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Frighteningly clear words from a Republican Judge...
"Each new day is a new nightmare. We are still trying to digest one breathtaking assault on America when another is signed, issued, or Tweeted. All this amid constant lies. Constant. Lies.
Basic American values — free speech, the rule of law, separation of powers, even common decency — are unknown in this White House.
If he knew anything about the Constitution, he would know the framers envisioned just the situation we have now — a would-be dictator. They provided checks and balances — such as an independent judiciary to protect us from presidential tyranny.
We must admit we have elected a president who has immediately proved himself to be a grifter, a pathological liar, a mean-spirited bully and dangerous to American values."
He has been in office a whole 4 weeks now! Talk about feeling longer

It is completely unsustainable that this can carry on for the next 4 years, something will have to give eventually. Either his health will give out, either mentally or physically (he certainly doesnt look like he enjoys the role and he has never been a man for the long haul/fighting an uphill battle) or the Republican Party/Security Services will find or cause circumstances where he will have to go by resignation or impeachment.

He won't get to 2018.
True - but now he is here everyone can see the emperor has no clothes and hopefully the whole edifice will swiftly crumble around his rather orange ears.
He will be lucky to last until June.

The only way he doesnt make June is if he dies. Possible but not probable. He is ensuring the USA never does this again. It would be funny if it wasn't dangerous

It is however a real shame for the people of the USA that the only President with the golden ticket of Republican congress and senate with a republican President, seems destined to piss it all up due to his own narcissistic tendency and political incompetence.
I've just seen some of the footage from his press conference.

Mind boggling - how the hell can someone quite that moronic be elected as the most powerful person on the planet? I could not believe what I was hearing.

"I guess I'm a politician now"

Yeah, Don - you kind of are. Your role is really rather dependent on politics and basic understanding on how it works and how to respond to it. Shame it isn't a prerequisite to actually have some political experience prior to taking office.
One of the contenders for the National Security post is David Patraeus


Mr Petraeus, a celebrated former four-star general, retired as CIA director in 2012 after it emerged he had given top-secret material to his biographer, with whom he was also having an extramarital affair. He is still serving two years' probation after his conviction for mishandling classified information, and would need to notify his parole officer if he wished to move to Washington DC.

Looks like a risk free choice to me, he even brings with him his own probation officer.
Bloody media again with all this unfair reporting.

That was a long time ago and he's probably really kind to children and animals.
The probation order is real but the news is fake.
Donald J. Trump

Thank you for all of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday. Rush Limbaugh said one of greatest ever. Fake media not happy!

11.43am. 17 Feb 17
The Trump and Netanyahu press conference was frightening enough but the orange one breaks new ground with each passing day. It just cant continue.
The fucking idiot is now tweeting who's in the running to be his NSA with General Keith Kellog who he's known a long time 'very much in play'

That is probably because someone has pointed out that Patreaus (spelling?) is an absolute non-starter.
Only just seen the ' highlights ' from yesterday.

I know I'm fucking thick but I swear I could get me point across better than him, and it'd be a beautiful thing, just beautiful. FFS.
The US media now share a common pain with Wolves fans..Asking Trump a straight question and hoping to get an actual answer that reflects it is like talking with THM on here....
We're being too harsh on Donny Boy. Have you seen the definition of uranium in the Dictionary?
