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I kind of hesitate to post this as there's a man quite possibly dying in hospital at the moment, and he has a pregnant partner (whatever I think of her) and a family (whatever I think of them, particularly his father, who is a monumental cunt). But still:

- This is a man who decided early on to do a soft scoop interview with Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, those well-known hard hitters. And said maybe it was a good idea to "take it on the chin"
- He gave a press conference essentially saying that if you wash your hands, you have nothing to worry about
- May even have been the same presser where he bragged about shaking hands with coronavirus patients. I think this is a lie as it was Kettering hospital and at the time they had no such patients. Either way, it's irresponsible
- As people were dying, he thought it appropriate to make a joke about procuring ventilators and calling it "Operation Last Gasp"
- He said we could have this wiped out within 12 weeks, totally unfounded nonsense
- The situation developed and he casually mentioned that thousands of people would die
- Despite this, he did nothing to close things down. He allowed mass gatherings to continue. 60,000+ were at Anfield for Liverpool vs Atletico Madrid. Around 250,000 were at the Cheltenham Festival. He waited for the sporting authorities to make those decisions
- Later on he still allowed pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres to stay open. Then gave them one last stand, with obvious results of everyone piling down for one last drink
- He knew on a reasonably pleasant weekend, people would go out. He issued no guidelines whatsoever. Just vague, obtuse waffle. And thousands of people congregated, obviously
- He hasn't closed businesses down. Construction sites are still open. So are plenty of offices
- He has allowed misinformation to come out regarding his own health and who is running the country

I won't bring in his previous political decisions here but safe to say they don't stack up well either.

It's a mountain of lies, dithering and incompetence. Now, as I say, I hope he gets better. Because I wouldn't wish this on him. It's a horrible illness and by all accounts an appalling death if you do succumb to it.

But to me it's like a kid who claims he can outrun traffic and keeps running across the M6 all day. You hope when that kid ends up getting smacked at 70mph, he's somehow ok. Yet ultimately, he had enough warnings and carried on being stupid. The human tragedy is a great one, logic and reason should have won the day much earlier.

If he does survive, maybe he'll have a think on a number of things.
we have a company, ... aids, ebola... they talk a language most people don't understand, but I do , I understand its pretty advanced, and they have offices in London, we've sent a team , we are going to do everything we can to help and make sure everything is ok.....

He never misses an opportunity

Great pills. The best pills.
I kind of hesitate to post this as there's a man quite possibly dying in hospital at the moment, and he has a pregnant partner (whatever I think of her) and a family (whatever I think of them, particularly his father, who is a monumental cunt). But still:

- This is a man who decided early on to do a soft scoop interview with Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, those well-known hard hitters. And said maybe it was a good idea to "take it on the chin"
- He gave a press conference essentially saying that if you wash your hands, you have nothing to worry about
- May even have been the same presser where he bragged about shaking hands with coronavirus patients. I think this is a lie as it was Kettering hospital and at the time they had no such patients. Either way, it's irresponsible
- As people were dying, he thought it appropriate to make a joke about procuring ventilators and calling it "Operation Last Gasp"
- He said we could have this wiped out within 12 weeks, totally unfounded nonsense
- The situation developed and he casually mentioned that thousands of people would die
- Despite this, he did nothing to close things down. He allowed mass gatherings to continue. 60,000+ were at Anfield for Liverpool vs Atletico Madrid. Around 250,000 were at the Cheltenham Festival. He waited for the sporting authorities to make those decisions
- Later on he still allowed pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres to stay open. Then gave them one last stand, with obvious results of everyone piling down for one last drink
- He knew on a reasonably pleasant weekend, people would go out. He issued no guidelines whatsoever. Just vague, obtuse waffle. And thousands of people congregated, obviously
- He hasn't closed businesses down. Construction sites are still open. So are plenty of offices
- He has allowed misinformation to come out regarding his own health and who is running the country

I won't bring in his previous political decisions here but safe to say they don't stack up well either.

It's a mountain of lies, dithering and incompetence. Now, as I say, I hope he gets better. Because I wouldn't wish this on him. It's a horrible illness and by all accounts an appalling death if you do succumb to it.

But to me it's like a kid who claims he can outrun traffic and keeps running across the M6 all day. You hope when that kid ends up getting smacked at 70mph, he's somehow ok. Yet ultimately, he had enough warnings and carried on being stupid. The human tragedy is a great one, logic and reason should have won the day much earlier.

