Bird has flown into my window and broke it's neck. I think it's the mother of the 3 chicks in the nest by my window. Seems late in the season to be having chicks, but problem is I dont know what to
and if they all die i'll never forgive meself 

Bird has flown into my window and broke it's neck. I think it's the mother of the 3 chicks in the nest by my window. Seems late in the season to be having chicks, but problem is I dont know what toand if they all die i'll never forgive meself
That is awful, Frank. Let's hope she can beat it again.Life can be so cruel. I mentioned a few months back about a friend who had cancer. Amy had many sessions and was given the all clear. Today after further tests, Amy was informed she had multiple myeloma. So having beaten this horrible disease once, she must start her fight all over again. I feel so desperately sad for her.
Bird has flown into my window and broke it's neck. I think it's the mother of the 3 chicks in the nest by my window. Seems late in the season to be having chicks, but problem is I dont know what toand if they all die i'll never forgive meself
How high is the nest?
High thm! But I can see across into the nest from my decking, just cant reach though. Gonna get a ladder.
Good advice. You don't want the chicks "imprinting" you as their mother.I would phone an organisation that protects birds, to hear what they say.
Good advice. You don't want the chicks "imprinting" you as their mother.
Life can be so cruel. I mentioned a few months back about a friend who had cancer. Amy had many sessions and was given the all clear. Today after further tests, Amy was informed she had multiple myeloma. So having beaten this horrible disease once, she must start her fight all over again. I feel so desperately sad for her.
Oh wow, that is incredibly unfortunate for the poor girl, hopefully she can take some positives from the fact she's beaten it once.
Just found out that a mate took his own life on Monday. Over the past year or so he has gone through a very messy divorce and has not been allowed to see his children for eight months or so. It is believed (amongst my groups of friends that is) that fighting for custody of them became too much. He was 34.
To me the concept of suicide is one I simply can't fathom, even more so now that I'm a father. The prospect of my son growing up without his dad is one of my biggest fears and this whole thing has left me a little shaken this morning.
My nextdoor neighbour, a big, soft, gentle and private man who has very little money and whose wife died about 5 years ago, has a dog who is 17 years old.
Over the last week or three the dog's systems have been shutting down, can't walk, falls over, yelps when he tries to pick it up, has a lump that I think is a growth in it's belly, hasn't moved for two days, isn't eating....
His money came in this morning and he's taken it to the vet to get it checked out...
He's not expecting to bring it home...