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The Video Games Thread II - The Resurrection

Sweet. Is your i5 one of the new Haswell processors?

PSU is a bit overkill but gives you plenty of headroom to add more stuff.

I priced up a "money is no object" PC yesterday just for a laugh with top spec on everything and 3D widescreen monitor, 7.1 audio system, etc - A snip at £5600!!
I'm playing The Witcher 2 at the moment. It is excellent. Not too time consuming - I'm guessing it will be about 40/50 hours but I do explore EVERYTHING and do every side mission.
I figure if they took the time to design this stuff I should at least have a look.

I'm also playing Crysis Warhead which, whilst very short, is excellent. I think I bought it in the last Steam sale for £2.99.

If you've got 1000 hours to spare you could always play Skyrim with some mods!

I'm hoping to see Dishonored in the sale and Bioshock Infinate is also on my Wish List.

Another RPG you should be abler to pick up cheap is Two Worlds Two - I bought it last Christmas but havn't started it yet.

Look at some of the indie games on there - The Swapper is getting really good reviews.

There are also some great racing games going cheap. Check Metacritic if you're spoilt for choice!


I'm also keeping an eye on the Sale section on Steam - hopefully I can grab a few things in the coming weeks.

Now I have seen Boozad's spec I am wondering is mine good enough ha.

EDIT: It's either one of these i think.
Sweet. Is your i5 one of the new Haswell processors?

PSU is a bit overkill but gives you plenty of headroom to add more stuff.

I priced up a "money is no object" PC yesterday just for a laugh with top spec on everything and 3D widescreen monitor, 7.1 audio system, etc - A snip at £5600!!

Yeah it's Haswell. I did have an Ivy Bridge rig on order but they released the Haswell parts the day before my initial rig was to be QCd so I cancelled it and went with Haswell. I was toying with the idea of going for a Titan at first but then the 780 came out so I went with that instead, gaming is bloody phenomenal on it. The only reason I chose the 850W PSU was in case I ever SLI the 780, although I'll probably just upgrade to a better single GPU when needed as I'm not keen on dual GPUs.

I bought the kids an AMD A10-5800k rig as well for their room, I put an ASUS 7850-DC2T GPU in there too so it's decent backup for me if anything goes wrong with mine.

I'm also keeping an eye on the Sale section on Steam - hopefully I can grab a few things in the coming weeks.

Now I have seen Boozad's spec I am wondering is mine good enough ha.

EDIT: It's either one of these i think.

What's your budget? You should spec your own on here. They're amazing and I've bought my last three PCs from there, I'll help you spec one up if you want. The HD6770 won't give you very good performance in games at all to be honest.
What's your budget? You should spec your own on here. They're amazing and I've bought my last three PCs from there, I'll help you spec one up if you want. The HD6770 won't give you very good performance in games at all to be honest.

Ah shit don't tell me that.

I was hoping I'd be good for max settings haha.

I am not up for spending anything at the moment, if you look back, it was either a new console or use my current PC, and I decided against a new console.

I would perhaps upgrade a few parts though if the cost isn't massive.
I won't be getting a new console, having made the move to PC gaming it's been a revelation. If you can upgrade to a good enough spec that's the route I'd recommend, but obviously it's each to their own mate.
So mine won't run, Crysis 2 or Witcher 2 in max, for example?

Boo-Hoo. Seriously.
Eh? I haven't got a clue what it will run because I don't know what you've got. No I haven't read back and just got the impression you were after a new PC and thought I'd try to help out, I'll leave you to it.
Eh? I haven't got a clue what it will run because I don't know what you've got. No I haven't read back and just got the impression you were after a new PC and thought I'd try to help out, I'll leave you to it.

What I have got, is the one above, with the 6770.
Had 'The Orange Box' for 360, gave it a quick blast but never got into it.

It is on my Wishlist, though.
Your problem was playing it on Xbox. Half Life (and it's sequel) are some of the best games ever made. The original HL changed everything. Such a fantastic game.

Don't go too crazy buying stuff on steam unless it's at least 50% off. Steam has so many sales/specials there's no reason to ever buy needlessly or pay anything close to full price.

About 3-4 hours in, i'm quite a casual gamer so as yet haven't really get into it, as its something you need to sit down and get a good few hours solid gameplay at it. Those clickers are bastards that's for sure.

Yeah clickers are a pain for sure. I actually turned the difficulty down to easy just to get through the game quicker (I wanted to advance the story ASAP); haven't done that in I don't even know how long. On easy you automatically get the clicker-front-shiv ability which helped massively. Also last 2 stabs by default.
The only reason I chose the 850W PSU was in case I ever SLI the 780, although I'll probably just upgrade to a better single GPU when needed as I'm not keen on dual GPUs.
If you think about it though, going the SLI route might be a better and cheaper option than a new card. Once the 780 struggles to run the newset games on HIGH settings with good FPS, probably in a year or two, then the prices of them will be really cheap so you can just whack another one in and SLI away instead of spending big on another new card. That will last you another year or two running the latest games, and after that you'd scrap them both and get a new card.
Don't go too crazy buying stuff on steam unless it's at least 50% off. Steam has so many sales/specials there's no reason to ever buy needlessly or pay anything close to full price.
Indeed. My mate buys shedloads of games in their sales and he won't touch them until they are at least 70% off.
If you think about it though, going the SLI route might be a better and cheaper option than a new card. Once the 780 struggles to run the newset games on HIGH settings with good FPS, probably in a year or two, then the prices of them will be really cheap so you can just whack another one in and SLI away instead of spending big on another new card. That will last you another year or two running the latest games, and after that you'd scrap them both and get a new card.

The only reason I'd be concerned about SLI is the case I've got, it's a quiet case (to stop the missus moaning about the noise) and isn't brilliant with airflow so heat might be an issue. It's fine at the moment with the GPU running at about 80°C when under load but it might get a bit toastie with two of them in there. I could always add some extra case fans for SLI I suppose but it all adds up to more noise. I'll see how the GPU scene is when this starts to struggle and make a decision then, it all depends if games decide to use more VRAM in which case I should be OK with 3GB but that's probably wishful thinking.
What I have got, is the one above, with the 6770.

I see, I thought they were specs you were looking to buy. I suppose me misunderstanding and offering what I thought was advice deserved a response like 'Boo Hoo. Seriously'.
This is an amazing deal too for anyone who needs a new GPU. Eight free top games with a qualifying AMD card.

  • Crysis 3
  • Farcry3
  • Farcry3 Blood Dragon
  • Tomb Raider
  • Simcity
  • Dirt Showdown
  • Sleeping Dogs
  • Bioshock Infinite