Our electoral system also can lead to the Party with the most votes not forming a Government. Attlee got more votes than Churchill in 1951 for example.
In the US you can't just "change it", because at some point the people that you want to change will have to vote on it. The Americans will explain this better than I, but having 2 seats per State, irrespective of size or population is a fundamental tenant of the Union. The population of Wyoming is about 1% of California yet they both get two Senators, there are 2 Carolina's, 2 Dakota's, but you aren't going to change that.
Where progress could be made is in the gerrymandering of districts to make them red. There are some ridiculous examples of boundaries drawn to deliberately exclude Democratic, mainly black and Hispanic communities and others of similar communities struggling to be able to register to vote or making it difficult for them to do so on the day with too few polling stations and too long queues.
Because of the source of the document there is one large area of red American psyche that it fails to address - God. He/she/it is an enabler and excuser for anything you wish to hide behind. Guns for example are a "God given right", therefore you don't get gun control. Invading Iraq, Bush and Blair prayed and guess what, God told them to have their illegal war. I saw on Bill Maher a couple of months ago, that in the last decade America has gone from 13-25%, who identify themselves as none religious. In the UK that is now over half and in the U25's 3/4. The sooner they catch up, the better