I finish early on a Monday & Tuesday and late(!) on a Friday to suit the nursery hours.
3.45 is 'late'?!
Yep, 20th Dec to 6th Jan. Standard holiday for me![]()
Well it's quite a lot for someone with a full time job, William.
I have to use 7 some of my 34 annual leave days though....
No - he's a teacher and the days he actually works only last from 9 til around 2.30. FACKT.
Ditto!Give us credit. Machin & me have proper jobs! (apols in advance to PLF!)
Next week mum comes to Nottingham for a job interview - if all goes well this'll be brilliant for her!
And I get to go home for the Christmas break two days early which I think really is needed right about now!
Brilliant for her but what about you?
No need to apologise - depends how you define a 'proper job'. Anyway I've been at work for far to many years to care what anyone else thinks about what I do.
All I know is that the Head insisted on driving me to & from work for 3 weeks after the operation as she knew the facilities would start breaking down on her if I wasn't there!
Still plenty of chance to make a few good friends and there's someone I know who goes to Bristol uni who I plan to spend a week with for the 2014 World Cup which is gonna be brilliant! Never met him face-to-face before so I suppose it's risky but really I can't see much going wrong!
Then you're evidently one of the good ones.
Strange thing with teachers, they're either awesome, reliable & inspiring, or tepid.
The ones I work with are clearly split into 2 groups. There are the brilliant reliable ones, and there's the complete fuckwits who I struggle to understand how they manage to dress themselves in the morning.
(You'd fall into the first group PLF!)