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New - The things that really annoy you

Really hope you walked into someone whilst angrily posting that on a walk...
self centred ignorant people who walk round whilst focussed solely on their phones, not paying any attention to the world around them, and then glare at you because they stumble into your path or similar cos they're not paying any attention to where the fuck they're going or what is around them.
The amount of times I see some phone zombie strolling nonchalantly across roads and junctions without even looking to see if there are any cars coming because they're so engrossed with their phones, infuriating
Doing my third consecutive office day today so... People who have their system sounds on (Ping, Ping fucking Ping!). People with zero volume control on a call or in a meeting (I shouldn't be able to hear you from 20 feet away, especially when I have my earphones in). And my perennial favourite Murder she wrote typists, you're using a soft touch keyboard you don't need to come down on it from three feet in the air.
self centred ignorant people who walk round whilst focussed solely on their phones, not paying any attention to the world around them, and then glare at you because they stumble into your path or similar cos they're not paying any attention to where the fuck they're going or what is around them.

I’m aware I’m one of those walking phone-fiddlers unfortunately. It’s very annoying when others do it and like to think I default to apologetic embarrassment when in the wrong, but it’s a ‘not throwing stones in glass houses’ situation and one that definitely needs working on.
Picked up the Grandaughter from school a couple of weeks ago, young lad just walked out in front of the car, I had to slam the brakes on, he just looked at me and waved it off.
Doing my third consecutive office day today so... People who have their system sounds on (Ping, Ping fucking Ping!). People with zero volume control on a call or in a meeting (I shouldn't be able to hear you from 20 feet away, especially when I have my earphones in). And my perennial favourite Murder she wrote typists, you're using a soft touch keyboard you don't need to come down on it from three feet in the air.
Loud eaters trump all of that, especially on Teams calls every day at 8am. Eat ya breakfast at home not on a call pleeeease!!
Loud eaters trump all of that, especially on Teams calls every day at 8am. Eat ya breakfast at home not on a call pleeeease!!
Mute the mic, turn off the camera and plenty of Teams calls quickly turn into me time instead. I've even showered through one before.
self centred ignorant people who walk round whilst focussed solely on their phones, not paying any attention to the world around them, and then glare at you because they stumble into your path or similar cos they're not paying any attention to where the fuck they're going or what is around them.

I was one, then I had my first bout of tendonitis requiring crutches and having to slalom through bellends everyday changed my perspective.

People who try and get on trains before people have finished getting off too.
Loud eaters trump all of that, especially on Teams calls every day at 8am. Eat ya breakfast at home not on a call pleeeease!!

For me it’s anyone who eats while working, at a desk, or while sat next to you on a train, or just… anywhere other than at a suitable table, away from everyone else who isn’t. And why do you have to eat relentlessly anyway, looks like mealtimes have been replaced with shovelling crap in 24/7.

Anyway, I don’t want to smell your food, or watch you stuff your face, or listen to you try and have a conversation whilst cement-mixering a gob full of food. Another one that’s lost with the decline in basic manners unfortunately.
For me it’s anyone who eats while working, at a desk, or while sat next to you on a train, or just… anywhere other than at a suitable table, away from everyone else who isn’t. And why do you have to eat relentlessly anyway, looks like mealtimes have been replaced with shovelling crap in 24/7.

Anyway, I don’t want to smell your food, or watch you stuff your face, or listen to you try and have a conversation whilst cement-mixering a gob full of food. Another one that’s lost with the decline in basic manners unfortunately.
Maybe they don't have time to sit somewhere else and eat? Maybe their schedule dictates that they just have to cram something in somewhere along the way?
Maybe their break room has been repurposed and there is now no longer anywhere for them to go...
Mute the mic, turn off the camera and plenty of Teams calls quickly turn into me time instead. I've even showered through one before.
Unfortunately, cameras have to be turned on during the meeting, although some often do mute their mic, you can obviously see them munching on snacks or whatever and when it's their turn to talk you tend to hear a mix of speech and crunch!
Maybe they don't have time to sit somewhere else and eat? Maybe their schedule dictates that they just have to cram something in somewhere along the way?
Then they need to learn how to manage their time better...
Unfortunately, cameras have to be turned on during the meeting, although some often do mute their mic, you can obviously see them munching on snacks or whatever and when it's their turn to talk you tend to hear a mix of speech and crunch!
You can mute other peoples mics if they are being noisy buggers.
or my excuse "ah sorry, internet is shocking here today, turning my camera off to see if that helps as I keep losing you"
Been a long time since I had to deal with annoying colleagues day in day out, but people grazing all day did my nut in. Stop. Fucking. Eating.
I have to eat at my desk as there is no break room in the offices. We have a kitchen but it’s too small to eat your lunch in there.

People staring at their phones while walking drives me mad too. Unless you’re listening to music and changing the track then there is absolutely no reason to look at your phone. If you can’t go without staring at your phone screen then I think you may have a problem.
I feel like I have the balance right now, after 2 years or so of WFH every day I now work 3 days in the office and 2 WFH.

It's good to be around people, but not too much they piss you off. :)
I feel like I have the balance right now, after 2 years or so of WFH every day I now work 3 days in the office and 2 WFH.

It's good to be around people, but not too much they piss you off. :)
Same arrangement, I obviously work with a load of wankers though unfortunately. Either that or I'm easily irritated by basically every other person on the planet...