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Wolves 3 - Cardiff 1. Another step towards sanity verdict thread

Warnock at his best post match, says they lost it and we didn't win it and the decisions didn't go there way.
If he can't see the quality in the second and third goal then he's a dilluded idiot.

Hence his nickname of Colin wanker
I'd love to know which game changing decision didn't go there way, can't think of any myself.
Half a second slow. If you come , you get it. If you can't get it stay at home. One of those he would have looked better conceding whilst on his line than doing a fresh air Superman

It was in his six yard box so i think he has to go for it but yeah, the net result is still the same. Shitty defending all around but we are looking dangerous going forward, and from dead balls which i don't think we've looked threatening from for a long time
Stay on his line and he looks like a chump. BUT he has to go a lot quicker and go straight over the top of the forward and clear house. Matt Murray in goal and that never goes in, put it that way.
Stay on his line and he looks like a chump. BUT he has to go a lot quicker and go straight over the top of the forward and clear house. Matt Murray in goal and that never goes in, put it that way.
I don't think today's goal would cause any bother if he'd stayed on his line, that looped header should be easy enough for even Lonergan to deal but in general I'd agree, 9 times out of 10 staying put we see something lashed past him from 5 yards.
You could possibility say the same for our second of Cardiff's keeper. He stayed at home and looked a mug
For our second goal you could make that case. However, it was also an absolutely SUPERB cross.
What could he have done differently? (I'm not being argumentative just trying to understand how others saw it)

Hello mate, thought I'd posted earlier but I must have had wifi issues!

Felt he should have gone blood and thunder at the ball and punched it as hard as possible.

Imv it was in the keepers area not in the centre halves control.

Tbf to Lonners he wasn't troubled after the goal, also we should probably give some praise to the back line. Despite Cardiff being dreadful!
Lonergan has disappointed me. He is a shadow of the keeper he was 3 or 4 years ago. Shame. New keeper essential for the future.
He's always been fucking wank.

Proper verdict in the morning but we deserved the win. Helder is fucking magic.
He's always been $#@!ing $#@!.

Proper verdict in the morning but we deserved the win. Helder is $#@!ing magic.

We must agree to differ there. He was excellent at Preston at times , player of the year there twice. Not good enough now though. Never kicked on. I hoped he would do better here. Bench warmer.

He is also on your list with Doherty so my rose tinted view is tempered by your intrinsic dislike!
He's always been $#@!ing $#@!.

Proper verdict in the morning but we deserved the win. Helder is $#@!ing magic.

He seemed to be highly rated earlier in his career but has gone downhill a bit. He's had injuries which may have taken their toll
Lonergan has always been this shit. If you ask any fan of any of the clubs he's played for throughout his career about him they'll all have roughly the same opinion of him that Wolves fans do now.

PNE fans liked him at first because he supports PNE and he was still young at the time. They felt if he improved his kicking, learnt how to command his area and stopped making ridiculous howlers he'd actually be a half decent keeper. He's done none of those things.
Lonergan has always been this $#@!. If you ask any fan of any of the clubs he's played for throughout his career about him they'll all have roughly the same opinion of him that Wolves fans do now.

PNE fans liked him at first because he supports PNE and he was still young at the time. They felt if he improved his kicking, learnt how to command his area and stopped making ridiculous howlers he'd actually be a half decent keeper. He's done none of those things.

Agreed. On fundamental goalkeeping principles that can be taught or coached like kicking and communication he has not progressed and for a keeper his size he should be more commanding. Shame. Next!
Just on a side note was driving back from work Friday evening and had to my regret put on the WM phone just at the point when Mark Reagan spouted Costa was worth no more than £8-9 million and there's no chance we'll make a profit on him.
Then Costa does that yesterday just to ram it down his throat.
Yes Lonergan was poor for the goal but look at Doherty just fucking daydreaming when Batth, Hause and Coady all stepped forward for the offside. Poor poor again for chinstrap.
Deserved the win in the end, it wasn't straightforward as Cardiff had their own share of the play and we never felt in complete control of affairs, you can see that about half of our team is pretty good and the rest need chucking. But obviously we're stuck with it as it is at the moment and just have to make the best of it. I expect us to be cack at defending set pieces but Cardiff were just as bad, not what you'd think you'd get from a Warnock team. They also rivalled Wigan for wanging the ball straight out of play constantly. It's a game we'd have lost a month or so ago but the increased attacking threat should be enough to get us by against opponents like this.

Lonergan: Shite. 400 games or so in his career and he still can't do the basics. Dreadful work on their goal, nearly gifted them another with a shocking punch that went nowhere. Didn't kick like so much of a flid but I can't ever feel comfortable with him in the team, he doesn't even try to claim crosses from five yards out. Got nowhere near the shot which hit the post.

Coady: Probably as well as I've seen him play at RB. Harris tried skinning him a few times early on but Coady matched him with relative ease. Never going to offer much going forward but it's not quite as important now we have an actual front four.

Batth: Best I've seen him play since Brentford at home. Dealt with Zohore well, in the right place for his goals and less aimless hoofing or headers straight up in the air.

Hause: Number one centre half here now and rightly so. Looking better in possession by the week.

Doherty: Did ok until Noone came on...at which point he had kittens. Looked terrified for the next 10 minutes every time Noone ran at him. I'm amazed Colin didn't start him given his previous performances against us. Obviously not anything like good enough but not much of an issue yesterday.

Edwards: Should have done better with a chance in the first half that he had two goes at and only produced a pea roller through to McGregor. Closed down and pressed pretty well, there will always be 20 minute spells with him where you forget he's on the pitch, he is at least in his right position now though.

