days before that would have been ideal...
You keep bandying this around but have zero proof that either Cheltenham or the Anfield game have spread the virus.

Given what we know now and knew then about how incredibly contagious this virus is, it is an absolute impossibility that those 2 events DIDN'T spread the virus in some form be it significant or not.
There's lots we know about the virus now hence why we have such clear guidelines to adhere to
rules 1.jpg
There's lots we know about the virus now hence why we have such clear guidelines to adhere to
r 1.jpg
Nobody is saying they should have gone ahead, people are saying they shouldn't. That's hindsight. At what point should all events have been shut down?

Personally I was advocating for schools to be closed and events to be cancelled as early as the first week in March. It was so obvious what was going to happen. We could literally see into the future when we saw the numbers from Italy, while Boris was holding press conferences telling us he's playing pat-a-cake with covid patients. Italian doctors were all over our media, warning us what was coming, imploring us to use the fact that we were 4 weeks behind them to our advantage.

I don't know whether it was a conscious 'economy first' decision, 'if some old people die sobeit', complacency ("the risk is low, and we're incredibly well prepared") or just plain old stupidity.
Gloves piss me off. Gloves work in a healthcare setting as they are single use. They do not work in day to day life when Joe Bloggs is driving his car with them, scratching his nose, touching everything in a shop, handling money, returning to his car and driving home in then.
Personally I was advocating for schools to be closed and events to be cancelled as early as the first week in March. It was so obvious what was going to happen. We could literally see into the future when we saw the numbers from Italy, while Boris was holding press conferences telling us he's playing pat-a-cake with covid patients. Italian doctors were all over our media, warning us what was coming, imploring us to use the fact that we were 4 weeks behind them to our advantage.

You absolutely weren't alone, it's revisionism from the government and their supporters to say otherwise.

The "hindsight" argument is bollocks - we could see it coming.
Gloves piss me off. Gloves work in a healthcare setting as they are single use. They do not work in day to day life when Joe Bloggs is driving his car with them, scratching his nose, touching everything in a shop, handling money, returning to his car and driving home in then.
That's people pissing you off, not gloves.
Remember that the very first COBRA meeting that Fat Al attended (after the five he missed) - he called it on the Thursday but wouldn't actually hold it until the Monday because he was pissing off to Chequers for the weekend and that was more important.

It's complacency and natural indolence. But vote for him and you should know what you're getting.
Personally I was advocating for schools to be closed and events to be cancelled as early as the first week in March. It was so obvious what was going to happen. We could literally see into the future when we saw the numbers from Italy, while Boris was holding press conferences telling us he's playing pat-a-cake with covid patients. Italian doctors were all over our media, warning us what was coming, imploring us to use the fact that we were 4 weeks behind them to our advantage.

I don't know whether it was a conscious 'economy first' decision, 'if some old people die sobeit', complacency ("the risk is low, and we're incredibly well prepared") or just plain old stupidity.

The government followed their own scientists advice. We all wanted the chancers in office to do this, now they've done it they're wrong. Damned if you do, etc. etc.

In hindsight it is clear that we should've been better prepared as Italy and Spain had given us a head start. Other counties like Greece have not had it as bad and there isn't much to say why. I do wonder why we're behind the curve it isn't like the virus had to hitch a ride here over land. Sweden didn't close their schools and haven't seen infection rates like ours.

There's an awful lot to learn from this pandemic and I remember listening to a R4 program that had virus experts on it that said large scale public gatherings being stopped would've made no difference in the spread of the virus unless the whole country was shut down.
On one of the TV programmes this morning they were saying the stats are showing correlation between poor air quality areas and the worse casualty figures.
I only caught a bit but inferring areas like Madrid, China, Northern Italy, London, New York have high pollution figures.
Could make sense as to why sparsely populates countries aren't suffering so badly.
More than 30 strains of the virus due to it mutating according to Chinese epidemologists.