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New - The things that really annoy you

I still WFH the vast majority of time apart from meetings about once a month or random days (next Wednesday being one) and this suits me just fine as I didn't like the office I was in.

I was recently involved in a recruitment drive and had to go in 2-3 times each week over 3 weeks, left me wondering how I used to manage doing it every day!
another 2 wfh and 3 days in the office. however given most of the people i work with aren't in the UK, it could easily be the other way round. doesn't help certain managers want to be seen to have their staff in as much as possible.

really noticeable how quiet the roads and car parks are on a friday. Suspect most have selected that as a wfh day. Indeed suspect the majority have mon/tues/weds as their non wfh days.
I like going in the office on a Friday, as you say the roads are quieter and the office atmosphere is always more jovial and relaxed.

Plus a quick pint after work is often welcome.
I currently WFH and was fine to start with but have noticed the lack of interaction is starting to affect me mentally as well as turning me into a fatty as I just sit here and eat. No option to go into the office as it’s like 3 hours away.
There are options such as a walking treadmill to get around the weight issue but speaking to nobody and just watching TV is driving me mad.
I've started using a co-working space in town as I am fully remote/WFH with only occasional trips into the office once per month. I hate working from home full time but equally in my role, probably wouldn't suit being in an office full time either.

Usually go into the co-working office 2/3 days per week as it helps to break things up, and then tend to work from home or am out travelling the rest of the time.

Certainly has helped to break up the monotony of the WFH week.
I've started using a co-working space in town as I am fully remote/WFH with only occasional trips into the office once per month.
Noticed when I popped into Wolves on Tuesday that there is one of these right near the train station now. Looks quite smart.
I currently WFH and was fine to start with but have noticed the lack of interaction is starting to affect me mentally as well as turning me into a fatty as I just sit here and eat. No option to go into the office as it’s like 3 hours away.
There are options such as a walking treadmill to get around the weight issue but speaking to nobody and just watching TV is driving me mad.
Yep, I suffered from this, it all seems pretty good for a while WFH as you get plenty of household chores done, and no commute means more time generally.

However the lack of proper interaction with people does eat away at you after a while, even if you have a strong social life outside of work hours.

I found it much worse in the winter.

I feel infinitely better since I returned to going in an office.

(My previous employer shut our local office and changed us all to home workers, I moved around 15 months ago to a company with hybrid options)

Obviously you do what you have to do to put food on the table, but don't underestimate the effect spending long periods on your own can have on your mental health.
I try and get up to the Leeds office once a week if I can. Will stay over a few times to break up the norm of working from home.

My role is going to be changing a little soon, so will be out visiting people more which will help but on the whole I don't mind the WFH stuff.
Yep! I'd gladly never go in to the office ever again, I'm pretty much happy in my own company for the most part though so don't feel that need for social interaction.
I’ve always worked from home, used to be great - now it’s filled with endless Teams meetings as needy people can’t send a fucking email.
Never wanted to wfh as felt I'd struggle to balance the boundaries. Was amazed at how I adapted to it & finding some very specific benefits to me. & I found it made me better at making some positive work/ life balance adjustments.
WFH still doesn't sit great with me much of the time, unless I'm really busy I just find it too easy to get distracted and on days when it's slow the lack of interaction with people does really add to the boredom. There are of course times when it's advantageous, for example if I've really got nothing to do it's easier to kill time in your own house than sitting in an open plan office trying to look busy. Finding myself slightly forced into doing it a bit more lately, couple days of week, because the traffic is shite while they do some roadworks on the M1 so I'm less inclined to travel to the office just for the sake of it.

Generally get a reasonable balance though, our department all try to get in the office of a Monday so we get a bit of interaction with one another and an easy opportunity to exchange info between us. Other than that we pretty much have free rein so I try to split my time between WFH, office and sites in whichever way suits me and my workload best.
I used to think most people were alright/decent and there were a minority of knobs. Now I think at least half the population are utter wankers, and that number is growing. I generally don't like people.

Which can be a problem working in education. I work with classes as young as Reception, and I am starting to find significant numbers of those kids pretty dislikeable. 😂😂
I think 'all' might be a bit excessive. I quite like my family (most of them, anyway), and I have a select few people who I like and consider friends. Everyone else? Probably wankers, yeah.
Was just following a scooter and as went to pass a lady on a bike with a basket he slowed to the same speed as her and tucked right alongside.

Noticed he had no number plate or helmet and realised he was going for the bag snatch, so gave a blast on the horn and a mouthful.

He took off and I grabbed my phone and got about 20 secs of video. The fucker was making threats and I had no chance of catching him anyway, besides the fact he may well have been carrying a knife.

As far as I could see he didn’t take anything and I’m not sure the lady even knew what was going on, so no offence other than motoring ones so not a lot of point in going to the police.

Anyway, scumbag, scumbag, scumbag.
