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New - The things that really annoy you

apols for resurrecting an old theme.
Had an appt at the drs (but with a nurse) on 15 april. several days later, called for test results.
there is an anomaly in the blood test. ok, what is it? can't tell you, you need to discuss that with a dr. book me in then. no, you have to call at 8.15.
I have telephoned virtually every weekday since then. at 8.14 is an automated message saying the surgery is closed. at 8.15 that becomes a message that states their phone line is at capacity, and they cannot put me in a queue. This has been the same for 4 weeks now.
Aside from going to the surgery, I don't know what else to do.

As stated elsewhere, we've recently moved and registered at a new surgery, they've put my other half's repeat prescriptions on hold until she's spoken to the doctor so she's currently in a similar situation trying to sort an appointment before her meds run out.
Mowing the grass yesterday, apparently ran over a yellow jacket wasp nest
Took 4 stings to 1 ankle at least 2 on the other and I feel like I been kicked in my ankle by Semedo!
Fly tippers. At least this time the perp has been caught and punished.

"A woman who paid a 'friend of a friend' to get rid of rubbish for her has been fined £600 after it turned up dumped on a country lane in a neighbouring county.

The woman, from Market Drayton, was traced after her rubbish was found abandoned on the side of Beechdale Lane in the village of Tittensor, near Stone in Staffordshire".

Market Drayton and Tittensor, coincidence @Kenny?
I can prove my innocence as I have no friends
Mowing the grass yesterday, apparently ran over a yellow jacket wasp nest
Took 4 stings to 1 ankle at least 2 on the other and I feel like I been kicked in my ankle by Semedo!
Those fuckers are the worst. Them and fire ants.
Living semi rural has its downside.

The Mother in Law lives with us and this morning she came out of her room all confused, speech slurred and her left arm heavy....it very much looked like she was having a stroke!

Ambulance called.........55 mins later ambulance arrived. Luckily (if that is the right word!) it was a mini stroke and now packed off to hospital for a few checks but should be ok.

2 years ago they got rid of the Ambulance station in MD (saving that money my friends) and now if you need one around here, better hope there is one close by or else they are driving from anywhere in North Shropshire.
Hope she is ok mate. I live 3 miles away from a main hospital in brum, and can see the hospital from one window. I doubt an ambulance would get here for me in 55 mins tbh.
55 mins is outstanding, 13hrs wait for one when my mom broke her hip!
My wife's 80 year old stepdad fell and badly broke his leg at the end of last year. He was losing quite a lot of blood and the ambulance still took several hours to arrive (they live in Birmingham).
I'm moving my initial comment to the happy thread then (the ambulance time bit of course, not the stroke)
Fookin hell!! You live at the top of Ben Nevis or something?
Wednesfield, was no ambulances available when we rang, had a four hour wait in the ambulance at the hospital when we got there, no space in A&E and nobody free to check her over.
Ambulance crew were brilliant and happy we hadn’t kicked off at them over the wait, it’s not their fault the Tory’s are cunts.
This may be a silly question, but I assume NHS covers ambulance fees over there?
self centred ignorant people who walk round whilst focussed solely on their phones, not paying any attention to the world around them, and then glare at you because they stumble into your path or similar cos they're not paying any attention to where the fuck they're going or what is around them.