Amazon Prime have never let me down.
Hopefully my copy has arrived. Squeeze has instructions for what to do to instal it during the day so it is ready for me when I get in.
Put it in the bath?
That was just a tiny miscalculation on my part in balancing a laptop on a sink to listen to tunes while chilling. Won't happen again, probably. I have moved on to new areas of amiable lunacy.
Yodel strike again. Turns out my Parcel arrived at the wrong local depot (as in it was delivered to Peterborough rather than Lichfield...easy mistake to make as they are so close to each other).
So off out in a bit to pick up a copy from Argos. Fucking hate Yodel.
Yodel are cunts. They once put a package for me in the bin. The fucking bin. Yeah, how obvious, what an idiot I am for not looking there.