The tips situation is completely out of hand now. Thought we were into something by just adding service charges to the bill but they are regularly at 13% now and have noticed a 15% recently - that’s frankly ridiculous.
We’re trying a cruise ship for the first time in September and you can actually buy a bolt-on ‘Tip package’ to cover everything over the duration. I mean, I’ve never really been comfortable with any tipping whatsoever as it just seems to facilitate arsehole bosses paying shit wages, but fuck me, 15% service charges and ‘tip packages’ at 100’s of pounds are really out of order.
The only person I tip these days is the Kurdish guy at the barbers, but even then, 15 quid for 15 minutes work then 3 quid tax fee cash in the back pocket doesn’t feel right either and only do it as don’t want to feel the shame of a tight arse walking out.
Getting fed up with the whole mullarkey and it’s really pissing me off be honest.