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The Things You Are HAPPY About Thread.

There's fun to be had in the bank, i had an argument with the clerk in there before about whether the old bullshit money system was better than the new one, he fucking loved that you could split a pound into thirds back in the day, crazy bastard.

This is supposed to be a visit to the 'long ago' past! I was working in the bank when we made the change of money systems :oldboy:

Had to work the whole weekend (though they did pay us extra for that) :)
Without wishing to be cheeky or anything Parkin, the sweet shop may bring back many childhood memories for you.
Off for a few days camping on the Gower Peninsula. Camping in Wales in May - what could possibly go wrong?!
Passport yes :)
Cossie yes :)
Books yes :)
Sun cream yes :)
Translator dictionary yes :)
Happy face yes :)

Kindle no
Tele no
Phone no
Housework no
Gardening no
Yanks no

Hope you all enjoy your Bank holiday as much as I will :)
Where are you off to again? Also, don't take any holiday tips off a certain member on here...
So a week after the quality manager left the place I work at, speculation has been ripe. Got a call last night (as i'm working 3rd shift for a week to help stabilize quality) from the vice president, saying he's aware that i'm interested in the vacant position.
Now I have to do a kick ass powerpoint on the 5 things I would bring to the table and how I can improve overall quality on the plant...:)
So a week after the quality manager left the place I work at, speculation has been ripe. Got a call last night (as i'm working 3rd shift for a week to help stabilize quality) from the vice president, saying he's aware that i'm interested in the vacant position.
Now I have to do a kick ass powerpoint on the 5 things I would bring to the table and how I can improve overall quality on the plant...:)

you know what it is you need to write, don't wimp , write it.
Charlie saatchi once told me i was the most arrogant, untrained cunt he ever met. be he loved me, and more to the point went with my concepts.
go for it, for your own soul, and fuck everyone else's, if not you'll regret it later, and forever.

The phrase i have lived by since i was sixteen and working part time in a butchers shop was......
Freddie Smith, who's claim to fame, was he was a guard in the second world war on an Italian prison camp (prisoners of war in Italy) was very simple, his mantra for life was.........

"A feint heart, never fucked a pig"

I have lived by that mantra since the day i Heard it, I may not be as rich as Paddy and Kenny, but i've done a fuck of a lot more, in actually lived in places (bollocks to holidays)and taken chances, AND WORSE STILL, i'M STILL HERE! HA HA HA HA HA

A lot of people may no like me on the forum, wow!! (do i give a shit) but i have been places some people on here will never know about , and as i said before, ha ha i'm still here, (especially for Marka) who is just out of nappies, and who when once was accused of being wrong, said he was only mistaken.

DW will put the bracketts where they are supposed to be, and no i am not pissed, I have just gone through the first round of the greek elections and at a time i thought people couldn't possibly get more stupid, here comes that bloke again with a lightning bolt. I am totally dissolusioned with us, you, people, we stand for morte shit collectively than it is possible to imagine.

For the second round on sunday i am digging a bunker and filling it with cypro.

But for all this rant, a /an (I hope) serious question.

I am not a political animal, but i love the politics threads here on the forum, it really does open my mind to other propositions, so why can i not hear such succint argument and debate, from those twats people keep voting for?

A new thread for that pouint alone? i will leave that to the 'nouveau riche' mods
Christ Pav, you don't half post some dribbling crap!
Alfie is out of intensive care, and finally smiling again. Been an exceedingly long 36 hours since he was admitted. He's such a strong boy, he makes me so proud.
What happen Del?

Glad to hear he is doing ok though, must have been a horrible few days for you all
On holiday with his mum, and he got pneumonia, which put him in a prolonged epileptic state according to a brain scan. IV eppy drugs, IV antibiotic and IV fluid, 24 hours of being asleep, in pain or both. To be honest, I thought he was going to die. This started at 7 yesterday morning, flight to get me there quickest was Bristol at 19.40. Didn't see him till gone 11. Taken off itu a few hours ago, and expected to be in for about 3 days. Still very poorly, but a thousand times better than he was when I first got here.

The staff over here have been amazing, with most nurses able to speak enough English to be of help, and all the doctors / neurologists being fluent. Now to hope the insurance play ball, as the deposits we've had to pay have made serious dents on our credit card limits... May not be able to get home otherwise!
Christ Pav, you don't half post some dribbling crap!

I am so pleased to be a member of your club! thank you. But i seriously I won't wax lyrical about piss pot parties, or talk about piss pot policies, to a piss pot electorate, or even think that markajim is real.

People making themselves look a right tit, priceless.

Ain't you got any mirrors in your house, fuck me!, boy do you need a life, little one.

But Seriously, does anyone think i post on here to be accepted? do fucking behave!, i really , really, don't give a shit, and i think my life history, and certaily my posting history on here, proves that 1000%. Though i do really love this forum, honest injun!

