Personally, re: Semedo and the formation, I think people are generally being much, much too impatient.
Do we really think that half a season is enough to be clicking on all cylinders even at the best of times? We've changed some significant pieces since the (late) summer and also made a huge change tactically. It's not always going to be perfect, and, yes, Semedo especially needs to cut out the bad mistakes, but come on. We're talking about being roughly four months into a new season, with very little (if any) proper preseason, and some personnel changes that perhaps weren't intended to happen so early (Fabio being thrust into things at this stage, for example).
We need to take a deep breath and remember that football isn't a perfect science and that realizing tactical and personnel changes to their fullest can take a long time. Longer than four months, for sure. If the same issues are still present in May, or if we start to really dip into relegation land, fine. But until then, the way people are talking about dropping Semedo completely, or having Fabio down as too lightweight... What do you actually expect? Things to magically be at 100% efficiency from the minute they get put into the team?
The severity with each people react to a loss... Almost any loss, is totally unreasonable given the gap between us and 18th place, and the stage of the season we're at, and the wildness of the preseason.
We're fine. We're playing okay. We're making mistakes that need to be fixed. But these players deserve more time and support than they're being given, IMO.