It's special. I got it at about 1pm, was nearly late to pick my kids up from school at 3:15 (having last glanced at the clock at about 2). Got them to play games in their room, then my girlfriend got home and I realised it was 7 and I hadn't made them dinner. Made a super easy meal which I bolted down and let them eat in their room, spent an hour with my girlfriend before she got tired because she had work early today and does again tomorrow. I've just spent another 4 hours playing.
It's immense. I followed the (fairly loose) path for an hour or so, then when it suggested I turn back I just kept going. I'm now way, way out of my depth, getting killed in one hit and having to run from everything. I've seen some beautiful things, and whilst I've been promising myself I'd go back to the starting areas to fight and stock up, I'm just pushing onwards into the wilderness. I crest a huge mountain and find that I've looped round myself somehow and am back near the early areas, viewing them from miles above and picking out the places I recognise
There's a weird feeling to it. Nintendo basically invented the templates for 3D games with Mario 64 and OOT and for years theirs seemed like the best games. Starting with GTA3 there's been a shift, where their games were the most refined, but other people have been pushing at the edges of what's possible with a controller while they were touching and waggling about, letting Zelda become a vehicle for their new control mechanisms. Wind Waker was the last really massive Zelda world, and it compromised a lot to create its scale. Skyward Sword pulled a similar trick, but it was easy to see through. This feels like Ocarina did when I was ten, an impossibly massive world just packed with possibilities.
It feels like they've watched every development in open world games for the last twenty years, rolled up their sleeves and bettered every one of them. If you like exploring, it's an absolute masterpiece from the start. If you love open world games, this is going to be an experience like no other.