I am, who i am, on Monday i think this, on wednesday, oops, I think that, but hey ho, my life is like that. I chose a different life to you guys.
So be happy in your regular jobs, be stoned with a huuuuuge erection by having your own business, (i think fondly, and suicidally of my own last business that had a 6 million pound overdraught) But fuck it, i chose this life, it's gone tits up in the crisis, but it's no less interesting.

Sometimes i envy you guys, sometimes i think you're nuts. i argue with you,( whenever possible, as sensible conversation in my village is a no-no) but i don't judge you, each to his own, but if you feel the need to judge me, go ahead, but be sure, you ain't nowhere near the front of the queue, and ain't got a cat in hells chance of getting there, but more to the point, when it comes to me, actually giving a fuck, ha ha ha , don't hold your breath.

I know you guys think i'm an alcoholic who drinks cypro from morn til night. (but think on, i was a writer in advertising for 40 years,ha ha )

the fact is most of you, know nothing about me, few outside of my PM's on here do, but as the mods "the integral gang of mods" go, if i don't fit into THE plan, you know you have the power.

What i am trying to say, but clearly waffling as i always do, is that if you want to discuss Europe, or the world economy, you cannot do so in finite detail, if you have lived your life , in your epicentre in Wolvo or London or anywhere else.

Sorry, but that's a fact, my mom was greek (now dead for the grammar police) i have family in Athens, but what i knew when i arrived here to live, meant absolutely fuck all, and was as much use, when i arrived on the ground, so to speak, as a one legged man at an arse kicking party

Europe is not at all like what you read in your local or nationally favoured paper. It's another life that you will never see or learn from a sunbed.

Ask malta Mick, ask DW who lived in Hamburg, ask anyone who has lived or lives abroad, but for fuck sake trust me, neither Farage, Cameron, Merkel or anyone else can be the "B'all and end" all authority on everything European/worldwide, until they have been there and tried it. And they fucking haven't!( which is fairly obvious to a blind man)

So many people know what is right for Europe when , frankly, they haven't got a clue what is right for little old England.

So please don't be so quick sir, to ride roughshod over those who seek to break your status quo, that's what we do, us travellers, those who have been there , and that's what i believe this forum is great for.

My mantra of a "feint heart never fucked a pig" is perfect for those who take risks to live in a foreign country, certainly in the south of Europe, because never mind what officialdom tells you, when you land on the ground with all the right papers and brochures and pamphlets, all that shit goes out of the window, you are on your own, along with the skin of your teeth and your nouse.

But it is also a great adage for those who, like your good self Kenny sir, jumped off the parapet, out of the norm and opened their own business.

How many times have you already decided on a serious decison based not on facts, but your own version of "a feint heart never fucked a pig" ha ha more than once i bet and now Paddy is with you, i guess it's in the minutes daily. and good on you both, it's the only way to fly.

So I understand that a different, not maybe totally acceptable (to the norm) poster, though reasonably proper (only banned once but i did think i needed it, to be a real forum member) who is very antagonistic from many points of view of forum members, might rattle your prams over there, but i am a lot older than you, have been and done a lot more things in a lot more places, and my boys, have taken a lot lot more risks of a life changing capacity. So to be so mmmmm "condescendeing,salutary" I feel, is a little below you if i may say so, and heralds a bit of a shitty boring day at the office.

you know maybe once, as smart as you clearly are you might learn something, hey not everyday, but now and again, after all, for all your cleverness you still don't drink cypro......ha ha ha and you've never asked me to send a bottle, now there's a serious ommission, but all in all, this has been a fun afternoon, so here's to you and now i am drinking one.

By the way, my election manifesto..........It's not about the mods, it's about the masses, me , and me, i'm right in there with the masses.
On holiday with his mum, and he got pneumonia, which put him in a prolonged epileptic state according to a brain scan. IV eppy drugs, IV antibiotic and IV fluid, 24 hours of being asleep, in pain or both. To be honest, I thought he was going to die. This started at 7 yesterday morning, flight to get me there quickest was Bristol at 19.40. Didn't see him till gone 11. Taken off itu a few hours ago, and expected to be in for about 3 days. Still very poorly, but a thousand times better than he was when I first got here.

The staff over here have been amazing, with most nurses able to speak enough English to be of help, and all the doctors / neurologists being fluent. Now to hope the insurance play ball, as the deposits we've had to pay have made serious dents on our credit card limits... May not be able to get home otherwise!

Jesus mate - that sounds terrifying. Hope he makes a quick recovery. Wishing you all the best.
On holiday with his mum, and he got pneumonia, which put him in a prolonged epileptic state according to a brain scan. IV eppy drugs, IV antibiotic and IV fluid, 24 hours of being asleep, in pain or both. To be honest, I thought he was going to die. This started at 7 yesterday morning, flight to get me there quickest was Bristol at 19.40. Didn't see him till gone 11. Taken off itu a few hours ago, and expected to be in for about 3 days. Still very poorly, but a thousand times better than he was when I first got here.