If he does survive, maybe he'll have a think on a number of things.

I think regardless of the outcome, this has to drive some kind of change
I don't doubt he's ill but as intimated by Newnight he's in intensive care BECAUSE he's the PM. When he recovers and like others I hope he does, Trump will claim the credit
I kind of hesitate to post this as there's a man quite possibly dying in hospital at the moment, and he has a pregnant partner (whatever I think of her) and a family (whatever I think of them, particularly his father, who is a monumental cunt). But still:

- This is a man who decided early on to do a soft scoop interview with Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, those well-known hard hitters. And said maybe it was a good idea to "take it on the chin"
- He gave a press conference essentially saying that if you wash your hands, you have nothing to worry about
- May even have been the same presser where he bragged about shaking hands with coronavirus patients. I think this is a lie as it was Kettering hospital and at the time they had no such patients. Either way, it's irresponsible
- As people were dying, he thought it appropriate to make a joke about procuring ventilators and calling it "Operation Last Gasp"
- He said we could have this wiped out within 12 weeks, totally unfounded nonsense
- The situation developed and he casually mentioned that thousands of people would die
- Despite this, he did nothing to close things down. He allowed mass gatherings to continue. 60,000+ were at Anfield for Liverpool vs Atletico Madrid. Around 250,000 were at the Cheltenham Festival. He waited for the sporting authorities to make those decisions
- Later on he still allowed pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres to stay open. Then gave them one last stand, with obvious results of everyone piling down for one last drink
- He knew on a reasonably pleasant weekend, people would go out. He issued no guidelines whatsoever. Just vague, obtuse waffle. And thousands of people congregated, obviously
- He hasn't closed businesses down. Construction sites are still open. So are plenty of offices
- He has allowed misinformation to come out regarding his own health and who is running the country

I won't bring in his previous political decisions here but safe to say they don't stack up well either.

It's a mountain of lies, dithering and incompetence. Now, as I say, I hope he gets better. Because I wouldn't wish this on him. It's a horrible illness and by all accounts an appalling death if you do succumb to it.

But to me it's like a kid who claims he can outrun traffic and keeps running across the M6 all day. You hope when that kid ends up getting smacked at 70mph, he's somehow ok. Yet ultimately, he had enough warnings and carried on being stupid. The human tragedy is a great one, logic and reason should have won the day much earlier.

If he does survive, maybe he'll have a think on a number of things.

All of this.
I think it was a bit of pointless post to be honest, posted another time maybe but not while the bloke is fighting for his life

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In fairness I don't get to choose when Boris Johnson is or isn't ill.

Do you have a timeframe when I can assess his management of the situation, out of interest? The first time "he" posts on Twitter, for instance? Or maybe it's ok when he's in control of the Government, as apparently he was according to the Politburo at 6pm tonight.

Feel free to disagree with the points made if you like. I've said repeatedly that I don't wish him any ill.

And it would make me a total hypocrite if I pretended to like him now, no?
boris, trump, the sacklers, murdoch, bezos, devos, etc. etc, all the thousands of other powerful/wealthy leeches on society across the globe deserve no well wishes. they deserve every bad thing that comes their way.

getting sick doesn't undo years of horrible actions that affect millions of regular people. being a consistent piece of shit doesn't garner sympathy when things go south. sure they completely fucked up our entire society, but I guess I'll add them to my prayer list all of a sudden. no. fuck them.
In fairness I don't get to choose when Boris Johnson is or isn't ill.

Do you have a time frame when I can assess his management of the situation, out of interest? The first time "he" posts on Twitter, for instance? Or maybe it's ok when he's in control of the Government, as apparently he was according to the Politburo at 6pm tonight.

Feel free to disagree with the points made if you like. I've said repeatedly that I don't wish him any ill.

And it would make me a total hypocrite if I pretended to like him now, no?

boris, trump, the sacklers, murdoch, bezos, devos, etc. etc, all the thousands of other powerful/wealthy leeches on society across the globe deserve no well wishes. they deserve every bad thing that comes their way.
getting sick doesn't undo years of horrible actions that affect millions of regular people. being a consistent piece of shit doesn't garner sympathy when things go south. sure they completely fucked up our entire society, but I guess I'll add them to my prayer list all of a sudden. no. fuck them.

