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More concerned about the fact that Trump thought it was appropriate to dictate the statement his son would give over "the Russian affair"

Blatant executive interfering in the judiciary. This twat needs to be removed.
More concerned about the fact that Trump thought it was appropriate to dictate the statement his son would give over "the Russian affair"

Blatant executive interfering in the judiciary. This twat needs to be removed.
Agreed Paddy..remove him..

Military solutions are now fully in place,locked and loaded,should North Korea act unwisely. Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path!

Nuclear war via Twitter.

I fucking hate this man.
Pablo S. Torre‏
Verified account
@PabloTorre Aug 11

Threatening nuclear war on Twitter feels like a terms of service violation

Shocking scenes in Virginia and Trump refuses to condemn the white supremesists.

Less than 12 months into his Presidency and already he has threatened nuclear war and seems to be backing the far right in a race war.

Shocking scenes in Virginia and Trump refuses to condemn the white supremesists.

Less than 12 months into his Presidency and already he has threatened nuclear war and seems to be backing the far right in a race war.


Pretty sure he condemned all involved, far left far right and all between.
To single out 1 group when there were many involved in the atrocity, makes him lean more to one group of protesters than the other. This isn't about white or black, left or white, just pure evil and terrorism, regardless of what side of the political fence you sit on.
He made a statement, albeit a shit one, at least he made it though unlike some other political figures when racism and terrorism raises it's disgusting head.
This is exactly about black and white. The group in Virginia is racist and disgusting and to not condemn them or their ideas in name is a shocking state of affairs.

The word "evil" also does not really have a place in this discussion. Good and evil are points of view. Calling any group evil also dehumanizes them, making them seem separate and inherently different from you or me. This is ultimately a harmful position to take as it ignores the causes of the extremism at best, and at worst it erases those causes entirely by assuming that the extremists themselves are simply flawed "monsters".

Let's not distract from the causes of these atrocities. There is a culture in my country that fosters this hatred and it is not being properly identified by the current President, who himself has that culture to thank for winning one of the most powerful political seats in the world.
This is exactly about black and white. The group in Virginia is racist and disgusting and to not condemn them or their ideas in name is a shocking state of affairs.

The word "evil" also does not really have a place in this discussion. Good and evil are points of view. Calling any group evil also dehumanizes them, making them seem separate and inherently different from you or me. This is ultimately a harmful position to take as it ignores the causes of the extremism at best, and at worst it erases those causes entirely by assuming that the extremists themselves are simply flawed "monsters".

Let's not distract from the causes of these atrocities. There is a culture in my country that fosters this hatred and it is not being properly identified by the current President, who himself has that culture to thank for winning one of the most powerful political seats in the world.

Well said Alan
He's directly engendering this culture and doing absolutely nothing to disassociate himself from it, less still stop it.


His statement was a disgrace. Next time your partner asks you if you love her/him, tell her/him that you love many people. See if that's seen as an acceptable answer.
This is a good piece:


Not everyone who voted for Donald Trump is an unapologetic bigot who moderates Stormfront message boards in their spare time. But everyone who voted for him—who saw him speak and heard his rhetoric and believed in his vision for the future—did so understanding exactly with whom they were aligning themselves. For millions of Americans, the fact that their candidate happily courted votes by appealing to the most despicable impulses among us was not a deal-breaker, and the violence that might result from his decision to give those people a voice was a risk they were willing to take. Now, seven months into his presidency, Donald Trump has fostered an environment in which people who may have once been ashamed of their shameful beliefs—who kept quiet at Thanksgiving and posted anonymously on Twitter and dutifully covered up their tattoos before going to work every morning—are now utterly unafraid to show their faces in broad fucking daylight.

And the exact same thing applies to Brexit voters in the UK.
Alan, My point being, he made a statement, like I said a shit one at best, to condemn one but not all does not achieve anything, there were many groups in Virginia, right wing, left wing, far left and right.
Alan, My point being, he made a statement, like I said a $#@! one at best, to condemn one but not all does not achieve anything, there were many groups in Virginia, right wing, left wing, far left and right.
It's just the word "evil" peeves me. Nothing against you personally.

Even in relation to ISIS I think my views have been pretty clear on this forum; I won't let dehumanization of even the most despicable extremists go unchallenged because I firmly believe that separating ourselves from extremists allows the conditions that create them to persist.

Apologies if it came off as targeting you personally. Just a pet buzzword of mine on these topics.
It's just the word "evil" peeves me. Nothing against you personally.

Even in relation to ISIS I think my views have been pretty clear on this forum; I won't let dehumanization of even the most despicable extremists go unchallenged because I firmly believe that separating ourselves from extremists allows the conditions that create them to persist.

Apologies if it came off as targeting you personally. Just a pet buzzword of mine on these topics.

No worries, no offence taken! :) Likewise I hope my views towards this do not offend either, but here's my stance on it...

America had a choice last year, to me they made the wrong choice. Neither candidate were worthy to hold one of the most coverted and powerful roles in the land, however they did and fast forward a few months, Trump for all is worth is not a good president, he barely made a half decent TV show but that's what the American public voted for.
Trump is under the microscope for his non political background, his vocabulary and notions make him look and sound like a 5 year old (at best), this amongst many things are his downfalls. There are people for him and people against (I work with both!) like any person in power, his base loves him whilst the left are doing all they can to remove him from power, that's politics, however what I dislike about US TV is (as previously mentioned above) the 24 hour news cycle that revolves around Trump. (6 Marines died in the Middle East this past weekend, but nothing was covered in the news cycles) The news is fascinated? by Trump perhaps obsessed? And this just drives his base and the far left which incites the average political view
Trump in my opinion is not to blame (partly yes) but not solely to blame for the hatred that is occurring in America right now. This has been bubbling for a long time way before he became President
Al Jazeera America was the best news source you could possibly hope for. In depth coverage, balanced coverage, variable coverage; it was a journalism purist's wet dream. So, naturally, nobody here watched it and the network was closed down.

That was about the time I gave up on real, good news journalism ever having a home in the US.

Unfortunately, this is what Trump's kinda-sorta condemnation gets you. They feel vindicated.
News just in, terrorists are not evil.

Nobody believes that they're the bad guy, Ben.
To single out 1 group when there were many involved in the atrocity, makes him lean more to one group of protesters than the other. This isn't about white or black, left or white, just pure evil and terrorism, regardless of what side of the political fence you sit on.
He made a statement, albeit a shit one, at least he made it though unlike some other political figures when racism and terrorism raises it's disgusting head.

Remind me what the Black Lives Matter group did that can be considered an atrocity?
IMO the only act of terrorism was when a far right supporting white supremacist dickhead ploughed his car into a group of protesters.
This was also advertised as a white supremacist rally.