The staff over here have been amazing, with most nurses able to speak enough English to be of help, and all the doctors / neurologists being fluent. Now to hope the insurance play ball, as the deposits we've had to pay have made serious dents on our credit card limits... May not be able to get home otherwise!

Jesus! First of all fingers crossed he gets well enough to get in home and then you can actually bring him home.
Del - can't imagine how you feel but delighted to hear he is getting better and hope that continues
I am so pleased to be a member of your club! thank you. But i seriously I won't wax lyrical about piss pot parties, or talk about piss pot policies, to a piss pot electorate, or even think that markajim is real.


Ain't you got any mirrors in your house, fuck me!, boy do you need a life, little one.

But Seriously, does anyone think i post on here to be accepted? do fucking behave!, i really , really, don't give a shit, and i think my life history, and certaily my posting history on here, proves that 1000%. Though i do really love this forum, honest injun!

I am, who i am, on Monday i think this, on wednesday, oops, I think that, but hey ho, my life is like that. I chose a different life to you guys.
So be happy in your regular jobs, be stoned with a huuuuuge erection by having your own business, (i think fondly, and suicidally of my own last business that had a 6 million pound overdraught) But fuck it, i chose this life, it's gone tits up in the crisis, but it's no less interesting.

Sometimes i envy you guys, sometimes i think you're nuts. i argue with you,( whenever possible, as sensible conversation in my village is a no-no) but i don't judge you, each to his own, but if you feel the need to judge me, go ahead, but be sure, you ain't nowhere near the front of the queue, and ain't got a cat in hells chance of getting there, but more to the point, when it comes to me, actually giving a fuck, ha ha ha , don't hold your breath.

I know you guys think i'm an alcoholic who drinks cypro from morn til night. (but think on, i was a writer in advertising for 40 years,ha ha )

the fact is most of you, know nothing about me, few outside of my PM's on here do, but as the mods "the integral gang of mods" go, if i don't fit into THE plan, you know you have the power.

What i am trying to say, but clearly waffling as i always do, is that if you want to discuss Europe, or the world economy, you cannot do so in finite detail, if you have lived your life , in your epicentre in Wolvo or London or anywhere else.

Sorry, but that's a fact, my mom was greek (now dead for the grammar police) i have family in Athens, but what i knew when i arrived here to live, meant absolutely fuck all, and was as much use, when i arrived on the ground, so to speak, as a one legged man at an arse kicking party

Europe is not at all like what you read in your local or nationally favoured paper. It's another life that you will never see or learn from a sunbed.

Ask malta Mick, ask DW who lived in Hamburg, ask anyone who has lived or lives abroad, but for fuck sake trust me, neither Farage, Cameron, Merkel or anyone else can be the "B'all and end" all authority on everything European/worldwide, until they have been there and tried it. And they fucking haven't!( which is fairly obvious to a blind man)

So many people know what is right for Europe when , frankly, they haven't got a clue what is right for little old England.

So please don't be so quick sir, to ride roughshod over those who seek to break your status quo, that's what we do, us travellers, those who have been there , and that's what i believe this forum is great for.

My mantra of a "feint heart never fucked a pig" is perfect for those who take risks to live in a foreign country, certainly in the south of Europe, because never mind what officialdom tells you, when you land on the ground with all the right papers and brochures and pamphlets, all that shit goes out of the window, you are on your own, along with the skin of your teeth and your nouse.

But it is also a great adage for those who, like your good self Kenny sir, jumped off the parapet, out of the norm and opened their own business.

How many times have you already decided on a serious decison based not on facts, but your own version of "a feint heart never fucked a pig" ha ha more than once i bet and now Paddy is with you, i guess it's in the minutes daily. and good on you both, it's the only way to fly.

So I understand that a different, not maybe totally acceptable (to the norm) poster, though reasonably proper (only banned once but i did think i needed it, to be a real forum member) who is very antagonistic from many points of view of forum members, might rattle your prams over there, but i am a lot older than you, have been and done a lot more things in a lot more places, and my boys, have taken a lot lot more risks of a life changing capacity. So to be so mmmmm "condescendeing,salutary" I feel, is a little below you if i may say so, and heralds a bit of a shitty boring day at the office.

you know maybe once, as smart as you clearly are you might learn something, hey not everyday, but now and again, after all, for all your cleverness you still don't drink cypro......ha ha ha and you've never asked me to send a bottle, now there's a serious ommission, but all in all, this has been a fun afternoon, so here's to you and now i am drinking one.

By the way, my election manifesto..........It's not about the mods, it's about the masses, me , and me, i'm right in there with the masses.

My life is just fine, so jog on you old prick.