Making? No. Trawling? Not really.
I just post something I see on another website that's interesting and Dr Who related.
The rings of Akhaten.
Beautiful set,good beginning and another "Star Wars" alien market place.Downhill from there,who knew love/tears/memories/a leaf could save the day eh?We do! God awful resolution again.
1)Why didn't the TARDIS translate alien languages all of a sudden?
2)Doc takes Clara on her first alien excursion and just disappears for long periods of time?? Very bad Doc.
3)Wasn't Clara issued a TARDIS key?
Amazing how much we disagree on this show! I thought Saturday's was one of the best in ages - a fantastic episode. Beautifully shot, the scenes with the little girl singing were really well done, a nice little story to boot.
The resolution to the episode was wonderful! Did you miss the point about something that appears so small and seemingly insignificant meant so much to one person and her entire existence?
Your questions:
1. It did. Except random barking which wasn't really a language. You're nit-picking.
2. He ALWAYS does that. You need to watch some of the classic series - it happened every time!
3. I'm sure she will eventually. Patience, man.
Last week's was okay, not the best, but still better than the first half of this series which has been a bit of a let down so far. But Saturday's was much, much better and a step in the right direction.
I only hope the Doctor/Clara flirting stops and she doesn't become another romantic interest. I like her character so far and think the on-screen chemistry between the two main characters is very good.
Personally, I'd give last weeks a 6.5/10 and Saturdays an 8/10.
Forgot to mention Matt Smith's superb little rant towards the end - he's a superb actor and an utterly brilliant Doctor (I think he's a big improvement on the excellent but still vastly overrated Tennant).
Norway - this is similar to what we've discussed and I think this is absolutely spot on.