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The Fitness Thread

I think i put on some weight over Christmas, more through lack of exercise than overeating, all the shit weather and people doing pointless festive shit has cut down my footballing opportunities drastically, probably haven't even averaged playing once a week over the last 6-7 weeks. Can never be arsed going to the gym when i'm back from work if football isn't going to be on, could transfer my gym membership to the branch i drive pretty much straight past on the way back from work but i'm usually hungry when home time comes so doubt that'd work out too well, unless i start hoarding food in the office.
I am turning into Mark!!!

Thats my motivation right there..........
It's just the gym that puts me off, if i had the opportunity i'd happily go and play football everyday at any time anyone asked me to but i cant get anywhere near as motivated to go to the gym, it's a chore, when i had stupid amounts of free time whilst working at IKEA it was no real loss to pop the gym for an hour or so a couple of days a week. Now my free time has been severely cut i just cant bring myself do something i get so little enjoyment from, especially at the expense of more important things, like having something to eat.
Joined a new gym and went tonight for the first time in 3 months.

Felt the burn after an hour but well worth it.
Good work Bandy.

I've lost 1 and a half stone since October and I'm feeling better for it. Still got a way to go but I feel much better and I've joined a Rugby team again to help build fitness.
Just to clarify, I didn't join this gym 3 months ago and just went, I joined this gym 3 weeks ago and have finally got round to going.

Just saw my wording and thought people might think I was a lazy bastard.
I'm going to cancel my gym membership, haven't been once since I started this new job and I can generally find enough football to play through the week.

I can just go swimming or something if I'm struggling for exercise.
Boss brought some creme eggs and some somosas, i've had a creme egg but refused a samosa.

Hey!, i'm doing my bit!

This summer for their sins I have been appointed our 20/20 captain for the 12 matches in Cricket.

So at 6ft 1 16.7 stone, 46 inch chest 37 inch waist and 48 years old the chances of me getting super fit were always limited. So I have an electric bike that gives just enough assiatnce to stop backache and leg ache and I do 30-50 k per week and walk the 2 dogs each morning.I drink only spirts at 50 cals per large shot, no wine , no beer and I have sweetener instead of sugar. So far I have lost 4 lbs in March hoping for another 4 in April. Season starts in May

Bike does 40 km on a charge and costs 2-5p per charge- peantuts. Top speed twist and go 15 mph but closer to 20 when youre pedalling and the battery lasts longer. Paid £250 second hand and haven't looked back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJO_GV0OyFo
I really need a kick up the arse on this.

Before Christmas I was doing ok, then work took over so everything was put on the bacj burner. Now I simply cannot push myself to start again. In my head the plan is there and I will start and almost instantly stop. I need something to spark me into life and actually make myself lose weight and get fit.

Has anyone done these bootcamps that are seemingly popping up all over the place? Worth having a month at one of these?

Well I got the kick up the arse from somwhere. A combination of a Detox and exercise has seen nearly 3 stones disappear from my ever expanding body. Which is fucking awesome.

Downside 1 - I have had to buy a crap load of new clothes as fuck all that I was wearing at the start of the year fits me and folk could go camping in some of it
Downside 2 - I really struggle with the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, well its more a case that I forget I have it so when doing exercise I push myself to far and then suffer. This week for example, I cycled to work. Pretty easy route, 4.5 miles down the canal to Walsall. Was fine until the trip home yesterday, got to the 2 mile mark and my legs went. The last 2 and half miles were like cycling through treacle, I got home, went up stairs to have a shower.........I didn't make it to the shower though as an hour and half later the wife came home and found me in a deep sleep on the bed (she thought I was dead as I wasn't moving and my breathing was quite low)

But hey, I am now just an overweight git rather than an obese one. next up, I will aim to kick a football for the first time in 4 years.
3st is fantastic.

Uni took over my life in Feb and I haven't lost any since although I have pretty much stayed the same.

Made a return to the gym last night and I'm back to rugby tonight so hoping to lose the last 2st I want
I did a spin class for the first time in 18 months today.

I thought I was going to die.
How are people doing?

I've really slipped up the last few months and put 7lb on. Anyway after much research and reading "the fast diet" by Michael Moseley (he also did a TV programme last August which was very interesting) I am starting on the 5:2 diet of fasting twice a week.

The health benefits seem to be really encouraging.
I've put a bit of weight on in the last few months, barely been to the gym at all since starting my job because i can rarely be arsed to make the effort now my leisure time has been severely restricted and in the last few months i've played a lot less football too, seen as the season has finished.

Found a new team to go play for next season though and they started training this morning, i couldn't go though as got a bit of a dodgy ankle at the moment, hopefully i'll be back up to 3 games of football a week before long and i can get on top of things again. May as well just cancel my gym membership now, think i've been twice since Christmas.
How are people doing?

I've really slipped up the last few months and put 7lb on. Anyway after much research and reading "the fast diet" by Michael Moseley (he also did a TV programme last August which was very interesting) I am starting on the 5:2 diet of fasting twice a week.

The health benefits seem to be really encouraging.

I watched that Horizon episode and have been thinking about doing it ever since. A lad in my pool team does it and he's quite trim.

I even looked into what foods are 50 calories for snacks on the fast days. Stuff like 12 strawberries are only 48 calories.
If you have a way of reading Kindle books the Mosley book is only £2ish at the moment and doesn't take long to read.

I'm starting it tomorrow with fast days on Tuesday/Thursday this week.
How can that be healthy?