Evans: Slowish start but grew into the game, while he isn't necessarily the answer to our issues in midfield I would say he's a better option now than Price. Good ball back out to Marshall for the cross for the second. Fortunate to escape injury after a filthy challenge by Ralls (fucking ref lost the plot for about 10 minutes after that, bald nugget).

Marshall: Good footballer. Links well with the other forward players and he gives us a proper outlet, set piece delivery is very good.

Cavaleiro: Didn't have a standout game but his mere presence just gives the opposition something else to think about. It isn't a coincidence that we scored loads of goals in Dec/Jan with him in the team, then it all dropped off dramatically while he was out, now we've started scoring again.

Costa: Simply magic. Cardiff were terrified of him. Constant threat, electric pace on the break, and that goal...wow. I'm still 50:50 on whether he'll be here next season, for now I'll just enjoy watching him.

Weimann: Didn't have a huge amount to work with - don't think he had a single proper chance - but he ran the channels well, makes sure we retain a mobile option up there and he drops in for a pass pretty well too, doesn't just hang around waiting for the ball to come to him. Clear #1 choice there now.

Saiss: Probably the best sub Lambert has made in his time here. Cardiff were just starting to take hold of matters until we brought him on...he just shut all that down. Actually was pushed fairly high up the park late on which has to be the way forward, we don't need him holding hands with the centre halves.

Bodvarsson: Usual Bod stuff. Bags of effort, bit more of a physical option...doesn't really look like scoring though.

Saville: No real time, made a couple of tackles.

We're probably safe as it is now - effectively nine points clear - but would be nice to carry this winning run on as long as we can. The next two are definitely ones we can target for maximum points.
Yesterday was so much better than any home league game i can remember for a while, we looked like we had an idea what to do and with the trio of Marshall, Cav and Costa fluid and always threatening to do something we were always dangerous. There a couple of time we lost concentration like the goal and a chance just afterwards but on the whole we were the better side and deserved to win.

Lonergan - Exactly what we all now he is, can't kick, can't command his area and flaps at stuff that comes his way. Should have stayed on his line for the goal and it's an easy catch but rushed out when he clearly didn't have time to do so. Tried to punch one in the first half that went straight up in the air but somehow managed to smother it when it came back down. We badly need a goalkeeper imo.

Coady - Solid enough and defends quite well but in this day and age you need your full backs to do more. Had numerous chances to drive forwards but was far too slow to do so and hasn't really got the quality needed. We either need to get Iorfa back to what he was or we need a right back.

Batth - Defended pretty well but it was a game where he would be comfortable as Cardiff didn't have anyone to run him and Zohore played on Hause for some strange reason. He couldn't really miss the header for his first but he did put the original challenge in and he attacked Marshall's cross for his second fantastically. Would love to see him do that more often.

Hause - He really is becoming a quality centre half. He doesn't always look orthodox but he gets the job done and he's the one we have to build the defence around at the minute.

Doherty - Didn't have a lot to do and wasn't tested until Noone came on. He then struggled a few times as he just didn't know what to do, he backed off him and let him come on to his left foot every time and luckily a couple of efforts were straight at Lonergan and the other hit the post. Was slow out after Hause headed clear and played Zohore onside for their goal too.

Evans - Always seems to have 5 or 10 minutes where he struggles but the rest of the game i thought he showed how good he could be. Always wants the ball, comfortable on it and can pick a pass. Much better defensively than Price too and wins his fair share of tackles.

Edwards - Closed down well a few times and that lead to him setting Costa up for the third goal. Still doesn't get involved in open play enough for a player playing central midfield but when his pressing leads to goals i can't moan too much.

Costa - I have no idea whether he will be here next season but the lad is class and i love watching him. He beats players for fun and he made McGregor and Morrison look silly for his goal. One thing that could keep him here is that he's not good enough for a top side and why go to a lower Premier League side when we could be one of those after next season all being well.

Cavaleiro - Wasn't quite his day but some lovely touches and he's always a threat, it's no surprise since he came back in we look more dangerous as teams know now it's not just Costa that can hurt them.

Marshall - Looks a different player to the one we signed, he's a couple of stone lighter and he's found his touch. Delivery is magnificent and combined well with everyone. He did tire and got a stupid booking but on this and his last few performances he's a good signing.

Weimann - Like Cav it wasn't really his day but still gives you a lot. Worked hard and set up the opener with a good header back across goal. Deserves to keep his place.


Saiss - Absolutely rock solid, he gave the back four extra protection and picked up several second balls. Exactly what was needed to keep it tight especially once we got the third and we never looked like giving the lead away.

Bod - Did what Bod does, nearly set up Weimann with a great run and a good player to bring on when we are winning. I just wish he could get a goal, the place would go wild.

Saville - Not on long enough.

After a poor start and then looking like he was getting it but then another poor period Lambert looked like he's getting it again. It's important that we keep our best players and add to them rather than replace. If we do there is no reason we can't give it a good go next season.

Forgot to mention until i saw DW's post that the referee was an absolute bellend for 15 minutes. The challenge on Evans was a shocker and a red card all day long yet somehow despite booking Ralls for the challenge Cardiff got the free kick. Few more strange decisions and also by the linesman on the Billy Wright side, missed the ball going out and various other things.
Feel like I am following a different team to the one I was livid about the other week. Are we officially declaring ourselves safe now? I said this before but it rings more true today, it's the amount of teams we've put between us and the trapdoor that I am most pleased about.