Hoping that people see brittanias actions and avoid them in the future when things have calmed down. Should only be 12 weeks apparently someone said last night...
boris's news conferences (they only started this fucking monday, and yesterday he couldn't remember how many he'd done - there's someone I have faith in managing the detail!) are woeful. Actually, more than anything for me they show up how he uses lots of words to say so little. Sunak did show him up by controlling a lot of the questions/answers in a better and more responsible way. The others have been professionals who clearly know what they are talking about. Boris is being shown that he doesn't know stuff. It is all a series of soundbites he's trying to get to take hold.
The end of a week of WFH, and I've been isolating myself since monday. As soon as I knew I had to leave work, I arranged for a colleague to see an appointment I had booked in monday lunchtime. That person has emailed in advising they've video conferenced a GP and have been advised to self isolate for 14 days as they are suspected to have coronavirus. My colleague was sent home first thing this morning, as she met with him monday.
WFH is interesting. Listening to lots of tunes I have not heard in ages, as well as catching up on loads I've not properly listened to. I need to completely re-jig the room I'm working in to make it more comfortable. My workplace is effectively shutting down today with security, estates and researchers remaining on site (there are staff there researching C-19 itself so...)
I'm also lucky in having a room to be able to work in. My wife has been amazing by giving me space, and we both have clear boundaries - times arranged for chatting and having a cuppa etc, but aside from that, she leaves me to crack on with work. I also put the laptop away and close the door on the room from 5pm-9am to manage myself and stop checking emails etc.
My skype for business doesn't work, but IT are looking at that.
I've brought some work stuff home to keep busy. Making sure I take the regular breaks is the hardest - staying in front of a screen is too easy (and makes it feel like you're working). Thus, I have 2 30 minute slots each working day to sit in a comfy chair and work on paper with a pen in my hand like the good old days.
At least it looks like a nicer day today!