I've struggled wit this since I first heard the news he'd been put on a ventilator. I've been highly critical of him in the past for a multitude of reasons and a multitude of sins, from his Bullingdon Club membership past to his dual public/private names/personas, his actions his policies, his lack of actions and his at times quite shocking attitudes and actions towards those he represents. Two of the things that has always disgusted me the most has been his frequent economic use of the truth and his frequent infidelity. I'm from an age when I remember what standards in public life once were, and they are in no way now what they were then. Both of those in particular I have trouble with when they come from people I personally know let alone someone who represents and leads our nation.

I've refused to pile into the 'Clap for Boris' campaign and I don't think being on deaths door erases a career with littered actions that would make me avoid someones company down the pub. The more I think about it, the more I begin to believe that the lack of messages of sympathy for his partner are not unthinking omissions and are in fact deliberate actions towards a woman who some may well still consider his mistress. One of his many once said “He made himself so endearing and amusing. I didn’t know of his reputation." and when lawyers argued for the right to name him as the father of one of his many, and no one outside of his very private circle knows exactly how many he has, illegitimate children they argued that it “went to the issue of recklessness and whether on that account he was fit for public office” and won Indeed the most cursory search for things Boris has said to back that up uncovers some quite shocking statements for a man in public office let alone a national leader.

"What a relief it must be for Blair to get out of England. It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies.", "Orientals ... have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole." and "All the young people I know – ie those under 30 – are just as avaricious as we flinty Thatcherite yuppies of the 1980s in fact, they have an almost Nigerian interest in money and gadgets of all kinds." are but a few. Boris may well see this being pointed out as an ' inverted pyramid of piffle'.

So in the many emotions running wild over the situation, I think it is important to remember that unlike his former mistress we should definitely remember his reputation and not be blinded by his ability to come across as endearing and amusing before canonising him and that he may well have caught the illness causing him to be at deaths door by irresponsibly shaking the hands of cv-19 victims.

Many analogies for that fact have been written and there will be many more to come, but should he die, and I still can't bring myself to wish death on the man, it would not be unfair for his epitaph to read ' A man whose life was typified by an expectancy of one standard for himself and another for everyone else. ' and before anyone eulogises and rewrites history to paint him as one of the nations greatest leaders, a man of honour and virtue and a pillar of society, ask yourself this. If the tables were turned, what would Boris do?

But that's just my opinion
I'm not 'wishing death' on him.

but I'm not gonna sit here with some middle of the road passive-empathy for people in spite of hating them for years with entirely legitimate reasons. I will not be sad if he dies. I have no words of support for him. I do not promote any remotely flaccid wish for his recovery. he is not in my prayer book.

he can eat shit. if he dies, oh fuckin well.
I'm not 'wishing death' on him.

but I'm not gonna sit here with some middle of the road passive-empathy for people in spite of hating them for years with entirely legitimate reasons. I will not be sad if he dies. I have no words of support for him. I do not promote any remotely flaccid wish for his recovery. he is not in my prayer book.

he can eat shit. if he dies, oh fuckin well.

I wasn't having a pop, it was just a mind dump after once again waking at 4.30am. I' m not going to criticise anyone for having or sharing your opinion. My Mrs knows that at some point in later life we may end up separated as I WILL piss on Margaret Thatchers grave before I die

I really do not get the public backing that Boris has accrued during this crisis - I don’t see a great leader, a totem, a figurehead, just a rambling, clueless mouthpiece. I don’t wish him ill, but I also would not shed a tear either.
To paraphrase, he made himself so endearing and amusing, they simply forgot his true reputation.
So obviously "I don't want him to die but....." is the political version of "Now, I'm not racist but......"

I think it's best if you don't say anything because you're all coming out as really classy .

Just say you want him to die, don't beat about the bush, you can then piss on his grave which seems to be a prerequisite for any socialist (weird fascination with urinating)
So obviously "I don't want him to die but....." is the political version of "Now, I'm not racist but......"

I think it's best if you don't say anything because you're all coming out as really classy .

What a load of hogwash - I’d rather be authentic than pander to some Mexican wave of angst to appear “classy”.
He is a father, with another on the way, fighting for his life against a horrendous disease.

Those are the pertinent facts here. You don’t have to be distraught, but there’s something very unseemly about a lot of the reactions I’m seeing.
What a load of hogwash - I’d rather be authentic than pander to some Mexican wave of angst to appear “classy”.

Authenticity is an admirable trait, I would look after it you haven't got many more to keep it with.

Nobody has said you need to be wailing and crying, but if you feel a need to berate a bloke that could be dying then that says a lot more about you